Here comes another interesting tale. The Marchioness is not a good mother. Imagine Marquess her son who wanted to get married and was asking for her permission and she refused, or is it that she never wanted him to get married? Well, Marquess was wise enough to know that his mother never wanted him to get married, so as for her to still remain in charge of the castle. But Marquess still went ahead and married Belle. He also cautioned Belle to respect his mother as she is in charge of the castle and that Belle is her first servant, and which Belle agrees.
When the Marquess travelled, his mother was maltreating his wife and his two daughters, but Belle was obedient to her husband and was still obeying Machioness his mother.
I just hope she continues to respect Marchioness until Marquess is back from the war. Well, we will get to know in the next story.
The month of November is actually a month of celebration for Kati's mother and I wish her many more years in Jesus name. Amen