I am currently involved in the study of various dark matter models that aim to accommodate both cosmological and collider data simultaneously.
So, you, the dark-matter-people are actually real? :D
(quoting the whole post)
Oh, God, this is toooooooo complicated for me to assimilate. Lol.
However, now I can boast to my friends that I know a dark-matter-guy :D
Jokes aside. What you do is sooo interesting! I feel so small and irrelevant every time I read about cosmology :)
We are about to rule the world, but this is a (dark) secret ;)
I tried to make the post kind of easy to get (at least the big lines). Apparently I failed :(
You didn't. I was trying to be funny.
I knew it!
I am often too serious :D
And I am often just trying to be funny. My jokes are very ... (hmm... I can't find a better word) ... clumsy :D
My jokes are the same, so no worries ^^