"As Within so Without" Bernard Poolman
You reminded of that.
Keep it at ease as that's our real power of peace.
I've found self-forgiveness to be like my daily bread in terms of keeping myself balanced with my internal accounting. In this way I always face what comes up...and no longer bury or compound suppression.
Self-Honesty is our Life Policy
The rhyme time sounds a bit cheese to me at the moment...anywho,
Steem On, The Dream is Live
I try to only focus on my internal and not focus on what's going on externally at the moment. It feels like directly involving myself in politics or things like that are going to lower my frequency.
Interesting approach. I've taken a somewhat similar approach. I regard everything to be the 'politics of self' and my mind is the governance system. Basically it makes things like an all the time balance of accountability and response ability. easy said than done sometimes for sure. :) This approach has supported me in being able to keep things very that any time i find a trigger as a word that i react to...i know that's the point in need to process effectively....equalizing within myself....still the waters...correct the internal dissonance.....because the frequency of me results from my resonance as how I got my words sounding. It's like our words are our codes until we understand them and then we develop our individual expressions. :)
Thanks for sharing, it supported me in putting into words the process :)
It's fascinating how just a bit of writing provides so much clarity.
You have a Golden Ticket
I write every day for my own sanity as much as to help others lol.
Mutual Benefit,
Win / Win