What is it about the human soul that grabs my attention so? Everyone has a unique soul and they're all fascinating to me. Like almost to the point of unhealthy addiction, but not quite. I just saw a picture on Steemit, it was a picture/portrait of a young lady and her eyes caught my attention. I realized it wasn't the eyes so much as her soul. The image caught a piece of her soul.
I have examined enough people in my lifetime to say this. The fleshy bits are just transportation for the soul, like a car is the vehicle for the flesh. Without the fleshy drivers the car is empty, without the soul the flesh is empty. I have seen it with my own eyes as a soul leaves a flesh suit. There was a real significant sense of "Elvis has left the building". When my mother passed, I rushed to her side, but she was gone, that PART of her which made her who she was had left. I felt her cooling shell and sensed something you don't normally sense around the living, that without the soul the shell is disposable. It's difficult to explain since I sensed the situation more than I was able to collect hard facts on. I also sensed this when my father passed.
When you feel you are being watched and you turn around to see someone there. I get that all the time around people even when they don't know I'm in the room. They have a slight ESP inherent to them. That soul friction is what I sense. There was no soul friction coming from my mom. Her shell also changed ever so slightly in appearance. I hardly recognized her without her soul, that is why it was so easy to let her go. There was nothing I could do but be there for my dad. Occasionally he or I or both of us would get a strong sense of my mother's presence, like someone secretly watching from the corner of the room, or standing next to us.
Anyhow, to my the most shocking thing I noticed both times from both my parents and from all the other people I have had to say goodbye to is how the shell changes its appearance after the soul leaves. It's not because the blood stopped pumping and the body ceased respirations. When I see people, I see their souls, not so much the shells. Again, difficult to explain, but it's sort of like always looking at people through a pane of glass, a window, or better yet a transparent mask. Imagine if everyone around you was wearing a crystal clear see through mask. You'd be seeing both their physical outer layers and their inner layer, like seeing all the layers of an onion at the same time.
Yes, it freaks me out and I try to ignore it. Still, if you find me staring at you, please don't take it the wrong way as me being rude or as a personal challenge. I'm merely fascinated by your soul. Each one I come across is unique and beautiful to look upon. I see people in my mind's eye, not necessarily with my fleshy eyes. Some people's souls are so unimaginably beautiful that I cannot pull my eyes away, and some are so wretched and awful I cannot pull my eyes away. Both are beautiful in their own ways. There is one thing both can do, they can switch places. A beautiful soul can become ruined and wretched and an ugly soul can become unimaginably beautiful. Know this, that I personally believe that when we see each other we are seeing the souls, the drivers of the flesh, and when the soul departs the flesh it shows us what the flesh really looked like.
Much love and light, I wish you all the best. I really do.
I actually totally get this but I think you probably know that!! xoxo
Yes, but the muggles don't quite understand it like we do so I'm attempting to open the closed minded. Join me...and together we shall rule the universe side by side! Muwahahaha!
Lol...No thanks, I don't have ruling in my blood..hee hee. 😉
I honestly had Pinky and The Brain on my mind at the time I wrote that, lol! Yeah, life is hard enough controlling my own problems, I wouldn't wish to take on the world's problems.
Lol..I knew it had to be something like that. I remember Pinky and The Brain!! It's been a very odd couple of weeks for me..definitely feel some kind of shift in the atmosphere but can't tell if it is good or bad and may be neither. Have you felt it?
Absolutely, but I rarely come across someone else who senses it other than my family. Whatever it is, it's been draining me. Like a calm before the storm. I've been feeling it for a while and I've been trying to put out as much good energy as I can to counterbalance it. However I am now drained and feel very neutral, blah.
I'm finding it more difficult to stay positive. I can go negative easily enough, but that's not where we want to be. Just feeling anxious and blah. We had a situation today where we were supposed to go somewhere and the truck wouldn't start. Before we decided to leave, we all experienced something strange, a sense of not wanting to go. A sense that something bad was about to happen and we should stay home. We tried to ignore it, because we had a mission to go take care of..duty..business, but some higher power stopped us in our tracks. The truck usually runs, but it wouldn't start. So we have waited a while and now we are starting again to see if we can get there.
We went with the other car, just two of us and things turned out well, but I still feel this odd energy out there. I've spoken to some people six months ago and they said I should be using a quartz to ground myself. Idk, I'll talk with some more sensitives and see what they have to say.
Okay! I'm glad all went well. Take care!!