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RE: Parenting 101: Consistency

in #steemparents7 years ago

Thanks for the tips! Our first taste of parenting will soon appear when our upcoming baby boy arrives in around 2 months. Luckily, my partner and I share a lot of the same values and vision on how to educate our child and possibly future children. However, I agree that it must be challenging sometimes when certain unexpected things come up. This is where consistency can be key and we need to take a step back in these situations before taking any actions.


Congrats on the new addition to your family. Children are blessings!

Keep talking about the important things now so that you are ready to face the new realities that a child will bring. Strive to be consistent, but be willing to be flexible when necessary.

Thanks, great advice :)

Consistency is certainly fine, but you learn as you go along and sometimes you have to change your you grow up. Remember, LOVE is the most important thing... love and acceptance.