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RE: Folk Tales from Gascony: The Ship Walking on Land, Part 2.

in #storylast year (edited)

My instincts were right after all, the younger son followed the steps of his elder brother and came home with nothing. The last son was more polite and kind to the poor man and it is clear that he is the one to get the prize. It cost nothing to be kind but the two brothers just choose to be rude and now they missed something good. Well, I hope they will learn from the last son. Another lesson grabbed here too, it is not good to be rude be it to strangers or to people we already know because we never know who will help us tomorrow. Kindness will always win in the end.

Adam seems to be enjoying the trampoline more than you, just look how high he is jumping.

They journey you took the last time was a very stressful one, and it is possible for you to still jetlagged but it will go away soon.