Last night i was talking with @raybrockman about the idea of having a membership clearout. We are carrying dead weight and something has to be done about it. As me and Ray are mods for the #steemsilvergold group, we feel that we need to show some initiative and make this happen while trying to stick with @hgmsilvergold's vision and keep everyone happy. Here is post Ray did last night to rise some awareness I understand alot of newer members will not no this user but he is the founder of steemsilvergold and i can tell you all that he did not ask anyone everything before making a membership list cut. He was very clear and know what he wanted. We have sort of lost our way and gone off the path and it is not anyone's fault. We as a group/community can do better, i no we can.
The whole concept of #Steemsilvergold
To have a small group of hardcore stackers that live within their own bubble on Steemit
Me and Ray do what we do for the love of steemsilvergold and if there were more hours in the day, things would be better organized and planned better. Not that we do alot anyways. Ray is old school and im new school but our thoughts merge well and we both believe that Steemsilvergold is a decentralized community were things are done by group vote.
What's happened and why do we need this?
When the group first began around 10 months back, there were weekly group cuts for non active members, than it changed to monthly and then the founder disappeared. I took over the membership list and used to spend hours scanning members accounts, then Stax came along. This was a game changer were we let a bot pick and choose who to add and kick from the group. I updated the membership list from Stax friend list and it worked for a while until people were getting confused and we had a bunch of new members that were interested in Stax but had no idea what Steemsilvergold was. Around new year, i took over the membership list again. This time, we decided to introduce a nomination process to add new members which is still in place and i think working. We are 190ish members and around 100-120 strong and it has been month's from a culling took place. I brought up the idea a few weeks back and have much support as does Ray by reading his comments from his post. The community wants this and chances are if you are reading this, you are very safe.
It's on YOU Steemsilvergold?
I'll tell you what, us mods are smart and dont wonna put ourselves into any tricky spots. We wonna post about silver and gold just as much as everyone else and enjoy drama free lives. Below you see a table with a bunch of questions in a table. These are basic questions to get the ball rolling. You can answer in the comments below. I will count up all the answers at the end and post the results next week. FYI, we have 4 weeks to plan this
Questions about Steemsilvergold and Tag membership | ||
Do you support the membership list clear out? | Yes | No |
How often should this take place? | Under 3 months | Over 3 months |
Should continued membership be based on posts per month are remaining active within a set time limit? | Posts per month | Time limit |
If posts per month was selected, how many are needed to remain a member | Under 4 posts | Over 3 Posts |
If a set time was selected. How long would a member have to be unactive for to lose membership? | Under 8 weeks | Over 8 weeks |
Do you think any changes are needed to the nomination process? | Yes | No |
Do you think that we need more members with community roles? | Yes | No |
Should we make it little bit harder to to join Steemsilvergold making clearouts far and few between? | Yes | No |
Please put your answers in order from first to last. I will make a post next Wednesday evening to show the results and start to put an action plan in place.
Here is the current Enrollment Roadmap
We could add some after rules like new members must do a group intro post and post for 1 month before becoming a full member. I can add a semi member table into the membership post's easy. If they are true stackers, they will posting about it anyway so same same but different. Making it harder for non active members to get fully added in the first place resulting in less membership list clear outs. Im thinking out loud at this point.
A few words on @ssg-community and its contributors
aka, Precious the Silver Mermaid upvoting bot is an add on to the steemsilvergold group set up by its members for its members. @ssg-community is not steemsilvergold and will never claim are try to be. We have burned through one upvoting bot already and learnt our lessons. We understand that some members might think the clear out is an excuse to gain get better returns on investment made to Precious but that is so far from the truth. Returns will increase but by very little. I would guess that any members being removed will be free tier members and we will not even notice the difference in upvote that much. We are all very community minded with the idea of growing the bot account, not our accounts. We have shared 1000's of messages over the past 2 months in our groups discord chat and never spoke about our own personal accounts. I think i can speak for all 5 contributor's and say if you think we are back handed in any way are trying to control steemsilvergold with an upvoting bot, please unfollow us and write a comment below so we can hear your thoughts. Sorry for the rant and this only applies to at very most 3% of members.
Final round up
Most of us, myself and Ray included would like to see the group grow in active members. If someone is taking an extra long time off from posting, make it your final post so we know. I also think a steemsilvergold intro post should be made by each new member using the tag steemsilvergoldintro so they are easy to find and we learn about our new members and give them a big hello. I am sure everyone would like to see something added but we will start off with the above questions and go from there.
Please ALL #STEEMSILVERGOLD MEMBERS make your voice heard
Proud supporter of #steemsilvergold
Please resteem to help in all members seeing this message
I really didnt get it when Ray was talking about it but after reading this I understood. I will say that it is imperative to the growth and Life of SSG that we recruit and promote on other venues such as youtube instagram and facebook. I do a lot of this and wish more would do the same. The post counts everyday are nothing like they were.
1... No... I can't say I support the Clear Out, because my Greed might get in the way of an honest Vote... However, should someone become Hard-Core and Destructive within our Community, Yes... They should be given the Boot...
2... Blank...
3... No... Posts per Month and Active participation can change for any number of reasons... I'd hate to see someone get Booted for circumstances beyond his or her control...
4... Blank
5... No... If a Member becomes non-active, there's no need to worry, because they won't have any posts to up-vote... Again, I'd hate to lose a great Member because of Circumstances beyond his or her control...
6... No... I spotted a great post once and nominated that person... It becomes very obvious who to nominate when you see a post that jumps out at you... I'm not even sure what the rules are on that any more...
7... No... As far as Community Rolls are concerned... I think we all tend to play a part in what's going on... I've been trying to stay low key myself... But I will speak out if I feel the need...
8... No... I don't think we should make it harder to join... If someone comes along and we see there's value in what they post, I see no reason why we should make it hard for them to join...
Again, the harder we make it for them, the more there is for us "attitude" tends to make it very difficult to give an Honest Vote here...
I'm fine with clearing out inactives or people who are active on the platform but not engaging with SSG. Not sure about wanting to live inside a bubble though. I think there is a risk that if we are too insular then we will stagnate and die. We need to encourage fresh new members who are legitimately interested in Silver and Gold. Anyway, here's my 8 answers.
If you guys have members in #steemsilvergold that are inactive because they do not frequently post about precious metals, or even worse do not frequently post period, I think you should purge the inactive members for sure. To be honest I had no idea that there was any kind of official membership with you guys, but I have been following a lot of you and make frequent posts about silver at least a couple times a month, and in general post between 1-3 times a day (quality content - I do not shit out posts)... and I am not even a member, so to me its a no brainier to cut people out that aren't posting.
I would love to be a part of this btw but only you guys can tell me if I qualify. I just recently joined #steemsilvergold & #metalsmaffia on Discord as well. I contribute to this community as much as I can, and will continue to regardless if I am a member or not. I feel I have a lot to bring to the table though. Please let me know if I can help this movement in any way moving forward. For now I will re-Steem this. Blessings fellow stackers!
under 3 months
posts per month
under 4 posts
under 8 weeks
no (but I am not exactly sure what the process is)
yes, versatility in community roles are important for any group, as long as those roles are genuine.
maybe, i could better answer this if i knew the extent of the selection process.
No, but I seem to be in the minority. If it happens just be thoughtful about the whole thing. Growth is good.
Quarterly Audit.
Monthly seems easier to track if this is the road the group chooses.
If monthly I would say 2 or 3 steemsilvergold posts per month. This gives a bit of flexibility to the non-bloggers & to folks on vacation etc. Posting should always be fun & not a chore. When it becomes a chore quality is going to drop.
I don’t know... a quarter? Is the guy that everyone talks about as the group’s founder still a member?
Maybe, if the current mods feel there is a skill set not be covered or an expansion of duties that is outside of their current time constraints.
No. Growth is good. It seems contradictory to want people to buy into stacking but then make it difficult for them to join a community focused on that concept.
I have a very different idea about clearing the steemsilvergold listing. I don't think it is important that a member stopped posting or is only posting once or twice a month. What is important is what @silverstackeruk wrote above:
"The whole concept of #Steemsilvergold
To have a small group of hardcore stackers that live within their own bubble on Steemit".
So, according to that definition, we want stackers in our community and not people that post several times a day about Gothic Architecture or his dog's photos.
So, instead of clearing people for lack of frequency, we must clear people for lack of motive.
Do you want to write an article about your dog? Ok, no problems. Do you want to show our stackers community a new recipe? OK, no problems.
But you must also write about cryptos, silver, gold, coins, bars, rounds,stacking, etc.
Not only about recipes, dogs, photos or Gothic Architecture.
Instead of clearing people that write about our main interest but infrequently, we must clear the people that, for example, do not write 50% or 60% or 80% of their articles about our main interests.
The above number would be chosen by the community and checked periodically.
A few weeks ago @raybrockman had an excellent idea of creating a trail in steemauto to upvote all articles of our members. I instantly followed his trail and discovered a few things: from 6AM PT to 7PM PT of the first day following the trail, I automatically upvoted 76 articles. Of these 76 articles only 36 were about our main interest! Less than half! The other 40 were written about other things that I call Gothic Architecture (no, there was no article about it, but several about recipes, photos, dogs, etc). Many of our members wrote more than one article during this period. No problem. The problem is that some of them wrote several articles about other things and not one article about "stacking"(generic name).
What do you think?
It is a good idea if we were able to get some program wrote that would track members post tag when posting but im not that great with computers and i think it's a good idea to have a 50% min but alot of others would not. The trail also is a fantastic idea but again, who are half these half on the list? I done the list every week for around 7 months and who are they? I never see them posting are commenting. I hear what you are saying but everything goes down to vote
Also, i would add on another comment with your answers. Your comment was great and thank you for your input but every vote counts
I did not put names because most I don't know and those that I know could think that I am against them personally. Remember that it was a 13 hours statistics on a specific day. I know that most of our members work , have family and don't have time to search. I am retired, my daughters live abroad and I have all the time in the world. If you want, I can look what all the members of ssg wrote on the last two months and check if they wrote at least 50% of their posts about our main interest and send you a list of those who didn't.
Changing the subject I know that all votes count but your poll assumes that only inactive members should be expelled. My proposition is for a poll before this decision. We must decide if we want to expel the inactives or expel the improductives in terms of ssg content or both.
@ronaldoavelino, I am one of your “unproductives”. ☺️ I know for a fact I got your vote that day on one of my other types of posts. This is the downfall of the vote trails.
The truth of the matter is steemit is social and it earns folks money. I like ssg posts, and I post about ssg things when I have something to say. But other things interest me as well, and I post about those things too. ssg people might not be interested in my dog posts, but maybe members of my other groups (steemsugars, teamusa, etc)are. It is all a balancing act.
My friend, it is not possible to call unproductive a person that almost everyday posts at least one article with ssg theme. I read today your post about the zoo and I loved it. What I think should be purged are people that post three articles with recipes on the same day or three articles about religion with zero articles about ssg. These people exist. These are extreme examples but it is easy to find people that post with some regularity but the last ssg related post was a month ago.
To tell the truth, I don't care about them. It was not my idea to make purges. However if they want to purge, at least have a good motive and I don't think that lack of frequency is a good motive and I am simply offering another motive.
It can be a slippery slope to try and start enforcing this way. Most people are casual or part-time stackers before they become hard-core. If we start kicking out the casual or part-timers because they have too many other interests I think SSG fails. We need pathways.
We just need a good set of rules and everything else will fall into place
There will always be grey areas
with greetings #steemsilvergold
These answers I have as well. I think people trust the team in charge to make appropriate decissions here.
I can pretty much roll with whatever, thanks for the communication and follow-up. peace
Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold
Thanks for your support. I wish to be in "good standing in the SGG community..
ill have to think about this, give me 24 hours
You need to weed the garden to let the flowers grow.
My two cents:
Every 3 Months
Posts per month, including thoughtful comments
Under 4 posts
Under 8 weeks
No - unless we feel it is needed to spread the load
No - don't make it harder to join, but increase frequency of clear-outs
I'm new, but not too new. Does the community still feel like they need an intro post from me?
To add a bit of fun to the ssg membership members could have a grade system. Core members such as yourself, Ray, The damus, Welshstacker etc should be MS70 members then everybody else is graded as such - MS69 if you post 3 x per week or more,
MS68 if you post at least once a week,
MS67 if you post twice a month or more
MS66 If you post at least 1 per month and take some part
MS65 For first month of new members or last month of old members that need to start posting or taking part before being dropped, ie final warning, new member that dont post also drop to the dreaded MS64 if they take no part.
MS64 Dormant grade for ex members that may wish to take part again in the future.
The benefit is anyone into coins would understand the membership and anyone that doesnt would be completely lost and it would be up to the individual what grade he was just by the ammount they take part and if you found yourself a MS65 and about to be dropped down then all you would have to do is post and join in. (MS = Mint Steem)
Looks like fun but i aint even trying to think who to arrange and sort everything, haha
I dont wonna be a dick, but i would re answer to made sure you are heard
Over 3 months
Time limit
Under 4
Over 8 weeks
No - unless they are being overwhelmed
No - i think the nomination idea was good.
good post..I am quite new too this community..plse see my blog..and posts on the markets..any advice would be appreciated..thank you.
I have questions. ☺️
When you mention posts in a certain period would this be actual posts or active in commenting? (Some people may post less but be quite active on discord or just chatty on ssg related posts of others).
When you say posts are you counting posts on any topic or posts specific to stacking?
For example someone might be involved in the discord, commenting on metals but posting about other things in their lives. Especially on a week to week basis.
Also would there be some sort of method to say, hi on vacation for a month or getting divorced or just had a baby etc so people could indicate their heart is in it but that their lives may currently be taking priority over metal posting for a bit?
Between me and Ray we know who is commenting, being part of the group is more than posting but we need to have set rules in place before we can bend them if you know what i mean.
When i say posts, i main posts using the #steemsilvergld tag as first tag. I would assume if you were using this as first tag, it would be silver, gold, precious metals related.
I think this is what religious people feel like when they are questioned by atheists and have no idea what the answers are and hope for the best. I dont know .......
There is nothing wrong with that. Everyone has things that pop up in life and a '' Im away for a month'' post would be advised plus it would count as a post also.
Ps, please comment back with your answers to the questions if you would like to have your say.
Thank you for your clarifications. ☺️
Time Limit
I just read rays now I read yours. I'll be back later she i think about some of them.
over 3 months
posts per month
Over 3 posts per month
Over 8 weeks
I would suggest we have a quarterly purge. In addition, my biggest concern is for the members who are active in commenting but may not be active bloggers. I see a great value in our members who routinely read our blogs and post comments. If comments are included in "posts" then I am very supportive of the purge, if commenting is not included in "posts" then I am less enthusiastic of purging these members. For those who do not post and do not comment and have literally dropped out of the community the purge is necessary.
We see who is doing what and this will be addressed. We need to set some master rules before we make the loopholes fr grey area's
Thanks bro
over 3 months
posts per month
over 3 posts
under 8 weeks
People come and go from Steemit all the time and some have long periods of inactivity for many reasons. Life, family, work, school and health. I can thank the #steemsilvergold community for keeping me on this platform through some dark and confronting times of late. Nothing like an exotic silver coin or bar to distract you from your worries. Well my 0.05g AG worth below :
Under 3
Per month
Over 3
Under 8
I think that's it
Thanks for bringing this up and thanks to the mods and people who do work behind the scenes to keep this a thriving community. I'll keep an eye out for any changes to the group.
Sounds like a great plan man, I’m glad to see the mindful approach and everyone working together. Looking forward to the future of this community.
Over 3 Months
I think comments need to be taken into account and not just posts
Over 8 weeks
Great idea pb!
Thanks for beginning this process uk!
I have been running a little behind on some posts this week. So here are my answers to the above questions:
Thanks @silverstackeruk!
I don't know if I'm official or not tbh but I have only one answer, no. I don't think we should boot people from a group. Things come up, real life is important. It is a community, it's not supposed to be a game of gotcha....
I like chatting with other people involved in precious metals and I'm sure to meet whatever posting guides are set out since helping people buy/sell precious metals is part of what I do for a living.
This is getting out of hand.
If a member hasn't posted/replied/commented/voted in the past two or three month, remove them from the rolls.
If they surface and say, "hey, what's the deal" then add them back.
If you want to try to contact them before removing them, fine.
I understand you are trying to be transparent here, but I'm not sure giving everyone a vote is appropriate in this instance.
I don't understand how clearing out inactive members would hurt active members.
This is not to criticize your process @silverstackeruk, I'm giving my thoughts.
I think under 4 post a month is a good starting point and as we get more members then we can up it if needed.
I think there should be a point where an individual can notify #steemsivlergold that they will not be around for a certain length of time and have their membership paused until their return. Now, this would only be for emergency cases and if the person did not return in time they could be removed from the rolls.
I think spreading the work load a little would go a long way in helping relieve the strain on you guys . We know you do a ton of work and a little help is always good!
Think the nomination process and the enrollment are good. We should keep it simply like it is to allow more in. However, if we continue to hold these standards then the cutting of people will become less and less frequent.
Appreciate you taking the time to ask and hope this helps. Sorry it took me so long to get here. Thanks again!!
Sir @silverstackeruk,
The steem silver gold is really a great idea. Your post is so useful sir. Keep up sharing. Best of luck sir.