Tree of Life: The Primal Trichromacy: Colour vision

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

I can smell the end of this series right around the corner...

Credit: Brocken Inaglory CC 4.0


Last time, we reached a symbolic landmark of evolutionary complexity: The placenta. We learnt that, as special and unique as it seems to be, it's actually quite a common and seemingly inevitable. It becomes increasingly apparent that this is a common theme in the history of Evolution

But from here on out, what could possibly be so transformative to make us humans unique from the rest of the animal kingdom?


Amazingly, the answer at this stage in the evolutionary tree is still not so clear-cut. There are a number of proposed clades, or groups, that are more or less prominent depending on who you ask. For example, Atlantogenata is a proposed clade that separates animals such as sloths and anteaters from the rest of us on the other side of this branch, called Boreoeutheria, both coming from Eutheria (Placental mammals). But these come with little rhyme or reason or at best, weak proposals not nearly adopted by the masses.

So we're going to skip through a few million years until we hit about 55 million years ago and visit the very first:


Astonishingly, right up to primates there are still no particularly distinctive features among any particular grouping of animals that taxonomists ubiquitously agree upon.

But primates are clearly different to non-primates, so what makes us unique? Big brains, opposable thumbs, heavy reliance on vision over smell? Almost anything you can consider uniquely primal can be found elsewhere.

BIg Brains

In short: Dolphins. (The brain is obviously the most complex subject in the Universe so I'm not going to tackle that just yet)

Opposable thumbs

This is something some people think is unique to humans. This is very clearly not the case; gorillas, chimps and so on to start, but opposable thumbs aren't even limited to primates. Take the tree frogs Phyllomedusa, for example, a family in which not only do some frogs have opposable thumbs, but fingers, too. This is a great example of convergent evolution; these tree frogs live in trees, surprisingly, and have adapted opposable thumbs to allow a tight grip to navigate around.

For this reason, Opossums also have them on their back legs to complement their prehensile tails up in the trees.

More peculiarly, Giant Pandas also enjoy opposable thumbs to help them strip bamboo up (since that's literally all they do). But in the case of the Panda, their thumb is actually a freakishly overgrown carpal bone; one of the wrist bones beneath our fingers that actually grew outwards to become a kind of 'false thumb'.

Weird Panda Thumb Credit: Ali karimifard CC 3.0 It says share-alike but I felt the translation was necessary so whatever

This fact actually allowed some clarification in the evolutionary timeline of Pandas, disconnecting them somewhat from Red Pandas thought to be a recent ancestor. Both pandas have opposable thumbs, but the common ancestor of the red panda was arboreal (tree-dwelling) and evolved the thumb for this reason. Giant pandas, it turns out, evolved it totally separately in 'one of the most dramatic cases of convergence among vertebrates.'Source. This means that pandas actually evolved thumbs twice, even though the red panda is more closely related to ferrets.

Anyway, my point is, our thumbs are certainly not unique. So what else?


This is where it gets interesting. We very much take for granted the history that goes into the vibrancy most of us live with and enjoy every day, so let's correct that because it really is unique to primates.

Back in the day, some vertebrates had tetrachromacy, or four types of cones to pick up colours. But for reasons likely to do with our history of a nocturnal lifestyle, mammals typically dropped two of these cones and left most modern mammals with dichromacy or even monochromacy. What makes us primates unique is our evolution of a new, third cone, making primates trichromatic.

The ability to see more colour would have helped us distinguish, say, ripened fruits and with little biological cost, so it stuck around. But it gets much more complex and interesting than that. One hypothesis suggests that trichromacy was selected for:

... discriminating the spectral modulations on the skin of conspecifics, presumably for the purpose of discriminating emotional states, socio-sexual signals and threat displaysSource

This also, according to the hypothesis, notes that trichromatic primates are typically bare-faced to help with these discriminations.

Understanding Trichromacy

You see, not all pigments are alike, though they function the same. Pigments reside within a membrane of our cone cells. By exciting these cells, we get the perception of colour sent to our brains. That's the shortest way I can think of summarizing it.

The first thing we need to understand is where this conical blueprint comes from. The Small pigment cones absorb light at around 430nm - blueish. These cones seem to originate from our L Chromosome and are ubiquitous in vertebrates suggesting a rather more ancient lineage.

But the other two pigments - medium (530 - greenish) and large (560 - yellowish) come from our X Chromosome, one of the well-known ones that determine our sex. This is quite strange, but it explains why men are more likely to be colourblind than women since we only have one X chromosome.

You may notice that the distance between the medium and large wavelength is much smaller than between those and the small wavelength, and this sensitivity difference is no accident. What appears to have happened is the gene coding for pigments in the X chromosome mutated and duplicated, with the second one sensitive to a slightly different range of light.

So now primates have one pigment gene in the L chromosome, and two pigment genes in the X chromosome.


This rule, bizarrely, only applies to Old World Monkeys - Including humans. The New World Monkeys got it quite different. Only female new world monkeys have trichromacy... And even then only 2/3rds of them. All males have dichromacy.

Credit: Maphobbyist CC 3.0

You see, upon separation, isolating themselves in the Americas, new world monkeys such as spider monkeys and howler monkeys had their own play around with those X chromosome genes. The chromosome itself only allows for one slot of pigment genes like any other dichromatic animal, but a mutation created 3 alleles, or variations of this pigment; medium, large and a third one somewhere in between the two.

What happens next is the chromosome randomly ends up with one of those three alleles. For men, this assures dichromacy; with only one X chromosome and one L chromosome, they are limited to one blue pigment gene and one of the other three pigment genes - nothing more.

For the females though, they have TWO X chromosomes, each randomly selecting one of the three larger pigment genes. This means they get an extra opportunity to enjoy an extra pigment gene - but it's not guaranteed. Being random, there is a 33% chance that both X chromosomes choose the same gene, and they end up with dichromacy regardless. For the other 66%, they get to see the world like no other new world monkeys can.

There's more

The problem is, cones in our eyes are not little brains, and receiving the light is not enough alone to fully appreciate the colours that we see. This can be seen in mantis shrimp who famously took the internet by storm with their fantastic colour vision as a result of having 12 colour photoreceptors. But although this is true, they lack the brain capacity and energy to actually put these to use in the way we imagine. In fact, humans are far more capable of distinguishing between colours, with mantis shrimp practically guessing between to wavelengths 25nm apart and humans being capable of distinguishing 1-4nm apart. Clearly, they just use photoreceptors differently.

So how do primates old and new get to appreciate these colours so acutely? Surely in the case of the New World, if only 2/3rds of one gender in new world monkeys can see these colours, there'd be no need for the brain to develop some hefty tools to be able to comprehend them?

The research seems to suggest that, surprisingly, we already had the right tools for the job. The neural pathways responsible for the longer wavelengths are not actually dedicated to colour vision, but spatial vision. There is likely no separate network circuitry specifically for colour vision, the body just kind of hacked a previous installation, and not even one that recent either.

A study in mice genetically engineered their X chromosomes to have the duplicated X genes that we humans have. These mice then went on to be capable of distinguishing three colours that regular mice would otherwise find at least two of them identical. They could just... see it, no questions asked.

Plot twists

  • Remember the New World Monkey, the howler monkey mentioned above? They are actually an exception in that both males and females have trichromacy.

  • Remember how I said it was unique to primates? I LIED. As it turns out, some marsupials may evidently be trichromatic - and bees, too! Bees actually have an ultra-violet pigment gene alongside blue and green

So once again, we're not entirely unique in this, but our specific form of trichromacy is at least of its own kind. There's much more to it, but that can wait for another day.

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Evidence of a false thumb in a fossil carnivore clarifies the evolution of pandas | Atlantogenata | How the Panda's Thumb Evolved Twice | The Evolution of Primate Color Vision | Cone topography and spectral sensitivity in two potentially trichromatic marsupials, the quokka (Setonix brachyurus) and quenda (Isoodon obesulus) | Bare skin, blood and the evolution of primate colour vision | Fruits, foliage and the evolution of primate colour vision | Mantis Shrimp Vision Is Not As Mindblowing As You’ve Been Told


Hi @mobbs I wonder if we might still be considered tetrachromatic, however one of the cones evolved into a rod, which gives us the ability to see better in low light. It is well known at low light levels we lose perception of color as the rods become active in our vision. The rods have sensitivity over a broader wavelength (at the bluer end of the spectrum) which explains the better low light detection.

Yes rods are an additional feature - and also some humans notably have more cones than normal, mostly (or entirely?) women

But good little addition thanks! (upvoted for visibility)

Finally, some speaks my language- Biology. I'm a final year biology undergrad by the way. That was an interesting publication. How can I join the steemstem community?


See you there!

Ooo im interested to delve more into this spatial awareness tactic for extra light seeing! Clever... and potentially useful indeed to know! :)

Go write a post about it then =P Cause I'm not gonna


haha such a nob (",) but maybe ahh will do just that!

Hey @mobbs, I hope there's more to come before this series ends.

... discriminating the spectral modulations on the skin of conspecifics, presumably for the purpose of discriminating emotional states, socio-sexual signals and threat displays

Sounds like a good hypothesis, makes perfect sense if this is just another mechanism of survival, sounds like our DNA has been trying hard to make sure we won't go extinct.

But although this is true, they lack the brain capacity and energy to actually put these to use in the way we imagine.

Am I the only thinking there must be some sort of design errors? :P I mean why is the Mantis Shrimp equipped with stuff it can't even use? It's a weird world.

Have a good day :)

I already have two episodes in mind but that MIGHT be the end of it. I'm really excited to end it because of what comes after that...

As for the shrimp, it's mostly the processing behind interpreting the colour itself, rather than the number of photoreceptors. They probably just use all 12 in a different way. I read during this that 7 is the max one would need for absolute, peak and ideal vision, so 12 is conceptually just not necessary to evolve in nature at any point unless it functions in a different way!

"... 12 is conceptually just not necessary to evolve in nature at any point unless it functions in a different way..."

I am struck by the fact that evolution is an expensive process. Species are dying to evolve, so to speak. Given that Mantis Shrimps have these photoreceptors, it is thus unlikely that those without the extra 5 receptors beyond ideal couldn't compete without undertaking the extra expense in development costs those receptors require.

It's far easier to believe that we know much less about how Mantis Shrimp process the input they spend a great deal on receiving from their 'unnecessary' photoreceptors than we think we do..

Pretty sure of it, in fact. Mantis Shrimp are ambush hunters. Vision is critical to them, and burdening it with extraneous and useless photoreceptors (particularly given the high probability that mutations are malign, rather than improving survivability, and the claim is they have done so a half dozen times more than necessary) is so unlikely as to be silly.

Thanks for the great post! I very much enjoyed it.

Yeah I think it's pretty clear we don't know all there is to know, but it also seems clear they simply use the photoreceptors differently to how we typically do, likely still to their fullest in their own context. They very likely still have excellent hunting vision, just not the array of magical splendour and awe-inspiring vibrancy that we imagine based on early news reports

Hi @mobbs!

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Hello @mobbs

Certainly great that we are coming to the end of this series.

With many distinctive features and the phenomenon of trichromacy not being unique to us, I wonder what distinguishes us from other creatures? Perhaps, the answer to this wonderment of mine would unfold as you round up with this series.

Thanks for such a detailed blog post.


@eurogee of @euronation and @steemstem communities

Well, to be clear there ARE many things that make us unique, but they work as a combination. For example, a rat isn't unique for having fur, but thousands of other animals lumped together into a group are. But then you might find an exception, a reptile with fur or something - but its different on so many other levels that it doesn't fit into the group.

What makes us a species is usually a collection of features, and that's why it becomes so hard to classify

Thanks for being part of this long journey!

Quite clearer now✌️✌️

There is one thing that makes us unique: the pimp. In nature there are myriad ways of having sex, and humans undertake almost all of them, from the gang rapes of Right Whales, to the monogamy of Terns. We are not only a hypersexual species, like Bonobo and Dolphin, whose females can instigate sex at will (unlike most sexual animals that have a specific season), but the most hypersexual vertebrate. In all that plethora of sexy time, no other animal has a pimp, madam, matchmaker, or priest to sanctify their unions.

I wrote a tripartite series of posts, starting with Tricks of the Trade, that goes into more detail.

Logical response.. Thanks

This can be seen in mantis shrimp who famously took the internet by storm with their fantastic colour vision as a result of having 12 colour photoreceptors. But although this is true, they lack the brain capacity and energy to actually put these to use in the way we imagine

Was just imagining what if humans had this photoreceptors, what potentials lies ahead?

If you check the link in a comment above I wrote, some people actually are tetrachromatic and can see something like 99 million more colours than the usual human. Our brains apparently are wired even for that!

For someone highly colorblind this is all a little worrying, being deficient on the one thing that distinguishes primates from the rest. I guess I'm borderline New World monkey?

Well, are you South American? Maybe this is a starting point in your recent family lineage =P

What about people who are colour blind? are primates unique in that?

I guess colour blindness is in the eye of the beholder - so to speak. Most mammals are default colour blind compared to us, and we are all colour blind compared to animals with tetrachromacy (Birds, fish, insects, reptiles), and they in turn compared tot pentachromacy and so on.

A glance on google doesn't make it easy to see if animals can be colourblind compared to their own kind, but I see no reason why not; they can be deaf, blind, gay and albino, so I'm sure they have similar deficiencies in colour...

@mobbs, i get your point.

I once read of a woman that had tetrachromacy and was able to distinguish between about 100million colour shades - I began to wonder; was there a mix up in evolution or was it just genetic transmutation?

An unrelated question; is it possible to have six cones in the eye? What would you call it? Hexachromacy?

Ha! Always suspected that pandas and red pandas aren't as related as the docs make it out!

The mice study at the end was great, it answered the question of 'hacking a previous installation' definitively.

I'm kinda confused about the New World Monkeys: did they 'devolve', or just evolve separately? I mean did they have trichromacy and then lost it a bit, or did they start without it and then gained it less then we did?

Everyone had Tetrachromacy, but then early mammals dropped down to Dichromacy or even Monochromacy. The dichromatics split up to the Americas and Afro-Eurasia, and they both evolved, through convergent evolution, different ways to acquire trichromacy to different extends based on their environmental needs =) - a summary anyway.

And yeah red pandas look nob-all like giant pandas and are way more productive members of society!

Excellent work @mobbs !. Thanks for sharing. Regards.

Wow its amazing to see such great post in this topic...i hardly seen such great blog in this topic..thanks for sharing... hope to see more from you in future