Hello @gentleshaid
I must first of all commend you for a well written article. I have told you before and I am gonna say it again; the richness of your posts, the demonstration of knowledge and presentation style make reading your works very addicting!!
In respect of the theme of this post, I agree with you that age of consent and age of marriage should be same. Honestly, I really don't see any logic in separating these two; it makes no meaning cuz such kids may have been having sex before the age of marriage. So what's the basis to offer contrary opinion? Absolutely no basis.
@eurogee of @euronation and @steemstem communities
Thank you for the kind comment and for always checking out my articles. I will try my best not to fall short of your expectations.
If the age of consent is ridiculously too high in a given nature, it can only be expected that the marriageable age is going to be lower than it.