
Absolutely, but I rarely come across someone else who senses it other than my family. Whatever it is, it's been draining me. Like a calm before the storm. I've been feeling it for a while and I've been trying to put out as much good energy as I can to counterbalance it. However I am now drained and feel very neutral, blah.

I'm finding it more difficult to stay positive. I can go negative easily enough, but that's not where we want to be. Just feeling anxious and blah. We had a situation today where we were supposed to go somewhere and the truck wouldn't start. Before we decided to leave, we all experienced something strange, a sense of not wanting to go. A sense that something bad was about to happen and we should stay home. We tried to ignore it, because we had a mission to go take care, but some higher power stopped us in our tracks. The truck usually runs, but it wouldn't start. So we have waited a while and now we are starting again to see if we can get there.

We went with the other car, just two of us and things turned out well, but I still feel this odd energy out there. I've spoken to some people six months ago and they said I should be using a quartz to ground myself. Idk, I'll talk with some more sensitives and see what they have to say.

Okay! I'm glad all went well. Take care!!