I just came up with this... (KUDOS TO @otybest 😂)
It's a short account of how I left and eventually came back...
I hope it'll speak to someone.
I Left.
First of all, this wasn't a planned trip; and even tho I heard those kinds were the best, there was nothing good about this one.
I used to be in an environment where it was just I, my phone, food and the internet. Funny enough, there's this weird design on the ceiling that looks exactly like the old Steemit logo, so whenever I lie on the bed to think, all I keep seeing is STEEMIT! STEEMIT!! STEEMIT!!!
Photo taken with my phone.
Little did I know that in my leaving the house, I was leaving Steemit for a while.But then, this wasn't my home, only a friend's place (which I must say, I overstayed cos it was so comfortable...my saving grace is that he's also a Steemian, @otybest) and as such, I had to leave.
I Saw.
You know that feeling when you know you're out of your comfort zone but you still feel you can do as good as you used to?
Photo Credit
Well, that was my delusion. I finally understood why office work is kept in the office and home work is strictly at home. I recoiled to my base after about a full month, being away from EVERY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA EXCEPT STEEMIT!
Sure, my friends were disappointed at me going incognito on them without telling them where I went or what kept me that long but...in time, we reconciled.
Now, to appease long-silenced chats and texts, I was re-introduced to Facebook and WhatsApp (my two biggest social media) and in a matter of time, forgot I had to, at the very least, comment on posts on Steemit.
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Truth be told, I enjoyed getting back to Facebook and WhatsApp and the hype of chatting with friends about virtually nothing important.
But then, was I really gaining?
I Had To Run Back.
Soon enough, my hunger started hurt and I painfully realized that I've starved myself of all the info I used to enjoy freely from Steemit. But then, like the prodigal son, the thought of going back made me feel sick and I dreaded my own blog. It got to the point I was depressed cos I knew I had to come back.
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There and then, I knew I missed home.
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Following the constant checkups and hardtalks, I began searching for the map for my return journey to the online world. It was kinda like a jumanji trip for me, with my only weakness being balancing everything I had at hand.
Now I know I'll have to learn to be consistently active for I know I won't be here, in this house, for very long. I can only hope for the best.
So, on Friday, last week, I went back to The Steem Temple where Holy Father Priest @otybest was awaiting my confession, after which I was re-baptized in the hot vapours of Steemit and I have never been more fulfilled.
This has been my story. If it's encouraged you, you could write yours, with same title and mention me to it. I'll be delighted to read it.
I wondered about your absence. I was just beginning to follow your work and then it (and you) kind of disappeared ... welcome home! :)
Thanks a lot.
Warms my heart to know I have you as a friend.
Thank you.
You're very welcome - have a wonderful rest of the weekend! :D
And you too😊
You are welcome back my friend. Home is home. Keep steeming. Never mind, we shall get there.
I have upvoted and followed you.
Gracias ma'am😁