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RE: RFID - Here is to Never Having to Wait

in #stemng7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for providing this information.

First of all: whenever I hear about a technology with so many possible applications I am talking against it. It became a habit for whatever reason.
I guess by heart I am a technological skeptic. Smile.

I've heard about RFID-chips quite a while ago and even used them in a fictional novel for lost cows in the desert. Don't ask:)

My man and I often talk about shops without cashiers. And then I ask: "what about the people formerly working there?" He asks: "Would you like to work as a cashier?" And I answer: "No, I wouldn't. But others would."

Then we have a debate about me saying that the world I live in gets way too complex and there is no work left for simple minds and for people who do not want to get this complex form of education. Then, the two of us agree on a Guaranteed Basic Income for everyone. Then the idea of a shop without cashiers sounds nice to me. Still, I would like having people working there. And we imagine people having time for each other and not being stressed or distracted with work they don't like.

For the ID-app: Nah. Governments always say, it's safe, don't they? I am sorry, that I do not praise the idea. Though I distinguish between the provider of information and the distributor of the application.

In the preference tracking, there should be built in a random offer. It is nice to have been offered things I like but sometimes the unexpected should be taken in. And most of the times I don't want to be offered anything at all.

Sorry, that was a quite long comment.
Hello & Bye from Germany!


Thank you for the long comment. Before now, I had thought it was the exclusive preserve of Abigail-dantes to receive them. Now, I can see that I'm moving up in the world :)

But seriously, it is easy to see that you are just a wonderful, caring, thoughtful person. Your concern with technologies that have numerous applications is valid. No matter how menial a job is, it is somebody's dream job and it must feed a family somewhere. Therefore, anyone who takes it away owes the world a duty of care to consider the lives it must change in its wake.

On the flipside though, your man has a point when he says that we can all focus on other things. I mean, just a couple of years ago I felt it was bliss having a paid job but now here I am very satisfied running a small poultry and writing science articles and discussing with you fine people. Life is a gift but most often we don't know what's best for us. As a talented man put it, we often run around like children asking for toys but the Universe, as a proper parent denies us some of them knowing they are choking hazards. While we think that working as checkout assistants is the ultimate job for some people, walking around the shop and holding conversations with customers to ensure they have everything they need may be a more satisfying job. And because more is done with less, it may turn out to be a better paying job.

If you, being in Germany do not completely trust governments, just consider how much I must trust them :) Did I say you're wonderful? Yes you are. I am glad you visited my blog today and I hope I have touched on all the points you raised. German sure can write English!

You have my gratitude from Nigeria.