Anymore who seeks to rule is more than likely corrupt.
Not relevant? Tell that to the families of the list of dead people who crossed their path.
She may not have got into the Whitehouse but their crimes shouldn't go unpunished.
If Trump is corrupt he should be held to account too, however I don't see a huge list of ex friends and associates in the morgue"................. Yet!
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I meant not relevant in a relative sense. The families of the 9/11 victims are still trying to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for the role they played, yet Trump just sold them a hundred billion dollars worth of weapons. The families of the dead deserve answers, but we are not going to get any honest answers from this administration. The folks spending their time sniffing the Democrats' dirty laundry need to spend some time cleaning their own house first. A Russian puppet, with the temperament of a toddler, has been entrusted with the nuclear launch codes.
And Clinton sold Russia 20% of the US's uranium. Does that make her a Russian puppet to?
They're all corrupt. The 2 party system is a farce as they are both controlled by the same banksters and corporations.
You're wasting your time and energy being pissed off with Trump as the Hillary haters would be if she'd been elected.
My focus is on the crime not the politics. It's getting so bad that any politician from any party can commit any crime and not be prosecuted
It all political kabuki theatre designed to divide and conquer.
Trump wasn't even endorsed by his own party and the MSM is unified against Trump because he wasn't endorsed by their paymasters.
Don't fall for it. If you're going to be pissed that's ok but don't think removing Trump will improve anything.
The MSM may tell you it will but the reality won't stack up.
Thanks for reading and commenting
Clinton was corrupt. I am not contesting that. I voted for her because if I have to pick between two corrupt politicians, I prefer the one that is competent and has more experience. To say that all of them are corrupt is a blanket statement, and it's not accurate. Bernie Sanders isn't corrupt. Dennis Kucinich isn't corrupt. Ron Paul isn't corrupt. There are good people out there fighting for truth and transparency, and they deserve credit.
Trump is totally a product of the Republican party. They are trying to distance themselves from him, now that his approval rating is down to 34%, but he was elected by overwhelming majority in the Republican primaries. Again, credit where it is due.
The media wants what we all want. They want money. They are aware that this administrations incompetence could wreck our economy, causing their advertisers and shareholders to lose a lot of money. Anyone with investments or a retirement account has interests linked with the mainstream media. Educated elites, journalists, and college professors tend to lean heavily Democratic. They are indeed motivated by money, and they know under what conditions the next economic collapse will occur.
My point is that I am far more concerned about current events than old skeletons in the closets of obscure politicians that aren't even in power anymore.
Fair enough.
I was going to let that go with a "fair enough" but I feel I must comment.
The fact that you chose to vote for a politician you know Is corrupt but chose them because of they are more experienced at corrupt politics should make you think twice.
Also I should have said the candidates you eventually are allowed to vote for are corrupt.
You say Bernie isn't corrupt yet you happily vote for the person that fixed it so he wouldn't win.
Ron Paul is a great man and was given no air time by the corrupt MSM when he ran. And besides he's not a politician any more .
And to be honest I neither know nor care who Dennis Kucinich is as like I said the piece is about the suspicious deaths of untold people linked to the woman you voted for because she was a more experienced corrupt politician.
If you don't like the candidates dont vote, there's no shame in that.
However voting for a person you admit it corrupt because they are more experienced make no sense to me.
Just my opinion though .
Thanks for commenting.
There is a shame in not voting. People died for that right. Political campaigns spend billions of dollars to get votes for a reason.
If you don't know who Dennis Kucinich is, you should take some time to google it. He said a lot of things that no other politician had the courage to say.
Bernie supported the Democratic candidate, regardless of her shortcomings, for the same reason the popular majority voted for her. (She won the national popular vote by 3 million btw.) We all have diverse beliefs and opinions about many different issues, so logically, there is no way any of us will find a candidate that we agree with 100% of the time. Political purists are isolating themselves by refusing to find middle ground and compromise. For me it didn't feel like settling for the lesser evil. It felt unifying for the greater good.
Nobody died for the right to vote for criminals selected for you by an Oligharchy.
Clinton, the greater good? C'mon.
I'm a political atheist and have no time for party politics.
Not a purist believe me.
Anyway dude each to their own though eh?
I read your exchange, and I find your talking point's are in line with liberal mainstream media talking point's. Which is cool. An open exchange of idea's is a great thing. Hate to but in to your conversation, but I will anyway. Is it truly a democratic vote If you don't get to choose who you vote for? 50% of Americans hate Hillary 50% hate trump which means 100% of Americans cant stand politicians. Doesn't sound very democratic to me. Yet you must choose one or the other. Report's of Trumps ties to Russia omg where to begin? I will say this, report's go back to before the election and haven't stopped, yet nothing has shaken loose. Is it possible there is nothing there? Say something enough times and people will start to believe it as true. Comey released a document about the testimony he was about to give to congress. 7 pages yet the media repeated the same 4-5 lines all day and night every 15 minutes. Nothing about Clinton nothing about the rest of his document same 5 lines over and over ad nauseum. All I wanted was the freaking weather report, and while were at it does firing the director of the F.B.I make an investigation go away? Was James Comey even doing any of the leg work in that investigation? You say you know Clinton is corrupt, Comey must be a complete moron for not knowing because he took notes when talking to Trump but not a single scribble about Clinton? Well he is either a complete moron which is what got him fired or he could see in to the future and knew Trump was going to fire him so he started taking note's. As long as we stand divided for one or the other we will never realize they are merely two sides of the same coin. Vote with your wallet, buy bitcoin gold silver, get out of their system and make them irrelevant.
Totally agree .
Thanks for commenting.
And don't forget to comeback.
This whole packet of back and forth pretty much illustrates the mindscaping that we are all subjected to...from cradle to grave. :-(
Bernie's wife is certainly corrupt and hopefully ends up in jail. I find it hard to believe he is not also corrupt. If nothing else, he is incredibly stupid and hypocritical. His economic ideas are proven entirely wrong and by his own practices - owning 3 or 4 vacation homes - he certainly doesn't hold himself to his stated ideas of communism.
He isn't a communist. He is a Democratic Socialist. If you are ignorant as to the differences, please do yourself a favor and do a little research. While you are at it, please find a link to a credible source that gives me the story on this supposed scandal you say Mrs Sanders is involved in. I'm genuinely curious.
It does not matter what text book definitions of Communist and "Democratic Socialist" are. In today's USA what the left want make them functionally identical, there really is no rational debate on that.
It is interesting that you have not heard anything about the FBI investigating his wife. Just goes to show the criminally biased media in our country. However, if you do a simple google search there is info available.
I'm sure you didn't care when Obama sold weapons to Saudi or when he enabled Iran by giving them trillions of dollars AND allowed them to accelerate their nuclear weapons programs. Obama meanwhile WAS CAUGHT ON FILM giving a quid pro quo to Medvedev - GASP! collaboration with the Russians! But, you didn't care did you? As to Trump there hasn't been an ounce of evidence of any collaboration with the Russians, only fabricated news by the left.
I, along with millions of other Americans, watched the hearings last week. Didn't look like fake news to me. Maybe Obama should have faced trial. That's not my judgement to make. The fact stands that he didn't, and he was president for 8 years. George W. Bush should have most definitely faced trial for the many crimes of his administration. Prescott Bush sold raw materials to the Nazis. How far back do you want to go? None of it is relevant to the shit-show we are currently dealing with. The President of the United States fired the director of the FBI in an attempt to halt the investigation of his campaigns collusion with Russia! We know this to be true, because he bragged about it to Russian spies the day after. If you don't see a problem there, you are putting party before country and suffering from cognitive dissonance.

ah yes, the blame it on Bush comes up once again. Obama was clearly treasonous and hates the US but he is worshipped for it.
Just to be clear, I did not vote for Trump as I am an independent libertarian. However, all the charges against him are nothing but vapor produced by an angry leftist press and democrat party. Funny how you loved Comey when he improperly did his job and let Hillary walk for free. Then you screamed how he is the most awful person ever when he had to take another look at her due to his incompetent investigation. Now you love him again. funny.
Obama hates America? Really? Do you have any idea how simple-minded it makes a person appear when they say that? Do you also think he is a Muslim born in Kenya. Do you think he is going to Impose Sharia Law and take all your guns away? You people will believe anything a carnival barking con-artist tells you, so long as it lines up with your cartoonish worldview.
I mentioned George and Prescott Bush as an attempt to illustrate how ridiculous it is to deflect the conversation to obscure politicians that are no longer holding any power.
I guess you forgot that obama told us directly he's never been proud of our country. I do believe the guy has zero understanding or respect for the constitution regardless of his baseless claims. Contrary to you saying he is now an obscure politician, he is still pulling the strings and interfering with the governance of the country via all his thoughtless sycophants he put into the government.
At any rate, even if you lost this election, I will say you can be relieved that you have won the country. Your long time efforts have been successful in dumbing down the schools and universities and have produced a couple generations of non-thinking automatons that will successfully destroy the constitution, the last vestiges of capitalism, and produce that ever dreamed of authoritarian workers paradise like Venezuela and Cuba you have longed envied.
To summarize your talking points. Education makes people dumb. People that are no longer holding elected office are still running the country. Improving worker conditions will turn America into a third-world country. You people are lost.