Ha! Always suspected that pandas and red pandas aren't as related as the docs make it out!
The mice study at the end was great, it answered the question of 'hacking a previous installation' definitively.
I'm kinda confused about the New World Monkeys: did they 'devolve', or just evolve separately? I mean did they have trichromacy and then lost it a bit, or did they start without it and then gained it less then we did?
Everyone had Tetrachromacy, but then early mammals dropped down to Dichromacy or even Monochromacy. The dichromatics split up to the Americas and Afro-Eurasia, and they both evolved, through convergent evolution, different ways to acquire trichromacy to different extends based on their environmental needs =) - a summary anyway.
And yeah red pandas look nob-all like giant pandas and are way more productive members of society!