ALL MEMBERS required for @ssg-community change to Policy Parameters VOTE

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemsilvergold,

The 4 contributors for Precious the Silver Mermaid have been talking about an idea @gdwcoins commented around a month back. We have been throwing the idea too and fro for a few weeks and have decided that it is time for the community to make a vote.

The Proposed Idea

Do away with the free 1% upvote that every member receives. Bad crypto market means tough times are ahead and we need to make some changes to adopt to that. We propose that there should be a min amount of STEEM POWER delegation made to @ssg-community, aka Precious in order to receive any upvote. Paid level membership donations and delegations will remain unchanged. If you think we would be targeting non contributing members, you are right, there is no back door about it. This may sound harsh but when the crypto market is like it is, we need to be more focused on contributing membership levels. I would also propose that if any changes are voted on by the community, they will come into effect on 1st September.


In order to keep this as simple as possible, there are 3 options to pick from below. Please vote by commenting with your selection either A,B are C. You can see its a yes/no with 2 amounts of min delegation. If you have an actual comment are feedback, please put your letter first and comment after to make sure your vote is not missed. The voting will last for 1 week and results will be posted up next week, ** WE STRONGLY** encourage every single member of #steemsilvergold to use your vote.

No ChangeYes - 10 SPYes - 25 SP

Voting stats will be updated everyday and we would hope you get at least 40 votes for this. I understand that steemit is not as busy but 40 members would represent around 25% of the community.

If there are any questions please ask in the comments are get inot contact with either @silverstackeruk, @raybrockman, @welshstacker are @thedamus on Discord.

Dont forget about the MONSTER RAFFLE

We are still collecting donations and i think we have hit 16 prizes so far after getting caught up today. We have around 6 MS-69 graded pieces, alot of 2 oz coins, a 5oz bar, lots of 1 oz's, some old coinage and a 1 gram gold bar. We are doing ok but time i running low and it would be great if any other member looking to get involved had a dig through there stacks and picked something to offer up for Precious.

All members donating will receive free tickets as a chance to win your own stuff back !!! haha

So far we have given away 35 tickets but we wonna give away more, lots more

I am @silverstackeruk and I approve this post

@buggedout, @raybrockman, @silverstackeruk, @welshstacker and @thedamus



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A... No Change... Let's try to make it through this... It would make it much harder to attract New Members, any other way... Some people have very little to work with, when they're first starting out... We need to help them grow... I don't like the thought of taking away, what little support they're now getting... We need them... Please re-consider and edit your votes...

I think he is right, instead maybe @ssg-community starts a curation trail and tell them to vote on it at scaled 50% for the upvote so they add to everyones content a little with upvotes and not tax their own voting power too much? Everyone gets curation, SSG gives tons of votes out when they do vote and everyone is happy? just a thought :P

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I'm sure we also have the "option" to reduce the 1% to a smaller percentage... I'm still saying no change... We need to Hold Onto a Small Percentage up-voting power for non-paying Members that can be adjusted from Time to Time... Trust me... I know about low percentage

yes to option B or C if it is a delegation and not liquid payment. Realistically I'm ok with any of the 3. Maybe making smaller tiers than the 100sp level like 10sp - 25 sp - 50 sp -75 sp but not mandatory so more can participate with whatever each think can spare while maintaining enough to curate and work towards goals because some of us are more curators than posters while still supporting those at lower levels that need to grow a little more to be able to to so, I'm sure there is a way to keep everyone included . Last time I checked 100sp was the minimum too much for me at the time so I had been waiting for smaller tiers and gave up waiting and looking for it to happen. just a thought. I think having the numbers too high, you are shortchanging the delegations you could get from smaller users.

Also I know everyone hates this concept after the spring's debacle. Voting of most of our precious mermaid's post should be mandatory (not necessarily at full strength for higher sp holders) She helps us so fair is fair, it's a must for long term growth to sustain without having to rely as much on sp lease in the future. One vote a day isn't asking for too much.

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Put you in for B


Before voting I am wondering:

  1. Does the current ROI increase exponentially or proportionally for each tier? If it is exponentially, perhaps minor adjustments in the upper tier reward percentage could help the non-delegating members.
  2. Has any non-delegating member donated an item to the monster raffle? (I know the answer to this). It seems unfair to cut someone from receiving a vote if they are making a financial contribution in another way.
  3. Why doesn’t the weekly membership post come from the ssg-community account? I believe all group business/ communication should come from the ssg account so the account can benefit from the upvotes those posts receive. It’s a little thing but every little bit helps.
  4. And similar to @mikepm74 it would be nice to know how many 1% votes got out and how big of an impact on the bottom line are they having?
  5. Maybe the upvote could go down to 0.5%?

My gut reaction tells me not do things that would make any member of the community feel less valued.

However, I appreciate that the delegation levels you have suggested are pretty small so are doable for most people.

Im gonna be quick

1/ Why would paying members lose money for non paying members that hardy to never use the tag. FYI, Gold is already the least profitable level by the small amount
2/ If you know the answer, i dont need to check. That's a fair point and it was overlooked as this vote has been in the planning since before the MONSTER RAFFLE launched 2 weeks ago. I only think that if a raffle were not running, this would not be a question. I dont have a good answer for this one.

4/ 73 1%'s and 4 new members that have not been qadded to Precious yet
5/ Is it worth it?
3/ @ssg-community and #steemsilvergold are not the same. You no that and you remember the problems we had when we tried this with Stax. Plus i have been doing those membership posts for 10 months adn evolved themover time, i already do my fair share of posting on @ssg-community and i need to leave some good stuff for my personal account.

Thank you for your feedback as always. I personally think 10sp is doable for everyone. I do not think members should feel less valued. Alot of members think to much about Precious and the bot gets to connected to the community sometimes. I think if Precious as a service in the same way i use minnowbooster are smartsteem with the only difference of it being exclusive to steemsilvergold members. I think keeping Precious and other community related things very seperate

Thanks for your response

I'll say "B".

And like others have said, I'm willing to help delegate on someone's behalf. Perhaps when this is done, depending on how the vote goes, we could do a post where folks can just say if they would like temporary help with delegation until they reach a place to do it themselves? Then we can have volunteers toss some extra delegation in their name.

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Ed says "b" 10sp.

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Well said Ed

I am voting B , i know it may seem unfair but i believe this is an attainable level for nearly all members and a token gesture.

I propose a small ammendment in regards to the joining of precious that new member should recieve there first month free to able to raise there own delegation and if this is a struggle i am willing to help best i can with regards to delegation.

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A - Was set up as a community bot to support anyone into the metals. There are probably others like me that go through periods of doing something else but it would be nice to be able to come back and post when the mood takes me and be able to get a gentle upvote to build some steem and then use that to pay old botface for a better vote when im in the right mood. Spread the 1% votes out like maggots in the sea to get the little fishes biting

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B - yes a 10sp minimum to get the 1% upvote from precious.

Thank you for a simple vote mate :)

C -25SP

Thank you for using your vote. I'll get it edited in now

Are there members that receive the 1% upvote and usually post about other subjects?
How many members receive this 1%?Before voting I would like to know if the idea of "cleaning" #steemsilvergold of people that doesn't post about steem, silver or gold is still valid.

This has also been brought up @ronaldoavelino and is being monitored. By having this vote and outcome it might sort out the other issue anyway

That is why I would like to know exactly what I asked, BEFORE I cast my vote.

the number is 73 not counting the 4 new members we added this week how have not been added to Precious yet.

and @ranaldoavelino, please make a new comment with your answer. I might miss it in the 5-6 comment pile here.

I say you have to stay flexible with the market.

my vote is for option B.

I will edit in your vote now, thank you for reading through the post and using your vote

B - Yes 10SP. Put some skin in the game to get rewarded.

I do wonder how many 1% votes go out in a given day and how much that impacts the votes to everyone who delegates. I am too lazy to look those numbers up myself, but I am basing my vote on the assumption that you guys have done the math and it is a significant enough number that we would see a difference if the 1% votes were cut down to delegators only.

it's 73 members. To be honest it does not make a huge pile of difference but with the extra SP delegated to Precious, there would be a small difference and with VP looking steady holding steady bouncing between 85-90% depending on the time of day, we would be aiming for no more percentage cuts over gains to be honest.

B- And I will help any member out with the 10sp if they ask!

Thanks pretty cool of you bro.

First, I thought that the reason for a free upvote to ALL members was to assist with the growth of the community as an added bonus. While I have no problem with the delegation of 10sp, which may not seem much, but for new members of steemit it might as well be 500 sp.

I like @dfinney comments of perhaps dropping the vote to 0.5% upvote, if that would help. Perhaps a grace period for newer members before asking for the delegation? Just my thoughts.

If these issues can not be sorted out, I vote for 10 sp.


It was when it looked like the price of STEEM was not gonna drop to a freaking dollar. We will have to think of others way to reward members of the community. I also think alot of members that a tight for SP will get backers. We have over 3500 SP delegated by members for other members this month alone so there is plenty of love to spread :)

Thats your answer loacked in

C 25SP at current prices.

If if anyone is new or can't make the delegation but is making good content I will be glad to help delegate or donate STEEM

My man, that is a great offer.

I have edited in your vote

I will go with B 10SP

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C for me!😃😃😃

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I vote B.

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C - It's 100SP for a ~3% vote, so 25SP for 1% is still a really good deal.

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B- tough times call for tight belts

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I vote A.

Precious is meant to be a community bot that supports the steemsilvergold community. We have nominated and accepted people into our community. They should be supported by precious.

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@ssg-community I Vote "B", I am an OLD Crusty Son of a Bitch !!

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I want in! 😁

Between A and B...think because it's tough and a lot are now making delegation mandatory in groups is a tough call....I know that's not a solid vote, gotta do what ya gotta do though

The running in sorta between A and B so your final answer is..............

for now ;)

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And no take backs, haha

lol I hear ya.....I'm a chick btw, not that it matters
i get mistaken for that all the time till people look at my blog

Sorry, i had no idea. I will try and remember that. We are starting to get more women member's, i think we had 2-3 added this week. Im gonna need to start wearing a tie in my video's soon. lol

I vote A.

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C - 25SP

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There are a number of groups that require a liquid Steem "donation" in exchange for lifetime votes. Have we considered having a 2-4 Steem entrance fee that would entitle someone to get the 1% vote? That would still be a much higher rate of return than getting shares of SBI, or even Qurator.

I think it is more about showing that people are commited to the community and not about buying an upvote.

Nail on the head mate :)

(also tagging @gdwcoins for only one reply)

Is there an advantage to requiring everyone to delegate 10 SP as opposed to removing the 1% vote. Are they the same end result?

Thanks for answering questions. :)

Every Community needs TAX still think we need to leave the Door Open, even if it's only a tiny percentage up-vote... They can always be adjusted higher or lower...

I vote A because I believe we will see an Upturn shortly in the Crypto price

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A - If this bot was created to support members of SSG, then members of SSG should be supported by it. Putting a paywall in place runs contrary to the mission of this community. Stackers are traditionally very generous and inclusive. Let's keep it that way.

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I vote for B. Thanks.

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I know full well that I may have to ask for help to pull this off, but I get what is trying to be done.

I want our community to provide great content and welcome all those wanting to be part of it. I also want Precious to remain strong and able to do the initial mission she was put here for to support all of our members.
I think that if members are willing to help out fellow members then this should work out fine, but they should let those they are willing to help know so we do not cut off any new membership we could get.
Thanks for all you guys do and appreciate all the support you give! If there is an up turn in the market we NEED to revisit this business. I totally understand where this is coming from. It is not only the market, but also trying to make sure that those falling under the banner of #steemsilvergold are actually posting about the community and/or metals.

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The average number of upvotes by members is 66. Yes, 66 members from a total of around 150!
I made a small study based on the last week's posts from @ssg-community. That means that the majority of the 73 members that receive a free upvote don't even bother to upvote @ssg-community!

Proposition : To continue receiving the free upvote from @ssg-community, these 73 members must upvote @ssg-community 100%. They may choose to delegate 10SP instead.

I think mandatory upvotes would bring in the steem for precious but what is being put forward is more of a token gesture to say, hey I am here to help and I am not here for a free ride. We need to be more of a co-operative, if the people who are getting the free 1% voted A and said we don't want a change the matter would be settled as they are nearly 50% of the community but as far as I can see very few of these have even bothered a response or even a vote which kinda makes me sad as we have an amazing community and I don't want to see it dragged down with people who have little to no interest in the community or the bot.

I urge everyone who has not voted, please vote and ps dude you have some silver posts that make the very jealous 😁

A - No change.

But with possible conditions:

  1. If a member is not contributing to precious then they must 100% upvote posts.
  2. A maximum time frame of 3 months receiving a 1% upvote for a non contributing member to gain exposure and potentially sponsorship

However this needs someone to monitor this which would require time.

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I vote B - Delegate 10sp

Like @gdwcoins mentioned, we could give new members a grace period to help them get the minimum delegation. I would see this as a great compromise between options A and B.

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I think we should do B.

But I think all new members should have the option to be sponsored until they can afford it.

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I dont see your name on the members list?

How can I be a member?

There is a weekly membership post on a monday. You have to be nominated

Ha ha ha. That's funny!


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I vote C

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B - Delegation of 10 SP.

Also, I think we should consider putting together a standard for admittance. Some people like Mikepm posted for a long time on precious metals before getting in... and we have others who have been getting in with only one or two total posts on PMs. I think it might behoove us to clarify our entrance requirements. (Make it a little less subjective)

For instance, we could say that you need at least two posts on PMs per week for at least a month, and then you can be considered for nomination. After being accepted, we could lower it to the minimum of one per week requirement that we have for members now. Is something like that reasonable?

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Maybe it seems reasonable for someone that posts daily but not everyone posts all that often and having a requirement set in stone attracts low effort posts and that seems to be somewhat happening already with some users anyway just to get a bot vote. I love silver and gold but frankly there is only so much I can say about the subject without getting redundant and not made out of money to be able to run to the coin shop everyday to make a post. Maybe I only post about precious metals every three weeks or so but I post once a week altogether, maybe twice if I have time. Frankly making posts that hardly anyone looks at is kinda 💩. I focus on what works and what followers seem to like while remembering my roots.

I change to B and will take on a certain amount of members for 10 SP delegation. Say 20 members.

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I wrote some comments here, I made some suggestions, but I did not cast my vote.
I vote B.
I am ready to delegate this 10SP to several members, if they post at least 50% of his/hers posts, every week, about material related to steem, silver or gold.

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A, no change.

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