The stench was almost overwhelming. In the dim fluorescence cast upon the gloomy interior, visions of disgust and filth etched themselves onto his eyeballs. A dirty foam-fabric mattress resembling something that had once been hewn with a pickaxe. Sections of walls smeared over in some black, oily substance. In the far corner, a rising heap of empty beer bottles and crushed cans. And on the opposite side, just a bucket and stool. The contents of which he had no desire to find out. It also appeared to be the main source of foulness pervading the small hovel. He had witnessed men hiding out in the most extreme conditions of poverty, but it seemed there were yet more layers of horror further down. By the doorway, the vague silhouette of Miguel stood, two black holes of a long, metal barrel aimed straight at him. Even in the poor lighting, Joe could discern a set of pale teeth gleaming back at him.
”I know, I know. This place could do with a little tidy up, right? Well, I didn’t know I was gonna be tending to uninvited guests tonight. Hope you understand.” His voice drawled throughout the room with a deep, growling twang. It was irritating, yet satisfying all at once. Revenge would be served up with an added touch of sweetness. It was simply a question of when, he thought to himself.
”Oh no, quite the contrary.” Joe replied, with a twisted grin of his own. ”I like what you’ve done here. It’s got a… a certain homely charm about it. For a man in your position, that is. So it’s commendable you made the most out of your hidden kingdom while the going was good. Coz times just about run out, my friend.”
Miguel tilted his head to one side, moving over to the lone table in the centre of the room. He picked up a solitary beer can, prising open the aluminium tab with one hand and taking a large swig. All the while, his sights trained on the seated target. ”Oh really? Well, from where I’m about stood, you’re the one about to set foot into his own private kingdom. The one with the pearly gates?” He tapped a finger upon the muzzle of the shotgun. ”My quiet little friend here will be only too happy to oblige getting you there. Free of charge too.”
”Let’s cut the shit, Mig. Your done and you know it.” Joe hissed back, losing his patience at the simple back and forth banter. ”Orlon is coming for you and he ain’t gonna stop until you're either dead or turn up at his doorstep ready for some of his special treatment. I don’t need to tell you twice. You’re in a whole world of shit right now.”
Miguel paused for a moment before nodding his head in contemplative understanding. ”Right, now I get it. There’s a bounty on my head. That dumb asshole stuck a price tag on the side of my ass and you show up out of the blue, loaded up to the nines and ready to dish out some financial vengeance on his behalf. I gotta hand it to you. You don't waste time. He has no idea where I’m at, does he? In fact, how the hell do you even know?”
”You’d be surprised what my knife, a box of matches and a fistful of salt will make a man confess to.” Joe sank back into the chair, locking both hands behind his head. ”But that’s the least of your concerns right now. You raped the boss’s daughter and took an entire case of expensive notes. Did you lose your mind or something? What in the lowest pits of Hades possessed you to do that, Mig?”
”You got it all wrong.” Replied Miguel. ”I was setup and some yet-to-be-identified punk ass bitches are putting it all on me. I had nothing to do with that. You think I’m crazy? I was earning good money and all of a sudden, I’m gonna lose my shit and destroy the reputation I’ve worked so hard to build? As well as forego my life in the process? Don’t make just much sense when you look it over proper now, does it?”
Joe sniggered out of the gloom, shaking his head. ”Oh, you didn’t hear, Mig? She actually confirmed it was you. Emerald gave you up first thing that morning. You beat her pretty bad too. So a show of mercy ain’t something you can expect any time soon. That I can absolutely guaran-fucking-tee you. So you explain to me? Why in the hell would she lie to her own father about something like that?”
”I don’t fucking know, man.” Came the answer in a trembling voice. ”But I sure as shit am gonna find out. Sitting around waiting for the likes of you to turn up, ain’t exactly what I had in mind. I’ll get to the bottom of this and Orlon will learn the truth. That… I can guaran-fucking-tee "you".”
Miguel could see the broad shoulders of Joe lean forward in his chair. He took a step back, raising the shotgun with his finger readied on the trigger. ”You fucked up bad just now. You gotta know that. Right, Mig? If you’d just let me have taken care of you in my own way tonight, any sane person would have considered that an easy escape. I could have spared you what’s eventually gonna come. When his boys find you, you’ll suffer for days, perhaps even weeks. A barrage of constant pain and torture in retribution for what you did to that poor young girl. You’ll be wishing you could turn back the clock and get back to this little rendezvous and accept my offer instead. But it'll be too late by then. You’re a dead man walking and all I'm doing is escort you to your rightful destination. Let me do my job here and now. Don't add to your list of fatal mistakes. And I promise. I’ll make it quick. I’m levelling with you here, that wasn’t my initial intention prior to arriving here. But seeing as you outsmarted me, I’m cutting you a one-off deal. As a reward of sorts.”
Miguel took another sip from the open can as Joe glowered up at him from the chair, elbows resting upon either leather-clad thigh. ”Don’t delay the inevitable. You know there’s no way out and only one sensible option. I’m trying to be the better man and help you out here.”
Joe waited for a response, but frowned at the reaction he received. Miguel let out a torrent of bellied laughter, echoing around the walls of the dank, stinking enclosure. He settled back into a composed state, though still baring a wide, gaping grin. ”Thank you for your kind offer. Don’t think I don’t appreciate it and all. But there’s just the one small inaccuracy with your proposition. I ain’t no dead man yet. If I’m still breathing, I’m still searching. And that’s the way things stand till the natural forces that be change them. Until then, I think I’ve outstayed my welcome here and might be on my way for now.” As Miguel backed away towards the front entrance, he observed Joe. An unmoving black shape hunched over in his seat, yet watching in the dark him, burning with rage. The feeling sent a cold shiver up his spine, yet the objective was clear. Get the hell of out there and down the road as fast as possible.
His fingers fumbled for the door handle whilst he remained trained on the vague outline of Joe. The silence was broken by a guttural mutter in the background. ”You know once you leave here, I will find you. And I will have no remorse.”
The door swung open to a cool night breeze passing over his face. The stale heat contained within that claustrophobic unkempt dump produced rivulets of sweat running down his temples. Something he had not been aware of until now. About to make a swift exit, he glanced over at Joe one last time.
”I ain’t no rapist. And I sure as hell ain’t no killer. So count your star's as it seems you'll live to see another day. Though I do have a job for you and the price is me not having to blow seven shades of crimson out of your head. You go tell Orlon when you see him. I told you I was innocent and also for him to watch his own back. There’s some kind of private coo planned and they wanted me gone. Well, they’ve succeeded so far. But they won’t win this war. I’ll return with the evidence I need to clear my name and that's a promise. From me to you to him. Easy enough to remember, I'm sure. Oh… and thanks for the bike. I always wanted my very own Harley.”
The door slammed shut. Joe did not flinch or attempt to retaliate. He listened to the sound of "Princess" roar into life before trailing off into the distance. Time appeared to stand still, but the machinations of his mind would not. A murder was brewing. And one that would defy every law of pain and agony known to mankind. A new plan had begun.
(To Be Continued)

Aww man! This story ended too soon! I had expected this would be a 10-chapter or 12-chapter short story, but alas it was just a two-parter :( Nonetheless, like any other Ezzy-masterpieces, I don't feel shortchanged at all. This was one of your grittier ones that I've read so far, and I've read all of your work ever since we became friends. Definitely spine-tingling, sprinkled in with your usual masterful flair. You certainly know how to keep readers waiting. Based on the reaction in the comments section, you had a lot of people at the edge of their seat from Part 1! Amazing job, brother!
Hey, my brother!
Lol, man I'm happy to see you here! Oh, man. I know I should have kept this one going a little longer. I've almost changed my mind to do just that as I feel there's a tale to be told somewhere in that extended intro. But yes, the rest of the story would be in the same vein as it begun. So one not for the kids I imagine, lol!
Again, my bro, thank you for dropping by as always. I've got a marathon catch-up to do with one of the best authors I've had the pleasure to come across. Something to really look forward to.
Bless, my brother! :)
Jeez @ezzy, you could turn this (and all your works) into a screenplay. You nail every bit of tension and scene setting in every story you write. Excellent work my friend. I am sad this one has ended already, but if I know you, you will always bring something back once you feel like it! :D
Hey, my bro! Man, thanks for the compliment!
Would love to branch this story into a number of different directions. May still do that, but your amazing words definitely give me a lot of confidence to do so. I miss the good old days when we were inspiring each other do keep pushing forward with our blogs. Well, old habits die hard, my friend.
Thank you so much, as always. :)
nice post my friend thanks for sharing nice story
I hope you plan on continuing this story. There are still a lot of ways it can go. Right now all Joe feels is a need to finish the Job. That always comes first with his type, But he's know Miguel for a long time, should he investigate, or finish the job. Whats a man to do.
At any rate, I like your work, and will continue to follow and read. You have a lot of ways to go here @ezzy, I would like to see a continuation, but then again, I would like to see new stuff also, the conundrum, what to do, what to hope for, what to push for. Anyway, it really is your call. So damn many good writers/Authors on steemit. One of the things I don't like about steemit, and would like to see change is people calling everyone Authors. So I have had to start referring to The Authors that write books and stories as the Storytellers, and incorporating that in some of my post.
Hey buddy, thanks for the great comments. Yes, I've got a draft story already mapped out and seriously considering putting the wheels in motion with it. And your confidence in what I've written so far gives me even further incentive to start this new project up properly.
And I also totally agree with what you say. The word "author" is becoming somewhat of a generalisation at present. Being an author can mean a number of things but I guess the definition most are familiar with is in the context of story writing. Still, as long as we know the difference, right buddy? Lol...
Thank you once again, my bro. :)
Hey @ezzy, this is a great short story and great that we have steemit to preserve work like this on the blockchain!!
I am working with the #promo-uk team and @stephenkendal to promote steemit on a UK tour around 22 universities during freshers week! As a promonent UK steemian, we would like to ask for your support and if you have time, even to come and join us for whatever time you can spare at your nearest university!
The tour started in Manchester today, does a trip around the country and ends up in Lancaster on 07th Oct.
THIS link will show you the tour route, meeting times and meet up locations.
THIS link shows you our success around Manchester today!
It would be really great if you could make it to one of these promotional events to have some fun talking Steemit and letting people know how great it is!!
Please reply to this or contact me in if you are interested!
Hey there, buddy! Thank you for your kind words, sir.
And yes, I've been keeping abreast of everything you guys have been doing thus far and am thoroughly impress with the outcome so far. Incredible job! Well, I'm based in London so I guessing the nearest one to myself would be Birmingham.
Will DM you in and continue our chat from there. Thanks! :)
cool! we are presenting at the london investors fair on 20th oct, we plan to meet up in a bar afterwards and put some money behind the bar for attendees to get some drinks! you are more than welcome to come along to that....
I see you put out a lot of quality original content consistantly. I have set you to 100% upvote... I had decreased all of my voting when we had the HF and everything increased in value. Now I'm readjusting the people I support based on their content and new values... Keep up the good man! I love to support other creative people. :)
Oh mate! Really appreciated! I was hoping it came across the effort and time it takes to produce these writings so your feedback has really brightened my day.
Thanks very much for your valuable support, buddy! :)
Your welcome! :)
Uttering brilliant, @ezzy! What a stand off between these two! The tension, I could feel the chills running along by back as I was reading it. Miguel was on the verge of death and you brought all that desperation and coolness to life. Modern day Tarantino or what? lol. You deserve every bit of recognition you get and then some. Love your work and will always continue to support you. Just amazing. The only problem is I wish it would not end as I really think you could turn this into one of your epic greats.
Just mind-blowing writing, @ezzy.
Hey my bro. Thanks so much, man. Really glad you liked it. I put this together with the intention of possibly expanding upon this universe, although this story is told as one completed work. But yeh, you totally get the "feel" I was looking for, lol. Thank you! Your support is so humbling and really means so much to me, man.
All the best. Bless, my bro... :)
I had been waiting for part 2 @ezzy .... It is incredible!!! Yes... the tension!!!
Hey there, @abigail-dantes! Sorry, was on a short hiatus for a while there. But yes, this was a lot of fun to put together and I'm so glad it gets the thumbs up from someone as great as yourself.
Thank you so much! :)
oooh!!! Love it!! There's some dark goings on going on here, no mistake. Miguel is innocent! He'll have to clear his name! Who's Orlon? Is Emerald a shady bint, or has she been pressured to pin an innocent man?
Yeah! Looking forward to the next instalment! :)
Also I think you should start choosing which actors you want to play which parts in the film version. ;-)
Hey there, @johleen. Oh, thank you for the awesome feedback! This was meant to be a one-off short story but I've built up a much larger story arc in my mind. The main thing is a got off to the right start so thanks for your valued approval.
Lol, film characters! I'm gonna be racking my brains over that quandary from now on... :)
Thank again. Bless...
Very good news! Just these first 2 instalments already have the feel of a story that can keep on building and building. :)
I shall also be thinking of film characters, it's fun to do! I'll let you know if any suitable dark, deep and interesting men come to mind. Errr if you know what I mean haha!
Hey bud, I've been MIA for a bit but was happy to read the new series. Well done as always, I wish I had your imagination and word-crafting skill!
Thank you for stopping by, bud. I've been away for a while myself so it's also good to catch you here again. Thank you for your kind words, my bro. :)
Excelente post, muy interesante, gracias por compartirlo.
Saludos :)
Thank you very much, @sixtoyanez.
a very interesting story I really like the final part of your story, are you professional in the writing section @ezzy?
Thanks for the great comments! I write and publish exclusively for Steemit at the moment. Would love to release an official book in the future at some point. Let's see, my friend! :)
hopefully your book is successful and i am always ready to see it my friend
What happened to you since last couple of days? We could not really hear a word from you. Now We enjoyed this story like a movie scene.
Lol! Yes, it had been a while since my last post, buddy. But reading your words are a great "welcome back" for me.
Thank you, my bro.
That sounds really cool buddy.
Hi there, i'm new. and this is my first comment for you
Hey there, man. Thanks for dropping by and welcome aboard "Steemit". I hope you have a great time here. :)
@ezzy good story
@ezzy Wonderful put up And that i desire steemit experienced a sticky or pin selection due to the fact That is a type of Specific posts..