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RE: #Steemsilvergold - ALL MEMBERS PLEASE READ

I have a very different idea about clearing the steemsilvergold listing. I don't think it is important that a member stopped posting or is only posting once or twice a month. What is important is what @silverstackeruk wrote above:
"The whole concept of #Steemsilvergold
To have a small group of hardcore stackers that live within their own bubble on Steemit".
So, according to that definition, we want stackers in our community and not people that post several times a day about Gothic Architecture or his dog's photos.
So, instead of clearing people for lack of frequency, we must clear people for lack of motive.
Do you want to write an article about your dog? Ok, no problems. Do you want to show our stackers community a new recipe? OK, no problems.
But you must also write about cryptos, silver, gold, coins, bars, rounds,stacking, etc.
Not only about recipes, dogs, photos or Gothic Architecture.
Instead of clearing people that write about our main interest but infrequently, we must clear the people that, for example, do not write 50% or 60% or 80% of their articles about our main interests.
The above number would be chosen by the community and checked periodically.
A few weeks ago @raybrockman had an excellent idea of creating a trail in steemauto to upvote all articles of our members. I instantly followed his trail and discovered a few things: from 6AM PT to 7PM PT of the first day following the trail, I automatically upvoted 76 articles. Of these 76 articles only 36 were about our main interest! Less than half! The other 40 were written about other things that I call Gothic Architecture (no, there was no article about it, but several about recipes, photos, dogs, etc). Many of our members wrote more than one article during this period. No problem. The problem is that some of them wrote several articles about other things and not one article about "stacking"(generic name).
What do you think?


It is a good idea if we were able to get some program wrote that would track members post tag when posting but im not that great with computers and i think it's a good idea to have a 50% min but alot of others would not. The trail also is a fantastic idea but again, who are half these half on the list? I done the list every week for around 7 months and who are they? I never see them posting are commenting. I hear what you are saying but everything goes down to vote

Also, i would add on another comment with your answers. Your comment was great and thank you for your input but every vote counts

I did not put names because most I don't know and those that I know could think that I am against them personally. Remember that it was a 13 hours statistics on a specific day. I know that most of our members work , have family and don't have time to search. I am retired, my daughters live abroad and I have all the time in the world. If you want, I can look what all the members of ssg wrote on the last two months and check if they wrote at least 50% of their posts about our main interest and send you a list of those who didn't.
Changing the subject I know that all votes count but your poll assumes that only inactive members should be expelled. My proposition is for a poll before this decision. We must decide if we want to expel the inactives or expel the improductives in terms of ssg content or both.

@ronaldoavelino, I am one of your “unproductives”. ☺️ I know for a fact I got your vote that day on one of my other types of posts. This is the downfall of the vote trails.

The truth of the matter is steemit is social and it earns folks money. I like ssg posts, and I post about ssg things when I have something to say. But other things interest me as well, and I post about those things too. ssg people might not be interested in my dog posts, but maybe members of my other groups (steemsugars, teamusa, etc)are. It is all a balancing act.

My friend, it is not possible to call unproductive a person that almost everyday posts at least one article with ssg theme. I read today your post about the zoo and I loved it. What I think should be purged are people that post three articles with recipes on the same day or three articles about religion with zero articles about ssg. These people exist. These are extreme examples but it is easy to find people that post with some regularity but the last ssg related post was a month ago.
To tell the truth, I don't care about them. It was not my idea to make purges. However if they want to purge, at least have a good motive and I don't think that lack of frequency is a good motive and I am simply offering another motive.

It can be a slippery slope to try and start enforcing this way. Most people are casual or part-time stackers before they become hard-core. If we start kicking out the casual or part-timers because they have too many other interests I think SSG fails. We need pathways.

We just need a good set of rules and everything else will fall into place

There will always be grey areas

Just to create a little havoc, I have noticed that @hgmsilvergold has not posted anything in the past months. Will he be purged? Is it fair to purge the creator of our community just because he is not posting anymore?