At first I didn't understand what was happening in the timelapse video. What am I supposed to be observing? All I see is the light moving away for some reason.
And then I read further. Wow!
The spores remind me of lentilles du Puy!
The Exidia glandulosa looks like something the dog left on the lawn! :P
When shall we be expecting (how much more steem do you need to buy) a scanning electron microscope?
Thumbs up for the last two paragraphs (about moral and intellectual integrity). 👍
Funny thing, almost right after I finished writing this and posted it I found the new Slime Mold online resource I'd needed before and almost certainly ID'd these things - but I tend to prefer keeping my mistakes, or imperfect content, visible, but corrected - rather than indulge in essentially the post-facto illusion of clarity. The whole things a process :)