Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

How would you like to spend your wedding night with your head in the water closet? This is what happened to the grand-vizier's son. As for the princess, she could not sleep at all, while Aladdin was near her, sleeping like a baby.
Sheherazade said:
And the genie of the lamp raised his hand to his forehead and answered: “I listen and I obey!" and disappeared. And Aladdin went to find his mother and sat down beside her and began to talk quietly about this and that, not caring more about the princess's marriage than if none of that had happened. And, when evening came, he left his mother to go to bed and went back to his room, where he locked himself up again, and waited for the genie to return. And that's it for him!
As for the wedding of the grand-vizier's son, behold! When the feasts and the ceremonies and the receptions and the rejoicings were over, the newlywed, preceded by the chief eunuch, entered the bridal chamber. And the chief eunuch hastened to withdraw and close the door behind him. And the newlywed, after undressing, lifted the mosquito net and went to lie down in bed, to await the arrival of the princess. However, she was not long in making her entrance, accompanied by her mother and the women of her retinue, who undressed her, dressed her in a simple silk shirt, and untied her hair. Then they put her into bed as if by force, while, according to the custom of newlyweds in such circumstances, she pretended to resist a lot and turned around in all directions, trying to escape from their hands. And when they had put her to bed, without trying to look at the vizier's son who was already lying there, they retired altogether, making vows for consummation. And the mother, who was the last to leave, closed the bedroom door, heaving, as usual, a great sigh.
However, as soon as the two newlyweds found themselves alone, and before they had time to make the slightest caress, they suddenly felt lifted with their bed, without being able to realize what was happening to them. And, in the blink of an eye, they saw themselves transported out of the palace and deposited in a place they did not know, and which was none other than Aladdin's bedroom. And, while they were plunged in terror, the genie came and prostrated himself before Aladdin and said to him: "Your order, O my master, is carried out. And here I am ready to obey you for all that you have left to command me!" And Aladdin answered him: "It only remains for me to ask you to kidnap this young matchmaker and lock him up for the whole night in the toilettes!" And, tomorrow morning, come back here to take my orders!" And the genie of the lamp hastened to obey. He therefore brutally kidnapped the vizier's son and went to lock him up in the water closet, burying his head in the hole. And he threw on him a cold and stinking breath which immobilized him like a piece of wood in the situation in which he found himself. And that's it for him!
As for Aladdin, when he was alone with Princess Badrou'l-Boudour, he never thought for a moment, despite the great love he felt for her, of abusing the situation. And he began by bowing before her, holding his hand to his heart, and in a very passionate voice he said to her: "O princess, know that you are safer here than in the palace of the sultan, your father! If you find yourself in this place you don't know, it's only so that you don't suffer the caresses of this young cretin, son of your father's vizier! And I, although I am the one to whom you have been promised in marriage, I will be careful not to touch you, before the time has come and before you have become my lawful wife, by the Book and by the Sunnah!"
At these words of Aladdin the princess could not understand anything, first because she was very moved and because, then, she did not know both the old promise of her father and all the particulars of the affair. And, not knowing what to say, she contented herself with crying a great deal. And Aladdin, to prove to her that he had no bad intentions about her and to reassure her, threw himself fully dressed on the bed, in the very place occupied by the vizier's son, and took the precaution of putting a bare sword between her and him, to clearly show that he meant to kill himself rather than touch her, even with the tips of his fingers. And he even turned his back towards the princess, so as not to get in the way of her anywhere. And he fell asleep peacefully, no more caring about Badrou'l-Boudour's much-desired presence than if he were alone in his bachelor's bed.
As for the princess, the emotion that this strange adventure caused her, and the new situation in which she found herself, and the tumultuous thoughts which agitated her, sometimes with terror and sometimes with amazement, prevented her from closing her eyes all night. But, of course! she was even less to be pitied than the vizier's son, who was in the water closet, his head buried in the hole, and who could not move because of the terrible breath that the genie struck to immobilize it. Be that as it may, the fate of the two spouses, for a first wedding night, was nothing but very distressing and very calamitous...
— At this point in her narration, Scheherazade saw the morning appear and quietly fell silent.
First Night - Second Night - Third Night - Fourth Night - Fifth Night - Sixth Night - Seventh Night
Eight Night - Ninth Night - Tenth Night - Eleventh Night - Twelfth Night - Thirtenth Night
Fourteenth Night - Fifteen Night - Sixteenth Night - Seventeenth Night - Eighteenth Night
Nineteenth Night
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This is a bold move by Aladdin and thanks to the power of the Genie he was able to accomplish his plan without even moving a finger.
Of course, it's an immature act and it's to be expected with Aladdin who is still a young boy. I find it funny how the Genie immobilizes the Grabd-Vizier's son into the water closet; that's hilarious. I was imagining it in my mind and I can't help myself but smirk while reading that part of the paragraph. The Genie has a crazy fun way of doing things and he's not even aware of it. The poor son of the Grand-Vizier will stink there for good.
Aladdin, what are you planning to do next??? That's the question that's going around my head as I read this part of the story.
Soon the palace will find out that the couple is missing and the Sultan & Grand-Vizier will be furious about it. There's a chance that the Sultan will think of Aladdin as the suspect because he has the motive to do so. I have a feeling that this won't turn out well for Aladdin if the Sultan finds out how he did it. If they learn about the lamp then Aladdin will be in big trouble; I hope he's prepared for what's to come and has made a plan for how to deal with the Sultan and Grand-Vizier's wrath.
I can feel some exciting actions about to happen in the coming parts of the story; I'm looking forward to reading the next parts of the story :)
🤭 Okay, this chapter is quite intriguing and unusual. The twists and turns kept me the on edge of my seat! The way Aladdin handled Sultan's broken promise is surprising. Also the actions of the genie are unexpected, adding to the overall unpredictability of the story. I imagine the groom and bride would have been so shocked when the genie picked them up magically and deposited them in Aladdin's room as instructed.
But the act of burying the groom's head in the toilet hole is just baaaad! 😂 What! And the ordeal lasted all through the night. Can I say this reveals a side of Aladdin when he's unjustly wronged and denied of something that belongs to him?
I admire Aladdin's behaviour towards Princess Badrou'l-Boudour, showing his respect and love for her despite the circumstances. Yet I'm not sure it's enough to gain her trust, if that's his aim. This chapter kept me on my toes and I'm curious about what will happen next. Thanks for sharing. 😊😊
I was just sitting and thinking about your post when I saw your post, you did it three hours ago today. Now let's see what other twist has come in the story. When I read the story yesterday, I was very sad because the Sultan had spoken and turned away from her. When a person is under tension or is very worried, he locks himself in a room in search of peace. As we saw, the Genie did exactly as Aladdin had said and brought the princess and the minister's son to whom she was betrothed.
The princess is also getting very worried because she doesn't know anything about the story that her father had promised Aladdin's mother for their marriage because he didn't tell this news to his daughter. Aladdin is a good boy and will not harm the princess and in time will see that the princess will believe things.
When the princess was crying, something was happening to Aladdin's heart, because if the one whom one loves is released, the heart is very sad. I have to say here that the minister's son should not be treated in this way because the way the marriage was not known, the minister may not have told his son about it. Let's see what Sultan does when he finds out about his daughter's kidnapping because he is also a very powerful man. The story is getting more interesting day by day.
The Story is going nicely, and we have a new twist in the 20th part of the story , Ginie has obeyed the order of Alladin which he meant to be obeyed as Alladin is his master and he took the Princess and Vazier Son To his room.
Before going to his room he stayed calm and talked to his mother normally as he don't wants his mother to know his attention of obduction the Princess and The vazier son.
Anyone who is in love with a girl, would do anything to maker her his wife, that's what Alladin did, and the best part is, he remained respectful to the princess and talked to her politely to make her understand the situation, which was new for her.
Due to the polite behavior of Alladin, I'm pretty sure Princesses will get impressed By the Alladin and will fell in love with, We Shall see.
Here the Question is , why the Sultan hasn't obeyed his promise that was made to Alladin mother, The reason is still unknown and I'm searching for it. may be in the next part we may know it.
Esta última parte de la historia me hace recordar una anécdota donde tuve que dormir al lado de un muchacho por cuestiones de trabajo teníamos que pasar la noche en una habitación de una funeraria, recuerdo que fue una experiencia bien incomoda creo que no dormí nada, lo bueno fue que ese muchacho no tenía ningún tipo de intenciones para conmigo, solo fue por motivo laborar y necesitábamos descansar un par de hora
It is clear that this story would not be accepted today and that Aladdin would have a darker end than his own actions. But this story is old and it is seen that things were done differently.
Kidnap your beloved. That she apparently must love Aladdin even though she doesn't know him at all. Or kidnap, harass and lock up your love opponent without any kind of remorse.
I wonder how Aladdin managed to end the marriage of the Sultan's daughter with the help of the genie?
And so the magic happens... well not in the bed I mean! 😄 Having the vizier's son prisoned in the water closet with his head buried in the hole is one image that I cannot keep laughing from. Aladdin proved to be a gentleman and to have Sultan's daughter's care in mind and I think that surely made an impact on her as well. I think that's how the love fire will start between the two of them and we shall see what adventure awaits them.
With the help of the Genie, Aladdin attempts to win the heart of the Sultan's daughter, Princess Badrou'l-Boudour. In an effort to impress her, Aladdin decides to kidnap her from the palace and prove his intention and love while speaking truthfully with her. Meanwhile, in a separate development, Aladdin locks the villainous Grand Vizier's son, in the toilet with his head in the hole :) to prevent him from interfering with his plans. I wonder what will happen when he will get out of the toilet and spell his revenge on Aladdin. Thrilling times are yet to come.
The grand-vizier's son is also a victim, and he also doesn't know that Aladdin is engaged to the princess. Sometimes, Misfortune comes from heaven. At present, we do not know the character of the grand-vizier's son. Is he a nice guy?
As the saying goes: A twisted melon is not sweet. True and happy love is the mutual attraction and mutual appreciation of two people. A marriage without love is immoral; a marriage without love is also unhappy. Therefore, matters of love must be based on the principle of voluntariness, mutual respect, and mutual understanding.
"Aladdin did what anyone else would have done if he was in his place"
Allah Din's main goal was to marry the princess, then he took this step, he knew that he would later win the princess's trust and understand everything, but one thing is beyond understanding, when the Sultan had promised Aladdin's mother that he would get her daughter married to Aladdinn, so why does Aladdin have to do all this to marry the princess? Well, this is also a part of the story, this secret will also be revealed going forward....
As for Aladdinn feelings, there is no doubt that his feelings are good for marrying with the princess, Eeven so, he sleeps that night with his back to the wedding which is a big deal; And because of Alladin doing this, the princess has also become impressed and why not, if there was any girl in her place, she would have been a must.
The next part of this story is now to see what the minister's son will do when he comes out after being locked in the bathroom at Aladdinn?