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RE: Unheard of Rare Spare time, So what did I do today? Binning, a rare ulog.

hey im not very familiar with the lower mainland as I'm from the north, but I do know that good coin shops are hard to find!!
me and the kids visit a little coin shop in maple ridge every summer when I bring them down for vacation. Cant remember the name, its right beside Wanstalls in maple ridge. they sell "junk silver" coin there for melt plus $1
I've always loaded up on a handful when im around since I love filling bags of silver coin !!


I rarely head that far into Maple Ridge, I didn't know there being a coin shop there either. I should look it up just in case.
In Vancouver I go to J & M's on Broadway near Main Street in Vancouver, there are others but J&M has been in a Moving sale so Prices are reduced from their usual retail.