Uttering brilliant, @ezzy! What a stand off between these two! The tension, I could feel the chills running along by back as I was reading it. Miguel was on the verge of death and you brought all that desperation and coolness to life. Modern day Tarantino or what? lol. You deserve every bit of recognition you get and then some. Love your work and will always continue to support you. Just amazing. The only problem is I wish it would not end as I really think you could turn this into one of your epic greats.
Just mind-blowing writing, @ezzy.
Hey my bro. Thanks so much, man. Really glad you liked it. I put this together with the intention of possibly expanding upon this universe, although this story is told as one completed work. But yeh, you totally get the "feel" I was looking for, lol. Thank you! Your support is so humbling and really means so much to me, man.
All the best. Bless, my bro... :)