Fortunately for me, I still have R open. Short answer is, you're right!. It's a Frost Giant, which was one of the 3 which randomly received Skill5. The other two are Malric Inferno and Medusa, both of whom are hanging out at the far right, mid-line, and neither of which are legendary. (Also, thank you for the comment on my footnotes, I was worried they'd be too much.)
> subset(neword,y>0.4)
Name rarityCode typeCode Splinter skill1 skill2 skill3 skill4 skill5 x y
22 'Frost Giant' 66.6 5 Blue 0 0 0 0 1 0.154729 0.5256514
> subset(neword,skill5>0.4)
Name rarityCode typeCode Splinter skill1 skill2 skill3 skill4 skill5 x y
5 'Malric Inferno' 4.4 0.25 Red 0 1 0 0 1 0.4772363 0.1387187
17 'Medusa' 4.4 5.00 Blue 0 1 0 0 1 0.4463397 0.1229338
22 'Frost Giant' 66.6 5.00 Blue 0 0 0 0 1 0.1547292 0.5256514
Postscript, sorry about the terrible table formatting.
Ah cool! Nothing like a bit of randomness to upset the balance (re: Malric and Medusa). Thanks for this explanation.
Footnotes are awesome and help tell the story! Especially #8. We all have bias so sensitivity analysis is key to keep things "open-minded". Well of course with clearly defined assumptions... Cheers!