Endless Love - Part One

in #story7 years ago


This book hasn't been written for everyone.

The importance of awareness, That nothing is what it looks like, From the moment we were born we should be suspended from a prototype society We were subjected to torture to be transformed into the creature,

The most important thing that this humanoid animal has to do in order to become a ' person ', To discover his individuality by protecting himself from everyday life, The sacred ' curiosity is being poisoned everywhere except our own potential, Realizing or realizing that the real value is trying to be insignificant to us It's written for everyone, and the rest is the story.

 God, in every seed that shows the courage to crack, In every soul that takes the pain to feel beyond what you see, Every thought that shows the courage to experiment exists. Fearexperiences itself with natural and spontaneity.


We're only equal in our shortcomings.

He solved the incident at the beginning of their thirties, Ahmet, the world was a market and everyone

Something he could have had. The trick was to ask the right person for the right thing, and of course Not to be too much in return. Shopping. Many of their patients have their way Surprised, entered into expectations, forgetting that they were shopping and giving them more than themselves. For can Ahmet, life is for those who have had their head on this shopping, back It was pathetic for the rest. In the rear seat of a comfortable and luxurious vehicle, it is heavily flowing in the opposite lane The idea of going home looking at traffic is comforting, and finally just a few and women who want to put them in bed for a few positions. He could have done it without a sting. His assistant is about to see the four houses that Deniz found They were on their way. When the car stops at the lights, the high school students who are about to cross the street And they ran into the car right away. Can you get a sign from Ahmet screaming, a word with him Young people who want to be shot in the car window, the usual half-smile on the face He sat down without disturbing his stack with his mask. 

When the car drove away from the girls, his emotions were A professional half-smile he developed to protect from the world. 11 years Despite the past, this excessive interest in causing him to feel foreign to this world

He's still not used to his style. He's thinking, "What a weirdo!" The recording came to eye with Ali. Ali with an understanding smile, "They love you very much.

They're young, and they're curious, "he said, trying to lighten up the absurdity of teenagers.

"It is the same thing that separates us from the other people, with something that brings them closer to the Lord in our inner: Our curiosity... Our potential is rising from curiosity. What we're finally wondering We're turning. What we're wondering, why, is our identity. They don't like me, just They're curious. But theirs is just a twisted curiosity from the center. Worthless, Just because I'm on TV! " "Television is the strongest place to be these days. If the gods landed on Earth The only place they'd choose to live would be television, close enough to be monitored Remote. Fame is the first thing that gives life to a god, and the second is the belief that people awaken. You There are both, and even though you are human, "he said, laughing. Ali's smile is half

He responded with his smile, Ahmet, but this one was sincere. Ali continued, "You show them that you have a better, more valuable life.

A life worth watching. You're offering a good prospect, not experiencing them. They want to be part of that possibility, and if they have the opportunity to follow you, By hitting, pulling your attention in any way... What you could do is inspire them"

 He tampered with his genius driver, "you're a romantic, Ali, inspired by what Without letting him answer, I'm not giving you anything! If I found a cure for cancer, If I was the first man to handle the iron, I mean, if I'd done something real They were supposed to meet me!.. Of course not. They were forced to learn my name, asked a thousand times in the exam Even if... inspiration or something, these little brains come in, they want to be spotted. Spotted Being spotted by someone! They want their existence approved by someone else.

These are the barren seeds of everyday life, "he said, and the couch is more comfortable than Ali.

He continued to skate in a position he would see, "I'd love to have an old Tibetan story." Ali was ready to listen, he told me. "One day a god sits on the highest mountain of the planet Thinks. He had the seeds in his head until his naughty friend came to him. His friend asked, "What are they?" Our God said, "seed." Naughty friend, ' what

The seed? ', ours, ' the seed of my potential... I'm so unlikely, I've loaded every single possibility into every one of these seeds, looking at them when they're ripe. I'm going to try and explain myself. " The wicked, ' the Seed of God! This is a smart It's not an idea, my friend. Ours is smarter than a God's experience.

What could it be? ' he replied. If you are not, ' those seeds are ripe for your potential and never They can't access it. " When he said, "Why are you so certain?", the wicked God, ' this The seeds must evolve to become what you want them to be. From the development itself How can these things that have no other reason become your possibilities, for them What's the point? What are the motivations? ' he questioned and laughed, ' your seeds

I don't think they can make it. " Ours explained, ' I'll put them in a greenhouse And I'll feed ' curiously '. The wicked God, ' What's in the wonder?! ' he asked, ours again Explained, ' curiosity of their potential. ' The creator of the seeds, in the awareness of what it creates, will fill its potential someday, While defending that it will turn into a divine thing, the other is in the feeding chain There would be simple seeds that could be in place, never in spite of the potential inside He stood up and defended that they could not be godless. After a few minutes of chat between two gods A few centuries later, the bet turned into a game. Designer God of the seeds greenhouse And fed them ' curiously '... "

Will Continue.....