My New Book - The Perfect Pause: Meditating Your Way to the Ultimate You - Book Launch Delayed

in #story7 years ago (edited)

I have some very unfortunate and embarrassing news to share with you all today. This morning, I opened up the laptop, excited to begin work on the post I’ve been waiting to write for weeks...the Steemit post to launch my new book. I searched Amazon for the links to the paperback and Kindle versions to embed into the post and I couldn’t find my book! I started to panic.

I've discovered before that Amazon can be a little buggy sometimes, so I logged unto Amazon Author Central to see if I could get to the bottom of it. There I discovered Amazon had taken the book offline for the next five days! With today being Sunday Amazon’s Customer Support department is unavailable. Quite honestly I felt potent mix of anger and devastation.

“When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves.” - Viktor E. Frankl

The book designer and I were having a glitch with the Kindle version of the book not displaying properly so my best guess is Amazon made the whole listing unavailable while they figure out what the issue was. It was then that I took a breath, re-calibrated my attitude and had no choice but to accept the situation or spend my the rest of my birthday sulking. I chose acceptance.

I'm very sorry for the delay. As a bonus for your patience, I’m going to post excerpts from the first two chapters throughout the coming week. I’m also going to let you know that the new tentative date for the book launch will be a week from now on Sunday, June 25th. I’ll communicate updates as they become available.

In this life we never know when the lessons are going to be presented to us. Today, I was given another lesson in patience. But you know what? The sun is still shining, it's still my birthday, and life is really good. Enjoy the day, Steemians.

Chapter One

Meditation is Liberation

You may have been drawn to meditation for a variety of reasons: to reduce stress; to heal from anxiety or depression; increase productivity; or just create a better life for yourself. The beauty of meditation is even if you begin your practice for a specific reason you will quickly start to experience unforeseen benefits in all areas of your life. What I’ve learned is meditation has the uncanny ability of seeking out exactly what is broken or unbalanced within you and fixing it. This allows you to become the best version of yourself, the greatest gift you could give the world.

The series of events that led me to meditation began when I was in my early twenties. My diet was bad, I wasn’t exercising, and I was making poor life choices until eventually, a terrible depression set in. I was going to college at that time and ended up dropping out rather than subject myself to the embarrassment of panic attacks during presentations or class discussions. The panic attacks grew to be so random and so severe that I eventually stopped socializing and became afraid to leave the house. This crippling limitation that appeared to come into my life so suddenly baffled and angered me.

In hindsight I understand that anxiety and depression actually took root in my psyche over several years. Each time I backed away from a fear and didn’t stand up to it the fear got a little worse and gained a little more power over me until the point it had full control.

One summer night, in the middle of a deep sleep, I had an experience that forever changed my life. At the time the extraordinary experience left me with more questions than it did answers. Over twenty years later I’m just beginning to understand it. Although I’m not ready to share the full details of this experience yet I can say that I’m sure it was the catalyst that led me to this spiritual path.

It was terrifyingly transformative, consciousness-expanding, and in hindsight very sacred. Afterwords, I developed an intense curiosity for all things spiritual and an unwavering desire to fight against anything that was holding me back from living my best life.

In the following months I spent countless hours reading self help books, some of which were slightly beneficial but only provided a temporary fix. After a few months of searching I was drawn to a small book on meditation in a local bookstore and it changed my life. I developed a regular meditation practice and stuck to it faithfully every day, even if it was only fifteen minutes.

Soon and idea came to me. I began to desensitize myself to the panic attacks by purposely putting myself into situations that I feared would trigger the anxiety and panic. Each time I did this I became stronger and the anxiety and panic attacks became less severe until they eventually subsided and I started to get my life back.

What I quickly learned is meditation is the best way to liberate you from whatever barriers are keeping you from being the absolute best version of yourself. We have simply forgotten how awesomely powerful we really are. Through the gift of imagination and the intelligence to bring our ideas to fruition, there is literally nothing in this world that we can’t accomplish. Ask yourself, what would you attempt in life if you knew, in your heart, that you could accomplish anything? How would you live each day of the rest of your life if you had no fear of failure?

More to Come Soon...

Please join me here next Sunday, June 25th for the book launch (fingers are crossed.)

Did you miss the first post about my book launch? If so, you can Click Here to read it.

*I am an American novelist, poet, traveler, and crypto-enthusiast. If you’ve enjoyed my work please sign up for my author newsletter at my website. Newsletter subscribers will receive exclusive updates and special offers and your information will never be sold or shared.

Eric Vance Walton - Media

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“When we are no longer able to change a situation - we are challenged to change ourselves.” - Viktor E. Frankl

Wow, what a perfect quote for the situation.

Sorry to hear about the delay for your book Eric. After all that work and your weeks of anticipating this post, we could feel your frustration.

Funny though, all this played perfectly to your first chapter. As you say, meditation has an uncanny ability of seeking out what is broken and unbalanced in us and fixing it.

I enjoyed the first chapter, and am waiting for the next one.

Thanks for sharing your birthday post with us! Happy birthday Eric!

Thanks for your kind words! I was hoping people wouldn't think I was comparing my situation to what Frankl went through because there is no comparison. This was just a minor setback. It actually gives me more time to work through more details. In the end it was a good thing. I hope you had a good weekend!

You're right, just a minor setback in the big picture. Glad you can work through some details now.

I did have a good weekend! My wife and I went to see Wonder Woman, and I played some basketball.

May you have a productive week my friend!

I loved the excerpt you shared with us so far. It looks like it is going to be an amazing book. I have undertaken meditation exercises before to help reduce stress. However, I think your book can greatly improve my focus in life and make me into a better person.

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm such a firm believer in meditation. It totally transformed my life for the better.

Great love it nicely written
I am fighting with Anxiety
I know how it ruins my life
I am waiting for your book
It may gives me relief

I appreciate the support! Anxiety is horrible. I fought anxiety for a few years before I found meditation. I got so frustrated with how much it limited my life. It can definitely be overcome and meditation/yoga can be a great tool to accomplish this. Diet changes can also help. I wish you the best of luck!

It is very Good that people like you take the decesion about writing in spiritualism in this modern age where most of the people forget humanity and nature only love their ego, everybody want to fullfill their desire . In today's world noble sense ,listening to inner voice, ultimate selflessness are most urgent need for the sake of the world. Every religion has its own way to meet with the supreme power.

So very true! Our society has become so self-absorbed and materialistic. I think it's good to have a balance between the two extremes. We can fulfill our material desires while existing in a place of peace. The thing I find is the more I practice meditation the less desire. I want experiences (like traveling) more than things.

Beautifully written, i cam imagine how amazing your book will be... best of luck and a big thumbs up from my side :)

Much appreciated, @raja!

Have you had stretches when you completely stopped sit down meditating? I try to stay mindful but I've stopped sitting down for meditation. I use to meditate almost an hour a day before.

Definitely, earlier in my practice it was difficult to train my mind to sit still and establish a habit. I've been meditating so long now that I can meditate almost anywhere, even walking. It's something that gets easier with practice. Practice is the key, even if it's 5min per day. The times when you wan to do it the least offer some of the best results, in my experience.

I agree. When it's most difficult meditation is very rewarding. I will try to meditate maybe even just a minute or two.

Very cool! A minute or two per day is all it takes. Once you begin and make it a habit you will crave more. Thanks!

Great story man.
I loved it.
Can't wait for the book release

I feel for sorry because your book got delayed
However everything looks to be OK and you will be on sale soon with a bonus
Keep up with your great work
I am your new follower
Best Regards Andrei

Thank you! It was upsetting at first but now I see that it will work out for the best in the end. I appreciate the support, Andrei!

You are welcome Eric
Best of luck in Sales
Guys please buy @Ericvanvewalton s book when gets released

I have resteemed your post

First of all: Happy Birthday!
Well written introduction, I enjoyed reading it and also could draw some parallels to my own life.
I also believe, that to change something about your own habits you'd have to start at the bottom, which is achieving some basic inner peace or calm state of mind from which you can tackle more and more that bugs you.

Thanks for your post and sorry to hear about the trouble you have to go through. I also hope, that they find a way to get rid of that displaying error.

Enjoy your day! :)

Thank you! It was a great birthday. You are totally correct. Once you establish this inner sanctuary of peace that you can retreat into there is nothing that can shake you. I appreciate your kind words!

You're welcome! I'll definitely keep track of your work. :)

How much is the book mate?

The paperback will be in the $15 range, the eBook $4.99. I'm also trying to make it available for SBD but will announce that during the launch this coming Sunday if I'm able to make it work.

Thank you very much for info
I do hope you lll make it available on SBD too hopefully you will get huge sale
I wish you good luck
Best Regards Andrei

upvoted you and its great to read all your posts because it adds a great skills and knowledge in myself, already followed you and inspired from your posts, hope that you also follow me back so that it will be a great pleasure for me and a big contribution from ur side for me , thanks kindly follow me aswell @shanzaylizay

I love it! Everything we need is already inside us, we just have to find it.

So true! We're so powerful, like sleeping giants.

I think you may need to meditate after trying to contact amazon

Very good excerpt


Lol! Yes, I took deep breaths for sure. It's all good now. : ) Thanks!

Oh no! I'm sorry Eric :( I can't help but wonder if it's some kind of test for you considering the enlightened material you are pushing out into the world, meditation generally going hand in hand with patience in my experience.
I haven't read the chapter yet, I'm at my dad's and it is also his birthday (well the 16th was) This year his birthday is a present to all of us since he had two very close calls that almost kept him from making it to this day.

I will definitely read it later and give you my thoughts :) Once more Happy Birthday! And I'm sure all things will work together for the good, there is few people as deserving of that as you my friend.

Thank you so much, @dreemit! I life my life with the belief that things like this happen for a reason. I see now that I wasn't fully prepared yesterday. This will give me one more week to make sure everything is in place. You don't know how much your support means! I hope you had a good day with your father!

wow, nice :-)

Thank you, Eric, for this inspiring and well written book. Over the years I have recognized in our culture what I term, "the need to learn how to just be." By that I mean learning to separate from the "plastic" world and be alone with ones self. I think your book on meditation will be a great help in that way.

Thank you! I like how you phrase that, "the need to learn how to just be." So many of us have lost that. I see so many people in public who are afraid of quiet time. If they're waiting for an elevator they pull out their phones to occupy their minds. It's almost as if they're afraid of their own inner thoughts.

Great subject and looking forward to the 25 June :-)

That's the trouble with glitches like these. They have a life of their own. Nice to see you decided to sit back and let it play out. Looking forward to the launch.

It sounds like you've been through this kind of thing too! Lol. Thanks for the comment, I love your posts!

whenever it launches will be awesome! Thanks for sharing the first chapter, it makes me want more :-)

Thanks for the confidence and support! I'm going to do a few more excerpts like this leading up to next Sunday!

Happy Belated Birthday! The 25th is a good day for a book launch. Thanks for the chapters, and congratulations!

Thank you very much! I hope you enjoyed the post!

First of all, Happy Birthday!

Hope you had a good

For the book: Well all the best with Amazon; Hopefully they get their act together soon.

Thank you, man! My birthday was great and I'm happy to report all is on track for the launch next Sunday! Hope you're well.

Talk about synchronicity, I also went through a period of anxiety and panic attacks in my early twenties! Though it didn't progress to a stage of not leaving the house, it might have had I not realized that it was stemming from a fear of death. When I first realized this was the root of the problem I wasn't quite sure what to do, then finally one night my heart was racing so fast, my breathing so labored I was sure I was about to expire. I decided to accept it. I was going to die, I had no idea what came next, and it was okay. I faced this fear, let it in, and let go of the tenacious hold I had on this temporary physical existence. I was filled with such peace I wondered why I had ever been afraid. It was the last anxiety attack I ever had.

Because of this experience, as well as some others I had in my childhood, it was extremely important to me that I teach my children from a young age- Always face your fears, or as my husband says "Turn and face it". I love what you had to say about putting yourself in situations that would cause the debilitating fear and gaining strength over every triumph, that resonates deeply with me.
Really looking forward to this launch!

Your post has very useful guidance for many. Meditation is our natural state.

I enjoyed your excerpt here; your work appears that it could be of benefit to many. All the best with the launch!

Good luck with the book launch! I can't wait to pick up a copy and read more, I'm loving it already. I feel fortunate that I found your post today; thank you for sharing. Following you. Happy birthday!