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RE: SteemQuest Beta : The Shrine (Part 2)

in #steemquest5 years ago (edited)

Thunk watches Warcet wave his hands around a Yellow Gem apparently attempting to imbue it. "Uhh... I don't think you're doing that right. Did you study the Imbue SKILL? Quaid and Kahn both went to a special school to learn that. Maybe your teacher wasn't quite as learned at it as theirs was."

OOC: Imbue is one of the skills we can choose from. Warcet has empowered missiles. It gives a +1/2 damage to missiles with every mana you spend. You can use it on any type of missile; arrows, throwing knives, thrown spear... You can add this to an allies missile, not just your own.

OOC- We still have One blue, two yellow and one pink gem remaining for Kahn to attempt to imbue.


A crying Thunk takes his chance to shine
mocking an attempt at skills not mine
Of course this clumsy farmer's body cannot yet
imbue magical powers with any deft.

"Largest Thunk, what luck it is to have
a banner with all your names, along with my staff...
I have travelled across countless dimensions and
countable blocks just here to land.

"I know not you's nor this land of oysters -
I've been spinning through these blocks since the last cloister
unlocked my ultimate spell - the digital quantum leap
and now it is my infinite curse to always have adventures to seek!

"As a pledge of friendship, take these 10

I am happy with my enchanted helm and gem, yellow.
I sheath goblin sword, slide bracers and continue to say hello. Piercing arrows before I call @chestbot again.

"Other people, my greetings, my name is Warcet.
And I have this heavy shield, here I will set.
Take it, and dwarven axe, before I destroy them -
for now I can summon with looted BATTLE tokens."