A first steemSTEM meetup… inside the LHC at CERN

in #steemstem7 years ago (edited)

Each winter, between December and spring, the LHC at CERN is undertaking a maintenance phase where the machine and the detectors are warmed up so that humans can do stuff on the machine. During this phase, it is sometimes possible to go down to (some of) the detectors and visit the machine.

After discussing with a colleague of mine, it turned out that it is actually possible to organize the first steemSTEM meetup at CERN, and to have a private tour of the CMS experiment of the LHC.

This will offer the steemSTEM community (and any other interested Steemian) a unique chance to see a state-of-the-art detector of particle physics from the closest possible place.

Since this needs to be organized before the machine restarts, this meetup will talke place very soon. I apologize for this, but life is what it is. Note that the next chance to go down to the LHC will be in 2019…

In practice, the event will be organized on Feb 9th, 2018, at CERN (close to Geneva, in Switzerland).

In order for me to take care of the local organization (transportation, lodging plans, etc.) I need to know who exactly who will participate. To this aim, please confirm your participation by commenting this post or bugging me on the chat (in the steemSTEM channel) before the end of January. And do not hesitate to ask practical or not-so-practical questions, if necessary.

The only thing I need from any interested person is to provide a copy of a valid ID. Yep, you will have to trust me on this one, but that is the price to pay to enter CERN.

I hope that we will be plenty!

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This is brilliant! I'll be happy to donate $1,000 (in Steem) from undeserved witness earnings to steemSTEM members to help with their travel to Geneva.

Also, it would be really cool if you film a video about it.

Thanks! That is quite generous of you. Thanks for supporting steemstem

well I can cover my expenses but getting a free ticket is something I wouldn't mind :p

On a serious note, you are a good human! I topped you in the comments so others can see this

Come on, you don't need it ;)

This is very kind from you! Thanks a lot! We will film and write about the meetup for sure! :)

PS: I let you handle this directly with concerned people

That would be greatly appreciated liberosist!

This thing keeps getting better and better! This means that more people will get to go which is truly amazing. I'm sure there will be a slew of awesome posts including videos and there will be a number of inspired steemians coming back with renewed vigor!

WOW, this is super support!

Thank you @liberosist!

Having a sponsor for this event is really great as it could really make the difference financially for some of us.
What I would suggest is that you transfer this to the organizer @lemouth to support the transport and the lodging.

For a souvenir movie, I could take my DSLR, but

1/ I am not sure it will be allowed to film or take pics in the LHC (I know that at the ESRF at the time when I did experiments there, it was not allowed to take pics),

2/ I might get completely hypnotized by the detectors and forget to film ;-)!

I would prefer not to be involved in the money part. It will be between liberorist and the participants :)

For the cameras, we will have some on board. Having several is better (we are allowed to film and take picture as the detector will not be working (otherwise, we just don't go there :p ))).

OK sir how can I do that I just join steaming not long and am very much interested

Omfg this is crazy..... I wish i could be one of the participants. 😭

In 2019, I may reorganize it but long in advance so that you could book flights in advance. Note that we could also meet the next time I will be in Asia (I don't know where you are, actually :p ).

T.T I am from Hong Kong.
I would really want to pay a visit to the CERN. Seriously T.T (And of course meet all the expert here too XDD)

Hong-Kong! I always wanted to visit HK. Soon or later for both of you :)

Super, I just discovered this post yesterday evening.
I checked my agenda, and with a little negotiating skills to move around a few lessons, I should be able to make it. @lemouth I will wait for further announcements concerning the arrangements or a discussion with you before booking my ticket. I'll steemchat you. Many thanks for proposing this, it'll be a lot of fun!

I would be glad to meet you there. :)

I will inform you on the chat when I will be able to setup the agenda for the meetup.

I would absolutely love this but I will be in school during that time. If I could make it I would, so I guess I will have to be limited, with @greenrun, to reading about it. If you can then I am certain many would enjoy seeing video and or livestream about it (if it is possible that is)

We will write about it, no worries! Maybe in a year of we decide to redo it? :)

A livestream would be awesome.

Same here. Live streaming will be the best, as i will be able to capture those wonderful moments
You know what i mean

I'm bugging you on the chat AND here. 2 people to sign up ✌️

I count both of you :)

Are grandparents accepted ... even from Quebec? I can walk, I have neither cane nor walker!

Sure they are. There is a minimum age, not a maximum age :D

Waooo spectacular, since I would like to be able to visit these impressive facilities and meet with the team steemSTEM

Just join us for the meetup, and you will :)

As I would love to go to the meeting, it would be an honor, but it is difficult due to the monetary expenses

I can imagine that. As soon as you need to cross an ocean...

it's the sad reality

Awesome location for the first meetup. Would love to go, but being halfway across the world makes it a bit difficult.

I can imagine that. Not that easy on a so short notice. I only learned about the opportunity very recently.

What a brilliant thing! Such a spectacular place for a steemit meetup. :)

Will you come? :D

crazy shit and I'd love to join! But I will have to check if that's possible first with my governm... uhm, I ment wife.

wife = government. I think i can relate

lol :)

Feel free to check and let me know. The next opportunity will be 2019 :)

I think I'm interested. I'd love to chat with you in Discord about it.

Okidoo. I will try to pass by discord, but I am more often on the steemit chat. By the way, the link does not work ;)

Wow, that is such a great opportunity. I can't afford the airfare, but I absolutely love physics and think that's awesome that you are organizing this.

If you find a way to come, don't hesitate. There may be also other opportunities in 2019 (but that is far in the future) :)

Would it be possible to have guests come as well, or is there a limit? I'm trying to think of a way to make it work, but it might be tricky.

I would say yes for guests. But this depends on the number. Please let me know asap.

I wish that I could come. Now that I am in Europe, this would be a unique chance but am still waiting for my visa in Poland to complete before I can even step out of Poland :(

Do get loads of pictures to share and thanks for making this happen @lemouth :)

2019 will most probably be my last year in Europe so fingers crossed I will be able to make the next one XD

We will share pictures for sure. Hopefully you will get your Shengen visa in last minute and could come :)

Wow! I would sooo love to participate, but I will have to check the transport options since I have no car. Until when do you need to know exactly how many people will come? I need a few days to figure out, if it's possible for me to attend. :)

Until the end of the month. Concerning the local transportation, we can either rent a few cars, or a minibus. This really depends on the amount of people who will participate.

This is good, but I am happy to watch/read about seeing I am too far away to make it there. Thank goodness the internet got me covered :)

We are to far to make it @greenrun. Maybe some day naija and all its trouble will give us the leisure of attending important meetings such as this outside home.

Maybe some day! Fingers crossed!

Maybe the next time! We will cover the event for you (and others) :p

That would be nice. Thank you.

This sounds awesome @lemouth! Probably won't be able to make it. But will think about it for a bit.

You still have time to change your mind. ^^

The only concern may be renting a bus or cars to move around there... For this, we need to know the exact number of participants, although renting one extra car may be done on a last-minute ground. So in short, no hurry ;)

Thanks! Will decide soon.

Note also that I am still in the process of waiting for the final clearance for going down there. Staying up is confirmed. Hopefully, Monday or Tuesday I will know.

Wow ! Nice ! Please take photos and do a recap post after ! I hope more people would attend this event :) #steemSTEM

We will, don't worry :)

im interested, i believe it will pave way networking with other steemias, awesome idea

Feel free to come! Don't hesitate to contact me on the chat.

Wow! Good luck to everyone who will participate!

Thanks! Maybe you for the next episode?

I hope so Sir :)

Sounds like a ridiculously cool meet up location! That is assuming they've managed to tidy up all the dark matter and does the ID gain access into a parallel universe?!!

As there is no sign of any new phenomenon, there is nothing to clean :)

wow these encounters are great

It will be for sure ^^

Woooooooooooooow! So Coooooooool! Count on me. What a way to start 2018!

Oki I count on you. Glad you can make it! :)

I wish I could, but the combination of being in school and thousands of miles away make it a little tricky for me...

Next time, next time. We can try targeting school vacation in 2019 ;)

That'd be awesome!

I'd love to visit CERN, sad I can't make it though. Wishing everyone who can attend a great time!

The next time, you will join us ^^

This is so great. I hope my friend will be able to attend this and get more motivation, I hope he will be at CERN at that time.

Tell him that he is more than welcome to join us :) I will send more details in due time.

Count on my, I'll come that's for sure!

Great! Please contact me on the chat for the next step (ID).

I could potentially make this, ill try hit you guys up in the chat. Would it be okay to bring a couple of other people with me? Not sure what your quota on attendance is for this : )

There may be some quota but we are far below for the moment. How many people do you mean, by a couple? Please just bump me on the chat.

Wow. A Steemit meetup in LHC. That's a first! Awesome stuff. Man, I wish I could be there but I've already got my flight booked to somewhere else. Man, I'll be there in 2019. That's for sure!

If this one is a success (I am sure it will be one), I will totally reorganize a second one in 2019 :)

I'm looking forward to it!

I am interested if there is a decent turn out, and possibly ly if there isn't.

Any idea of the estimated cost of making this work on the end of the participants?

I could probably move some stuff around and swing the airfare and all that. Would have to rush to get my passport handled though

Concerning the passport, you need to be allowed to visit France and Switzerland. Here, there is nothing I can do for you (as I don't know). If this is cleared, then the rest is on me. I am still in the process of waiting for the final clearance to go down to the LHC, but the visit of the upper-ground stuff is guaranteed.

Concerning the costs, visiting CERN is free (except food and souvenirs of course, but this is up to you). We may need to rent a couple of cars, or possibly a minibus. But for this I would need to know the total number of participants, which I don't know yet. Same for the lodging. If we are many, it may be easier to share a couple of AirBNB places or similar. I may come back to everyone by Mid-Jannuary when I will know more both from the participants and from CERN.

Sounds good I'll be watching

FYI, I just posted the confirmation earlier today ;)

@planetenamek just told me about this initiative and I can already confirm that I will be present :-)! This is a great opportunity for me to discover this scientific world that I find exciting! Thank you for organizing this event!

Cool! Thanks for coming :)

Great idea
I'll have to check my schedule in the near future but in principle at least it shouldn't be impossible to swing by :D

I hope you will be able to make it :) Fingers crossed!

This is an awesome move guys. I would have love to attend, unfortunately, time travel is not possible yet. The funds and logistics from down here to up there is a no go area for me. sadly

You only need teleport here. No time travel. Maybe the next one. Advertised much more in advance, we could do something for you guys :)

that would be great. Enjoy the meet up!

Owww, this sounds super cool! Never been to CERN! Will have to get back to you 1) agenda 2) finances. But, I did make a note of it already since in one or the other way I would like to attend!

I am still waiting for some info from people at CERN (most everything can be handled, but I need to get a final green light from CMS for the descent towards the detector (which I should get this week)). Please dump me on the steemit chat later this week to setup stuff.


bravo super initiative !
Je serai trop loin pour pouvoir y participer,
mais je ne manquerai pas de lire les retours de cette journée exceptionnelle.
Si vous le permettez, félicitation pour vos articles et votre démarche pédagogique de vulgarisation, claire et concise. Une chance supplémentaire pour tout un chacun d'accéder à un tel domaine de connaissance.
Thanks so much.

Merci a vous (toi?) pour votre (ton?) tres gentil message! Peut-etre une prochaine fois?

Nous pouvons nous tutoyer si necessaire. Apres tous, nous sommes sur internet :)

I have already abused my work-leave, I don't think I can make it :(

Oooh. In one year then?

Steem meet CERN! That's pretty exciting!

Yep. Will you fly on this side of the ocean? :D

An opportunity of a lifetime to see some of those incredible toys you play with there and to meet you and some of the other geniuses working there and meet the wonderful Steemians that make it there.

I can arrange the time, but don't know yet if I can manage the financial costs for me and my sweetheart to fly there, lodging, etc. We don't live a jet-setter lifestyle. Just the airfare to go there is around $900 each. Plus lodging, transportation, etc. Well, we'll see what happens in the next couple weeks.

Happy New Year to all.

For the lodging, I can maybe cook up something cool, but this depends how many we are (im short, no way to tell right now). I hope you can make it but I understand these crazy prices may make you hesitating.

Fingers crossed!

I want to say like this, you have completely made me shock too much with this invite. CERN's installation, OMG. This is amazing journey for every one and just ones time in alive.... sorry, I try to look at all comment but there's not have explanation how the way we are be there... no one made this question... maybe they are very shy....lol. But it's important to me and for every one,.... this is long journey and very expensive, would you explain about this, please... thank you very much Prof. for great invited and big appreciates for all of your kindness.

It will not be a full tour at CERN (because CERN is simply too huge). I will show the main installations, exhibitions on physics at CERN, what has been done there in the past and possibly, once I will get confirmation at some point next week, we may go down and visit CMS.

Wow! This would have been a glorious opportunity if i could make it there. Sadly though, i am far away from Switzerland. Hopefully, i should be able to attend the meetup in the not-too-distant future. But i'm really anticipating the livestream, report and pictures. Good going @lemouth. This is really an awesome initiative.

We will write report, film our activites, etc. Don't worry about it. And we are looking forward to meet you at the next episode :)

Holy cow that would be awesome! I might could make this happen - but it depends on the flight costs - but man! What an awesome opportunity! I'm going to check for flights now.

Edit: OK, I am going to tentatively say I can do this - got to talk to my wife first and see whether work will allow - but as I see it I am not going to get another chance to see the inside the LHC maybe, what, ever! Plus I get to meet you and some other steemstem folks in person!? Seems like this is one of those things you just say yes to and then figure out the details later.

Please come! This would be great! Still don't know how many people will come (only three confirmed people at the moment) :) Please check the first comment . This may be helpful to you. :p

I'm convinced!

Ahh! My other half and I would of loved this, sadly on this occasion we cannot attend as it is sadly a little too short of notice for us! Hopefully we will be able to attend the next one.


In 2019, hopefully. Note that I may personally come to the UK this year. To be confirmed of course ^^

Ah lovely then hopefully we should be able to attend that one! Ooo well if that's the case I might let you in on where I work and you can come meet Basil and make everyone super jealous!


It will be my pleasure :p

Wow, this would be truly awesome! Not an active member of SteemSTEM community, but.. wow.

This is really awesome. I'm happy there will be plenty of Steemians there, seeing the true miracle of mankind :)

I hope there will be plenty of Steemians! Fingers crossed ^^

What a fantastic idea!

That is the most unusual place for a meeting I so far have heard about. For some reason it reminds me on my good old days in the media branch! We went to all kinds of cool places.

But I won't make it. Hope that the ones who can come, will bring good vibes with them!

There are cool particle physics experiments in Hamburg too, but I am less connected to them. Maybe for a next time? :D

I very much hope for a next time! Because I really would like to get in touch with you and all the others I am connected with on SteemSTEM in real life.

For sure you know Tim Berners-Lee. To hold this meeting in CERN is just perfect because of it's background ;-)

"I just had to take the hypertext idea and connect it to the Transmission Control Protocol and domain name system ideas and—ta-da!—the World Wide Web ... Creating the web was really an act of desperation, because the situation without it was very difficult when I was working at CERN later. Most of the technology involved in the web, like the hypertext, like the internet, multifont text objects, had all been designed already. I just had to put them together. It was a step of generalising, going to a higher level of abstraction, thinking about all the documentation systems out there as being possibly part of a larger imaginary documentation system."


I know the name, but I have never met the guy :)

I confirm that I will be there on February 9th and keep us informed for the organization :-) !

Excellent! Please wait for the next post with all the glory details :)

This is absolutely awesome! I wish I could come. Unfortunately that would not be possible for me.

Maybe for the next one ^^

Hopefully! It's like a really awesome opportunity that regular people don't really get presented with that often (or at all). I'm dumbfounded about how cool of a gesture this actually is.


This is awesome ! Count me in ! :)

Sure I will. Please contact me on the chat for the passport details.

oh shoot! why am i born in asia!?!:D

I can't answer this ;)

New information for me thank you @lemounth

I wish I could come! I'm having my test season just then :-(

Don't worry, 2019-2020 may be your time to go there :)

It would be so cool!

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