🤠Okay, this chapter is quite intriguing and unusual. The twists and turns kept me the on edge of my seat! The way Aladdin handled Sultan's broken promise is surprising. Also the actions of the genie are unexpected, adding to the overall unpredictability of the story. I imagine the groom and bride would have been so shocked when the genie picked them up magically and deposited them in Aladdin's room as instructed.
But the act of burying the groom's head in the toilet hole is just baaaad! 😂 What! And the ordeal lasted all through the night. Can I say this reveals a side of Aladdin when he's unjustly wronged and denied of something that belongs to him?
I admire Aladdin's behaviour towards Princess Badrou'l-Boudour, showing his respect and love for her despite the circumstances. Yet I'm not sure it's enough to gain her trust, if that's his aim. This chapter kept me on my toes and I'm curious about what will happen next. Thanks for sharing. 😊😊