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RE: How you interact in Finland

in #story7 years ago

A sadistic extroverts paradise.
Looking down the bus aisle he spots the perfect seat. Right next to an average guy in a p-coat with the seats across from him both empty. "Oh thank god a comfortable looking seat, do you mind? I'm jacob, I like people and you are..he ask the gentleman next to him, as he see him eyeing the two empty seats across the aisle...Such wonderful weather, i'm heading into the city because I need to buy some new undies this pair I have on are so full of holes and the wind is so cold I just can't keep my privates warm about you why are you heading into town?

Finnish Headline News Channel, we interrupt our normal boring news with this story of a slightly elderly gentleman being questioned as to why he suddenly turned and smacked the crap out of the individual sitting next to him on the bus..Sorry folks no real story we return to our normal boring news, it seems the smacked down guy was an extrovert, explains it all.