Hang in there @awkwardness, you are doing your very best, and you are doing a great job. Your parents are just worried about you, and want to see the best for you. They were raised on different ideals, during different times. Religion is what they know, and they are praying for you in hopes that you will make decisions that will be beneficial to you. Although it may seem hurtful that they see you as possessed, they do not know how else to see things. I don't think they are ready for their baby girl to be a woman yet. This is new to them, and by you making your own adult decisions that they do not agree with, they resort to falling back on the only thing they understand for spiritual guidance. Even if it doesn't align with your beliefs, they have your better interest in mind. They love you, and care deeply for you. Good luck with things. I will be here anytime you need to talk!