The Third Gender: Tetrominoes
What are the critics saying?
“Outrageous.” - The New Yorker
“Mr Plume doesn’t know the first thing about gender, let alone the third.” - The Daily Mail
“Has political correctness gone too far, or will it hear us and come back if we just go out the front door and bang a fork on a tin of cat food loud enough?” - The Age
I don't suppose these are real, are they?
Unfortunately, due to a scheduling error at Random House, the book hasn't been published yet. As such, I had to fabricate the critics' responses. I assure you that, as soon as this unforeseeable mishap is rectified, I will update the placeholder responses with real quotes. I will probably use quotes from reviews of other books though, as they are more likely to be positive.
(Short answer: no)
Is your full name, "Nomde Plume?"
It is exactly as you say: when my family and I came to the country where we now live, we considered my birthname, Noam Plumesky, to be a bit too foreign. We decided to franglicise it to Nomde Plume.
However, I usually prefer not to publicise my real name; as something of a minor celebrity in my town (I clean the mayor's horse stables for him once a week), I fear that my literature could be misconstrued as a scathing criticism of the régime, landing me in some figuratively hot water.
Well, fancy! When I'm in trouble, I get placed in literal hot water. The whole town enjoys me-so oup.