[Role-Play] STEEM-PUNK Nations - Play now and build Your Empire from the Ashes!

in #steempunk8 years ago (edited)

Global economic collapse has happened, followed by total war between the US/NATO, Russia, Europe and China. Soon India, Pakistan, Iran, Brazil, and the rest of the world was dragged into the conflict. A combination of nuclear weapons, designer plagues, and robotic weapons has destroyed civilization as we know it.

Amid the rubble, the stirrings of individual new communities begins to happen. From the chaos, new state actors emerged. Each with it's own government style, agenda, and purpose. What will yours be? What destiny awaits your people?

The Map

Rules of Play

Rules of play will be broken into two sections. The play style is going to be SUPER basic compared to many world-power RP games out there. This is supposed to be more about storytelling than number crunching.

With that in mind - I'm going to function as game master. I'll do my best to keep track of your empire. You can perform actions and I will veto them if they break the rules. I will also be keeping track of things such as stability - so I might dish out events that influence your nation (for better or for worse.)

Starting Out

Create your nation - pick FIVE provinces, design a flag, and name your government type, and **pick two** special traits:

  • Distributed Authority (+3 Permanent Stability)
  • High-Density Farming (+1 Agriculture / Province )
  • Skilled Surveyors  (+1 Resources / Province )
  • Skilled Engineers (+1 Industry / Province )
  • Digital Currency   (+1 Commerce / Province )
  • Conscription Military (Military Units cost 10% less)
  • Social Welfare Program (Population Grows 10% Faster)
  • Higher Education System (Tech. level grows 10% faster)
  • Free Market Doctrine (Commerce 10% more effective)

Then give some background on your nation, such as the politics, languages, ethnicity, religion, sports, any relevant information about the culture and identity of your people.

Actions Per Turn

Each DAY of the week, a YEAR will take place. This will happen on Tuesday-Friday. Mondays will be used to straighten up the spreadsheet I'll be using to keep track of everything. (1 Day = 1 Game Year)

Each Turn, you will get to pick 3 of the following actions. You can repeat any action other than expansion. (Later in the game everyone will get more actions/turn)

  • Increase Agriculture - add TWO base Ag points to a specific territory
  • Increase Industry - add TWO base Industry points to a specific territory
  • Increase Resources/Mining - add ONE base resources into play. (Must tell us what the resource is and what it does - within reason. These will become useful for trading. Each territory may only have one unique resource and must be reasonable to that region - no lumber in the Sahara.)
  • Increase Commerce - the services sector in this province goes up ONE point. Boosts the amount of wealth you generate.
  • Increase Defenses - add a defense point to a territory - this counts as an army unit during combat, but can't move, and is far cheaper. (costs one industry point)
  • Raise Army - add one army unit to the game (costs 1 population, 1 Ag pt, 1 Industry Pt)
  • Raise Navy - add one navy unit to the game (costs 2 population, 2 Industry Pt, 1 Resource Pt-must be a metal)
  • Raise Airforce - add one airforce unit to the game (costs 2 population, 3 Industry Pt, 2 Resource(must be fuel.) )
  • Expand: (can only do once/turn): Pick a new territory on the map and add it to your empire. It must be directly connected or within coastal proximity. (Must have one army unit to move, also costs 2 population)
  • Colonize: (can only do once/turn - uses up all action points)  - Pick a territory anywhere with water access on the globe. You get to setup a colony there. Keep in mind that the further away it is, the more likely that it could revolt. This is useful for going after new regional resources or holding strategic ground.
  • Occupy: (used during war)- similar to expand, but in this case you will need to fight 

Okay - I'm codifying most of this into a spreadsheet to help keep track and keep things fair. I'll make an example country in the comments.This post will stay active until Tuesday October 2nd, when we begin play. I'm hoping for at least 15 people will play - I won't set any max number since I doubt we'll run out of room.

That's it! Good luck! I'm going to create my example nation of Cascadia - but will hand it over to someone else if they want to play as them. PLEASE CREATE YOUR NATION IN THE COMMENTS AND/OR LINK TO A POST WITH MORE INFORMATION AND WITH @IONTOM NOTIFIED - and use the tag STEEMPUNK

Thanks and good luck!


With feedback from @raymonjohnstone who created @dicebot - I'm going to implement a reward system. I'm not sure on the specifics yet - but perhaps 75% of the profit I make from these posts, I will split between the top-5 nations (their owners) at the end of play. Maybe 25% for the top-dog, 15% for number-2 and number-3, and 10% for 4th and 5th? Let me know your thoughts here.


Hello! My name is Dicebot! I am a utility bot here to help with dice rolling you can ask me to roll 1D6 , 1D8 , 1D10 , 1D12 , 1D20 and I will respond with a random number of that amount for you. If you find me useful please don't forget to upvote me and my app page listed on the steem app center : http://steemtools.com/

The Nation of Dawn:

Government--Technocratic Democracy

Digital Currency (+1 Commerce / Province )
Free Market Doctrine (Commerce 10% more effective)


1= Capital (1RCS = Silicon)
2= 2 Agri
3= 1 Comm
4= 2 Indy
5= 1 RCS(Bio-Plastics)

Super nice! Do you have a flag yet :)

Yep the flag is there, it is the sun rising.

Love this idea. Like good ol' fashioned Play-By-Mail Games. Hope you have fun with this.

Thanks! Jump on in! I'm aiming to keep the rules pretty simple.

Hello! My name is Dicebot! I am a utility bot here to help with dice rolling you can ask me to roll 1D6 , 1D8 , 1D10 , 1D12 , 1D20 and I will respond with a random number of that amount for you. If you find me useful please don't forget to upvote me and my app page listed on the steem app center : http://steemtools.com/