It's like if you had lost the key to your 400k house.
Everyone has it own scale for painful life experiences. However, I realized recently that instead of dwelling on past mistakes and instead of spending tremendous brain power trying to get the most out of a "lost cause", we can look out for new opportunities that will bring us more that what we lost. Be it monetary, or in form of wisdom or relationships. And we often forget that our greatest wealth is our health.
I am also one of the morons.
I own Bitcoins, but I also own fiat and other cryptocurrencies.
Can't be as dumb as me. I lost the keys to a 200 BTC account. Pretty sweet. Now the only crypto I own is what I get from here.
Oh, wow. That was unfortunate!
200 BTC? WTF? :O
True story.
Bro hug* it gets better man.

At the time it was about 20k gone.
It's like if you had lost the key to your 400k house.
Everyone has it own scale for painful life experiences. However, I realized recently that instead of dwelling on past mistakes and instead of spending tremendous brain power trying to get the most out of a "lost cause", we can look out for new opportunities that will bring us more that what we lost. Be it monetary, or in form of wisdom or relationships. And we often forget that our greatest wealth is our health.
Now I know why I'm so disappointed in you, @pfunk! It's okay, though, I still love you. But feel free to give arguments, though.
we are several local morons! ahaha