I feel like this is one of the most heavily debated and highly conflicted topics in philosophy. Order implies that everything that happens to us over the course of our lives is planned and implemented in divine detail. It also implies that free will isn't really about choosing what we want to do, but about embracing our authentic self or living in denial. Chaos on the other hand is just that, chaos. It's the belief that nothing is ever determined, coincidence is a reality, and there is no point to anything because we have no control over anything but ourselves. Personally I embrace order as I stopped believing in coincidence a long time ago. What do you believe? Namaste.
Complex question. It's mostly that the coincidience or the order or the chaos are only humans part of coprehending reality. Maybe there is no reality, as George Berkeley once wrote:
We have first raised a dust and then complain we cannot see.
It's the Idea that moves us.
I agree that there are no coincidences and no mistakes. There's a great line from the "Kungfu Panda" movie concerning that. It can be difficult to understand why we must go through certain "lessons" like having to deal with an illness, for example. These, lessons have been put forth for our growth, for us to learn. They are not random. They are there to get us to the next level. We either learn from them or we curse what we perceive as chaos.
I know that feeling and agree completely.
I can confidently say order. Everything we experience is due to our karma. The 'bad' things that happen to us happen specifically so that we have an opportunity to grow and we have to grow to move on. That's what our lives are all about, improving ourselves so that we can merge with the ultimate reality, our eternal selves, the divine.
I side with Heraclitus!- the O.G. Universe is Chaos Promoter. "You never step foot in the same river twice." -Heraclitus
Love seeing your posts everyday! If you get a free moment, would you check out my recent post that's inspired by your daily writings?! Thanks much.
Sure thing!
I have a hard time believing wholly in either idea. I certainly don't think that as I'm sitting here, all of my thoughts and actions are predetermined. However, I think there are somethings that happen in this world that are just too strange to be "coincidence". It's tough to say :)
The way I envision it is that those times we are stuck in our own head, we are unaware of the timelines and how they are moving. Deja Vu and Mandella Effects are related to our thoughts shifting our timelines. There could be an infinite number of timelines we could travel down, but going down each one is setting a chain of events that plays into all other individuals we encounter etc. Basically everything that can and will happen is always happening and always will be happening.
Interesting thoughts! Wish there was a way to know for sure that multiple universes exist
I'm also a believer in karma, which is the principle of cause and effect. Cause and effect determine our reality.
At the same time, I believe in free will. Although our decisions are heavily influenced by past experiences and habits I believe it is possible to step out of conditioned acting at any time, accessing the direct wisdom of our true self.
Interesting, seems like a hybrid of the two.
Yes, and actually there is a real conflict between the theories of relativity which is based on order and predictability and the chaos theory, based on chaos. But both of them seem to be valid! Chaos theory is valid for smallest subatomic particles and the theory of relativity addresses rather larger macroscopic bodies.
How they fit together exactly I have no idea. But in a philosophical way I think cause and effect is the realm of the conditioned self, the conditioned person and freedom from being bound by cause and effect - chaos in a positive sense - is the realm of the absence of the conditioned, false self, experiencing our true, unconditioned self.
I believe that there is an underlying unversal truth to be sought. It being chaos is merely a matter of perception, as what we don't understand still has an explanation. Order is achieved when the universe organized through the scientific method. I made a post that might be worth checking out, if you've dabbled with these thoughts before. Enjoy this with your coffee sometime soon! Upvoted and resteemed (:
Oh I dabble alright...
There is no coincidence in life. Everything what happened is fine, because we wanted that. Do not make any sense thinking about it. We must open our eyes. We can not expect other people to make something. We must change our own lives
I hope you understand. :)
Full power UV on this, but still depleted, sorry about that LOL
I think that it is a personal choice. You know what an effect has with any food or drink.
Today with the way marketing is, a lot of times a company will market something negatively to gain a part of that market for their product.
So you need to do your own research and find out about the different issues.
I like your post. Thanks for sharing.
Removing the cloak of chaos and embracing spirituality has made me a happier person. Your personal development sounds eerily familiar to mine. Constantly trying to ascribe chaos or randomness to personal events seems to be a heavy burden from my perspective right now. Embracing your destined path can definitely be a way forward!
Intake of coffee, makes outcome of philosophy
I think it is a little bit of both. Coincidences definitely happen, they happen all the time. I also believe in fate. There are many different paths to reach the same destination. Sometimes we can handle it on our own and sometimes we need help.
If you have ever looked into the big TOE (Theory of Everything), it is suggested that everything is random and only becomes what it actually is once until it has been observed by conscientiousness. It is very interesting. Great topic by the way!
don't know about it
Great post brother
Somewhere this post opened my eyes. Thanks for the sahre
Though I am a karma believer. Kudos
This is DEEP! I always wondered about predetermined destiny or if we have the power to choose our own fate. I'm an optimist so I believe there's always a choice. Not to say some things are already chosen, but we are given a certain set of tools (power), and what we choose to do with them determines how our life will turn out. It's about controlling your mind so you can control the outcome and become the strongest version of yourself.
I would say ORDER AND CHAOS instead of OR.
ORDER - in relation to previous KARMA
CHAOS - creating our own new karma, influence from ORDER
I believe in a mechanistic universe in which everything is determined. If we could know the state of all matter and energy at this point in time, we could predict any future state of affairs. Of course this is impossible due to insurmountable complexity. However, it has become possible to a certain extent and within certain limits using the scientific method...
I think that total chaos would imply the complete worthlessness of the scientific method. There would be no such thing as repeatability or controlled experiments.
I believe there are no coincidences. As soon as one uses a lens to perceive the world as meaningless, one can then take radical accountability and choose for oneself the meaning of things and life as one chooses. Choices, never decisions. We are meaning-making machines, says Heidegger.
I think about this question all the time. On one hand, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, though it is possible that that reason is chaos. While I recognize that this is inherently contradictory, I think that order and chaos are closely intertwined. For example, if I go to the grocery story and drop a carton of milk, which then explodes, it is an action of chaos. But say I look up after dropping that carton into the eyes of my soulmate, who's bending over to help me - that's more on trend with order. So you could say, in this case, that the chaos that wasn't meant to be was somehow predestined so that I would bump into my soulmate. To me, they have a paradoxical relationship.
Chaos and order are mutually dependent; their meanings emerge through opposition.
It appears to me that both are expressed in the fundamental patterns of universal nature; From the tension between chaos and order, progressive evolution occurs; that is, the accumulation of increasingly complex and sophisticated patterns, processes and structures.
As to how one would describe the thing or force from which chaos and order are emitted, I don't think it's possible in any exact sense. One can only point towards it.
I don't bother so much with the understand, I just focus on having faith in something. Myself, source consciousness, love, you know the things that cancel out their opposites :)
I probably agree, but I think it's impossible to know because faith is such a personal experience and words fall so short.
I do believe in coincidence as these things are simply a confluence of choices made by individual actors. I don't believe it's a matter of chaos verses order. Why must coincidence and order be mutually exclusive? I think it's more like actions or choices have resultant consequences, either negative or positive. These consequences may not be equal in every respect or within a particular time frame but they will come to fruition and be either negative or positive according to the nature of the associated action. An action of one sort can be expected to have a consequence of the same sort, either negative or positive. One always follows the other.
In other words "Whatsoever a man sows, that also shall he reap." This is what is "determined". I don't believe that the divine interferes with volition. If he did then it wouldn't be volition and love would be meaningless and so would life itself since, the actors would simply be playing their predetermined parts.
The parameters have been set but the actors are still able to move within those parameters from one end of the spectrum to the other. Choices have consequences and choices made by one actor will coincidentally intersect from time to time with choices made by other actors. The parameters remain constant. We don't have to wonder why some random thing may have happened to us because within the parameters of the material universe this thing, whatever it is, can be expected as it is a thing that has resulted from someone's choice or choices. "The rain falls on the just and the unjust alike" does it not and this random thing, while being unexpected at the time, is certainly something which is common to all mankind and to be expected?
Thirty years ago my two year old daughter drowned. If you examine everything that led to her drowning it is all a culmination of the choices made by different actors on that day. Did God allow this or cause this to happen to teach my wife and me a lesson? No, absolutely not! In a fallen world, accidents happen. The important thing in this is what was or should our reaction or attitude to this accident have been and what did we learn? Did we learn that God's grace is sufficient? Yes we did and yes, we can learn from anything and everything that happens to us in life but that does not mean that God or some other force is causing it but only that we should use it to learn and grow into the full stature of the mind of Christ, for those who are believers or for those who are not, into their "authentic self" as someone else commented above.
There are some hard lessons to learn in life. You have had to endure one of the hardest as far as understanding loss. I don't write to convince anyone of anything, but in my mind, if anything at all that has ever happened in our life is by design, then it all is. Order and coincidence cannot coincide because they are contradictory beliefs. You can't pick and choose when and how to have faith, if you believe in a higher entity and believe it has any semblance of control over existence, then it has control over all existence because order and chaos do not coincide. For example if a man was meant to be some great world leader or spiritual teacher in his thirties, but a random act of violence had him die in his twenties, then the whole purpose and intention behind his existence was just counteracted. If it's all chaos, then anyone can and will do anything they want and there is no purpose to any of it, so why believe in anything if it doesn't ultimately matter? These are just my thoughts and an attempt to clarify why I believe in order.
I am a hard determinist, when it comes to choice. Everything happened the way it was always going to happen. There is solace in that -regrets are pointless because it couldn't happen any other way. I don't believe, however, that things happen for a reason in any kind of cosmic morality play kind of way - I'm too much of a hardnosed atheist for that!
I have a bias toward Order. As a gamer, I often see order all the time in what it play for entertainment. Furthermore, I see this translate out into the real world.
I was in middle of writing a more complex answer creating lenses thought a medium of what I called person X. However, at about 700 word typed and not being anywhere near done just typing it out. I realized that it was just too much. I could not explain in a shortened down version for a comment. Not to mention my writing tends to require a few passes of revision just to make it “ok,” and that would take me days.
If I have time I will revisit this and consider making a blog post. Thank you sharing this philosophy ponder I found it most interesting.
Great post. Our divine path is set by our higher being, it's just people choose chaos by disconnecting from the signs that we show ourselves, and when they do recognise a familiar sign, it's easily dismissed as coincidence, further feeding the chaos. When we recognise moments of Deja Vous, it's a gentle reminder that this familiarity is divine order patting us on the back, and checking us back in on whatever path we choose. We'll all get there in the end, some just take longer and don't see the signs initially. The late (and great) Dr Wayne Dyer nailed it when he said, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change".
I also believe in Karma. We can only hope that all the evil people who are greedy and filthy rich maybe die and are reborn as an ant or other disposable pest. Great question
Follow @ch00fy - foodies
I think the belief that life has coincidental nature it can be inimical to taking responsibility for your own life. The ability to choose our path and take action is what makes us different from other animals. The order can emerge from chaos. I embrace chaos, not as a constant state of living but more like a passageway to order As in the words of Marcus Aurelius "What stands in the way becomes the way.''
Read your posts, look at my affairs and draw conclusions
Thank you!!!
Chaos is just your I zoomed in really close on Order.
I agree with you. In this reality, there are no coincidences.