Good one and its an interesting topic, I think you're right about one mans gold is another man's trash or vice versa, I find great value in the eco system of steemit and all the awesome people that share thier content on the platform. Then there is the dapps, the value is hard to measure and what is value anyway...? The way I see it is like this, if I can make someone smile or offer assistance in any way, to improve thier business or lifestyle then I have delivered value. #steemitvalue Great Topic and I always get great value from your posts and the free training inside bitcoinbully is just priceless in terms of the value given and it's not like you charge a membership fee or anything, so it means people who say "I don't have money to invest" can still invest by investing in themselves and in thier own education which can also help them improve their steem knowledge.
I think i should check out this Bitcoin Bully :)
For sure. it's a journey right....And part of my journey here is to 'hopefully' deliver value by sharing my experiences and documenting my adventures LOL I'm picking things up along the way that some people may find to be garbage LOL