Coffee and Philosophy: Peace

Today's mug is brought to us by peace. If I don't get my coffee the peace turns into pieces.

My concept and understanding of peace has evolved as of late and I wanted to share that today. I used to think that peace was simply the absence of war or fighting, personally I have grown to feel that peace is an entire lifestyle choice and mindset. Peace is something that comes from within and gets reflected outward. We can see plenty of examples of people claiming they want peace in our daily lives, but these people often don't seem very at peace and many of them are actually violent. In my mind, peace is a lack of judgement and willingness to gain perspective and coexist. Obviously the world isn't perfect and there isn't always an easy way to take a passive stance on something, but it's important to remember to maintain our own internal peace and not sacrifice it to search for justice in an unjust world. If we try to justify using fear to counteract fear then we are really just further removing peace from the equation. Namaste.



"As Within so Without" Bernard Poolman

You reminded of that.

Keep it at ease as that's our real power of peace.

I've found self-forgiveness to be like my daily bread in terms of keeping myself balanced with my internal accounting. In this way I always face what comes up...and no longer bury or compound suppression.

Self-Honesty is our Life Policy

The rhyme time sounds a bit cheese to me at the moment...anywho,

Steem On, The Dream is Live

I try to only focus on my internal and not focus on what's going on externally at the moment. It feels like directly involving myself in politics or things like that are going to lower my frequency.

Interesting approach. I've taken a somewhat similar approach. I regard everything to be the 'politics of self' and my mind is the governance system. Basically it makes things like an all the time balance of accountability and response ability. easy said than done sometimes for sure. :) This approach has supported me in being able to keep things very that any time i find a trigger as a word that i react to...i know that's the point in need to process effectively....equalizing within myself....still the waters...correct the internal dissonance.....because the frequency of me results from my resonance as how I got my words sounding. It's like our words are our codes until we understand them and then we develop our individual expressions. :)

Thanks for sharing, it supported me in putting into words the process :)

It's fascinating how just a bit of writing provides so much clarity.

You have a Golden Ticket

I write every day for my own sanity as much as to help others lol.

Mutual Benefit,

Win / Win

The greatest peace i have ever experienced is fearing the Creator. How can I experience peace through fear? By surrendering to Him. The ultimate peace, the way we were created to be. And the beginning of a reconnection and sense of belonging. When things get rough, and they will, I trust in Him. The whole duty of mankind, fear God and keep His commandments. Bless Him! @ironshield

I think that it's really important that you mentioned "peace" isn't just he absence of fighting. Our thoughts and simple actions often times show that we aren't at peace with certain people and situations, which can be all that more challenging.

Life is how it is, you're personal experience is all in your head. I completely agree on how it's just so important to maintain inner peace, because it's the only way to live a fulfilling lifestyle.

I find this particular topic to be so relative and hard to understand but your point of view is something to have in mind. Greetings.

My biggest issue is there is so much negative in the world and not getting involved seems on some level like allowing it, but at the same time, I feel it isn't my place to fight anyone on their beliefs. It's difficult to remain neutral, but some times no one can be right when everyone is wrong.

Exactly! It is so hard because then something may happen and what you believed in can be doubted even by yourself. I think we should live and keep learning and guide ourselves through feelings and experience more than what other people just say.

Peace is where it's at, agreed!