Excellent post. The footnotes alone are most worthy of an upvote!
Quick question:
In your last plot, what is the lone triangle I've circled in red here (is that skill 5)?
Why is this all by its lonesome (noting it is legendary too)?
Thanks again!
Fortunately for me, I still have R open. Short answer is, you're right!. It's a Frost Giant, which was one of the 3 which randomly received Skill5. The other two are Malric Inferno and Medusa, both of whom are hanging out at the far right, mid-line, and neither of which are legendary. (Also, thank you for the comment on my footnotes, I was worried they'd be too much.)
> subset(neword,y>0.4) Name rarityCode typeCode Splinter skill1 skill2 skill3 skill4 skill5 x y 22 'Frost Giant' 66.6 5 Blue 0 0 0 0 1 0.154729 0.5256514 > subset(neword,skill5>0.4) Name rarityCode typeCode Splinter skill1 skill2 skill3 skill4 skill5 x y 5 'Malric Inferno' 4.4 0.25 Red 0 1 0 0 1 0.4772363 0.1387187 17 'Medusa' 4.4 5.00 Blue 0 1 0 0 1 0.4463397 0.1229338 22 'Frost Giant' 66.6 5.00 Blue 0 0 0 0 1 0.1547292 0.5256514
Postscript, sorry about the terrible table formatting.
Ah cool! Nothing like a bit of randomness to upset the balance (re: Malric and Medusa). Thanks for this explanation.
Footnotes are awesome and help tell the story! Especially #8. We all have bias so sensitivity analysis is key to keep things "open-minded". Well of course with clearly defined assumptions... Cheers!