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RE: Folk Tales from Gascony: Jean de Calais, Part 4.

in #storylast year (edited)

This is getting more interesting, I kept imagining every scene in my head. From the way Jean de Calais left yesterday with the three portrait to Portugal, I suspected he was going to see the king, the father to his wife. It's a good thing the king saw the portraits and welcomed him in his castle. At this point, I wish Jean de Calais father was alive to see how great his son has become. I learnt a very important lesson from this part that we should trust no one, the people we call friends might be the ones planning evil against us. Just look at how that man betrayed Jean de Calais, I wonder what his plans was, or did he wanted to go and claim Jean de Calais's wife with everything that the king promised him? Some people are just wicked. That God for the dead man's soul (the bird) that came through for him. That is why it is good to be good because you never know where you deeds will pay off. This part just left me thinking and I so much hunger for the next chapter.

Wow! 90th birthday! That's a huge blessing, happy birthday to her in Addy. Your little relatives looks so adorable, especially the one in blue.