Have you considered the Heavenly Words of Christ wherein he says flesh and blood will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and agaein when he says except you become as a little child you shall in no wise enter the kingdom of heaven? Will the little children be having a sex Fest in heaven? Will everybody be doing everyone to Total satisfaction? Why does Christ himself as the Holy Spirit and Eternal Father in the Book of Revelations warned us that no whoremongers no adulterers no Liars will enter into the kingdom of heaven? Will you change those words also? I know that you can revert back to your disclaimer that what you have written is a theological fantasy,
We have been warned disclaimers won't work when the book is opened and the final judgment is begun and everyone must give an account of what they've done what they have thought what they have said and what they have writ.. I admonish you as an elder to a child, reconsider the children who will read this fantasy.
Christ, The Heavenly Angels, the Saints and Prophets and the kingdom of heaven are no fantasy, Christ teaches us, in that day many will come saying Lord Lord haven't we done many wonderful works in your name, and I will say to them depart from me you workers of iniquity I never knew you. Brother Duncan, I admonish you once again, don't make a terrible mistake and reserved All rights for you personally...
It's John I said repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand
As Elijah calling I say repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand..
I love you brother but I got to say, this fantasy is never going to fly, as Christians we have no such Traditions as these you speak of... you're in my prayers for your well-being and your salvation. I have children older than you so please forgive me if I speak as some old stogie in your ears... it isn't my intention to offend anyone but that all should come to the knowledge of Christ in the Kingdom of the true and living God...
Just one afterthought, you may not have imagined the countless virgins who have died for the word of Christ, I don't think they want to become your lover in the Kingdom of Heaven, in fact I don't think any of the Saints or prophetss want to become the lover of anyone you know or will ever know, but instead they lived and died to be come the brides of Christ!!!
? Sexy sexy man?? Really,
OMGBrother Duncan, @creatr , I ask you which place in the Holy scriptures are we invited to turn God's sacred word into a theological fantasy? Also, if Christ himself taught us that in the Kingdom of Heaven we will neither be married or given in marriage but instead will be as the Holy Angels, why do you so boldly call his word nonsense? Where does the scripture ever say that we will be neutered in heaven? Yes I read your words correctly , these are the words of a man who is unwilling to contain his sexuality in this life in the way that the scriptures have taught us , and suggest that they will not be contained by the Kingdom of Heaven in the next life..
come quickly Lord even so I pray come quickly Lord
Hello friend @elijhacalling,
Thank you for taking the time for such an extensive comment and for the concern you have expressed for my well-being and salvation.
I would ask you to please read my work more carefully. You have brought many accusations based on what appear to me to be hasty and inaccurate observations. I'll ask you kindly to actually read the scripture reference links I've provided within this article, as I do in most of my articles, for your instruction.
Please also take greater care not to misquote scripture yourself. Nowhere in scripture is it said that we will not be married in heaven. It says we will not marry. There is a very clear and distinct difference between "being married" and "marry-ing."
I regret any distress my article may have caused you. However, I would invite you to simply avoid my blog if you find it offensive.
Nevertheless, should you care to better understand why I believe my story is a reasonable and biblical representation of the future of God's beloved people, I hope to one day write a more scholarly article. In that article I intend, God willing, to lay out a more complete biblical case for my assertions.
May the LORD bless you. I wish you peace.
Thanks brother you are always very kind in your words to others and I appreciate that. I also know that you have a desire for the kingdom of heaven and and appreciation for the scriptures. I've only been dedicated to the scripture now for almost forty four years so I know I still have much to learn to understand and interpret, and by the way I asked you which version of the scripture are you reading, the King James version is the one to which I am most familiar.
I know that you expected someone to be upset, I also know that you appreciate an open dialogue, so please don't be amazed that someone would read your fantasy and interpreted as a perversion of the scripture if not an open Challenge and perversion of the face of Christ. The scriptures teach us to be ready to give an account of ourselves to any man wwho asks , again we read in the scripture ,blessed is he that readeth.
So I will be looking forward to reading your next post, your bow tie with this great gift you're offering to. Reading, and rereading are some of my favorite activities here in this suffering world. Prayer and longing for the Kingdom of Heaven is my daily activity. You are fine writer and I enjoy reading your work, the scriptures teach us the workmen rightly dividing the word of Truth need not be ashamed, like you ,I don't expect to write and not receive some form of criticism, also in the teachings we find that we are admonished to confess our faults to one another, one of my greatest fault is that I am often incomplete in the imperfect and what I have wriyten is often hard to be understood. I would like to attribute this to the mysteries of God, yet I perceive that it is due to my corruptible nature as a human. Let us consider Joan of Arc, who received instructions from the angels, yet it is said that she recounted her own testimony when faced with the fires of death and torture. I don't know if you're aware of the book called ,foxes book of Martyrs, it might come as a surprise to some readers but many many many Christians have given all for the cause of Christ, paying for their own tickets to heaven with torturous agonizing trials, cruel mockings , Savage beatings, Unthinkable murders of every description. The scripture has liking these to, a cloud of witnesses. I speak to you and the world as one of these anointed Witnesses.. often unwilling, to do the perfect work as Elijah, complaining often to the most high asking to be relieved. Even though his grace is sufficient for me I know that soon enough, I'll get straightened out.
as always thanks for reading and for your comments ..
Thanks, friend, for your gracious response.
I would like to assure you that the scriptures are my primary authority for faith and life. I have had a great and growing reverence for them for more than sixty years myself. I use multiple versions but whenever anything may be in doubt I go back to the original Greek and Hebrew, which I have studied though I am no expert. I do understand enough to usually get to the bottom of an issue. I am very skeptical of bible translators, which you will see if you read my "Bible Curmudgeon" series. I do know that most modern translations contain serious flaws. My goal is always to "rightly divide the word of truth."
Friend, such is not possible. If any of us are to be saved, it is and will always be entirely by the grace and work of Christ.
I am familiar with Fox's Book of Martyrs, and I do realize that God has and does and will call some of us to make the ultimate sacrifice as his witnesses.
Thank you for softening towards me, and know that I will always listen to any scriptural guidance you may bring my way. Blessings!
Thank you brother for your kind response, I'm looking forward to reading all of your past post but time is the consideration that I can't overcome quickly.
I would like to say that when I first came to steemit yours were the first post that I gravitated to and you are the first that I followed. I aspire to be such a fine writer as you. We each must take up our cross and follow in the way that we are led, with the Kingdom of Heaven as our final destination , when the confusion of this old life is finished an the Kingdom of Heaven is revealed in all the glory of the Eternal Father it will Delight me to sit with you and talk Story , I suspect we have much more in common than we have in contradiction.. so as Willy sang so beautifully, they tell me of a land where no storm clouds rise .. and I sure look forward to meeting you there. If not here and then.
Never stop we may have different words, yet I know the meaning is for the same intention, to inspire any who will receive the message of Yeshua the living Christ.
And just thank you for being you!
I look forward to sitting and chatting with you, here or in the Glory... :D