I like the work of Sibel Edmonds too, who was a translator for the CIA and was the first one to coin the term "Gladio B" for being the continuation of operation Gladio.She did nemerous interviews with James Corbett. Have you ever done an article about it and if yes could you direct me to it?
Thanks for contributing to this conversation in the best way possible, with you usual calm demeanor, rhetoric, and well of knowledge...
I love that RT interview, very relevant, it chocked me the first time i watch it, now I look at it with a complete different eye, I see a bit of fear in the eyes of Udo Ulfkotte.
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I feel that I need to look a bit more into this 'terrorist attack'.@edprivat and @ura-soul: thank you for giving me some more material to look into. James Corbett is awesome, but I hadn't heard the other names yet, so I'm checking these out now. I feel a post coming up about my 'theory' of 9/11. Researched since 2001...😜 And how about this? https://www.smh.com.au/world/africa/man-who-survived-9-11-killed-in-nairobi-terrorist-attack-20190118-p50s45.html
So James Corbett is an English teacher in Japan, so he has the thoroughness that I think is required to talk about these subjects. A true warrior that probably has more freedom to speak due to his expat status.
That journal initial is smh, like "shaking my head", I feel that I am being trolled :D
You are welcome! I wrote this a while ago on the topic of commonly held limiting beliefs and false logic that are applied when examining conspiracies too.
I thought I had made a specific post on Gladio before, but I am not seeing it in google searches. I do have a few posts that mention it, such as this one where I attempted to look at the statistical probability of terrorist attacks taking place on specific numerlogically significant dates. I think Sibel has a smart mind and good resources available - however, I find her positioning a bit rigid and she needs to go through emotional processing to have better balance. ;)
It's unfortunate in a way that Udo was being interviewed on RT, since it is easy to discount it as false information. However, from what I have seen, the facts show his position to be truthful.
It was an interesting read thanks, a little bit far fetched for the unseasoned, you gotta love that dude in the comment starting talking probability. I do understand that a longer time frame would probably give a more accepted result as he is very right to admit that date can be interpreted to fit a narrative.
What you say about sibel is quite true, and it feels that she only speaks in the presence of James Corbett or Inforwars and would probably benefit from posting her own videos, however after making a deposition the way she did, there's probably pressure that we're not aware of too.
I want to add that I stopped watching RT , I still check from time to time their articles and video, but found it overall as biased as CNN and at first tapped into the alternative audience, then went more and more far right.
Meaning that there's no reliable source of info anymore across the board. Biased on each side
I like to look at maths since it produces data that cannot really be refuted without something substantial being presented to do so.
Sibel has her own news network - Newsbud - and regularly speaks independently there. She has hundreds of videos by now. Newsbud was intended to be an unbiased new source, but it has it's own bias too.