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RE: One Thousand and One Nights: Aladdin and the Magic Lamp: 27th Night

in #story2 years ago

with his face made even more charming by the virtue of the magic lamp

So Aladdin also enhanced his face with the magic of the lamp! I guess it's to make his wealthy appearance complete.

This chapter is captivating with vivid descriptions of Aladdin's procession and visit to the Sultan. The image of throwing gold coins to the people conveys his wealth and generosity but also reminds me of politicians. 😅 In my country, this is what they do to convince the populace to vote in their favour.

The scene where Aladdin meets the Sultan was the highlight of the story for me. The description of the Sultan's reception of Aladdin is vivid and heartwarming. Its easy to feel the love and admiration the Sultan had for him. Even so much as to give him a land opposite the palace! Will the grand-vizier allow this to happen? I ask because if Aladdin's popularity continues this way, he may be the next Sultan! 😅 Thanks for sharing this story.


if Aladdin's popularity continues this way, he may be the next Sultan!

Who knows? 😃