The Clintons - Natural born killers.

in #story8 years ago (edited)


She's a psychopath and he's a lifelong sexual predator.

They're both power hungry, greedy and evil. Befriending them can mean an unscheduled trip to the morgue.

WANTED for many crimes image.jpeg Specialist in rape.

Anyone can do a quick Google search and start looking into the horrific body count behind "Billary". It appears that being a friend of the Clintons is possibly more dangerous than being an enemy.

In the film Natural born killers, Mickey and Mallory ended up with a body count of 52. I think the Clintons have easily eclipsed that goal already and if not current events suggest it won't be long.

I hope James Comey or Huma Abedine aren't planning any parachute jumps or mountain climbing trips in the near future.

Mickey and Mallory

I would imagine when the real truth surrounding this extremely "dangerous to know" couple is revealed, Tarantino himself would struggle to make the screenplay believable considering the body count and manner of the deaths.

Added to that is the ages of the victims, we're not talking natural causes here. Too many are in their 20's, 30's & 40's at the time of death for it to be a set of extremely weird coincidences.

Here's a few examples of the ways and ages you can go to meet your maker when you're friends with Bill and Hillary, have worked for them or had the audacity to investigate them.

  • Seth Rich 27, Shot in the back.
  • Jim Wilhite 54, Skied into a tree.
  • Victor Thorn Suicide on 54th birthday.
  • Joe Montano 47, Heart attack.
  • John Ashe Throat crushed lifting weights.
  • Gareth Williams was famously found naked in a 32" duffel bag in his bath in London.
  • Lt Gen.David J McCloud, crash his own plane.
  • Eric Butera, Beaten to death.
  • Ron Brown, Plane crash.
  • Kathy Ferguson, Shot herself in the head, with a packed back ready to go next to her.
  • James Bunch, 46, suicide.
  • Mary Caitrin Maloney, shot five times during a "robbery" where a safe containing $10k wasn't touched even though the key was in her hand!
  • Charles Miller, 63, Suicide, shot twice with two different guns!

I'll stop as think I've made my point. You can click the links below to see the others in this long and seemingly never ending list of tragic deaths.

I'm sure a lot of you are aware of the many scandals surrounding the Clintons and have heard the "right wing conspiracy" memes that are put out there by themselves, their friends and supporters.

Hillary herself started that one as a defence for Bill when news started hitting the stands about his sexual deviance.

Still in use today.image.jpeg

The crooked presstitutes in the US media have been a disgrace for a long time now in refusing to report on the crimes of this political "Mickey and Mallory" and in some instances have outright lied on their behalf.

Click this link for so many documentaries on their unbelievable criminal careers.

Why would they do that when there is so much evidence against them? Why enable dangerous criminals?

Lots of reasons I guess, Fear of death, greed, ambition, fear of losing of job, blackmail threats, the list no doubt is endless. However at some point I think this is all going to come apart as there are now too many people looking into the Clintons and their nefarious activities.

Watch this video called "Meet the Clintons" by the fantastic James Corbett who is IMO one of the greatest independent journalists out there. This is 5 years old and I bet most people have never seen it.

The list of scandals is impressive, and goes way back.

Here are just a few they've individually or both been involved in. WARNING a lot have 'gate' on the end.

So proud.image.png

Luckily it's not needed since Trump won the election but I like this list of 44 reasons why Hillary should not be voted for. Bear them in mind if she runs for office anywhere ever again.

But why if there is so much evidence to show that the Clintons are career criminals have they never been convicted of anything?

That brings us back to the body count.

For me the answer is the same as why the press don't do their job, fear, greed , bribery, death threats & blackmail.

The Clintons have been around a long time and know where the bodies are buried (excuse the pun) with a lot of the DC, New York and LA crowd who help keep them in power and out of jail.

I do think though that as this year goes on there will be more leaks regarding the Clintons and it will become easier for people to come forward without the fear of having a nail gun accident or drowning in a tea cup.

I also think the Clinton foundation revelations when they start to be reported properly will be enough to take these criminals down although I do wonder whether they would ever make it into a courtroom.

Check out the work of Charles Ortel who has done amazing work in outing the Clinton Charity Foudation as the biggest unprosecuted charity fraud in world history!

I suspect as many people do that there is a cabal of powerful families that pull the strings behind the scenes all over the world and if the Clintons were due to appear in court they would receive the kind of brutal end so many innocent people have received at their hands during their criminal careers.

I'll leave you to ponder this article by listening to the pyscopath herself rejoicing in the brutal murder and disembowlment of Ghaddafi after she helped to destroy Lybia.

Thanks for visiting @tremendospercy



A lot of work you put into this keep up the good work!!!

Thanks buddy.

Cheers mate!

Hillary Clinton is the kindest, warmest, bravest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life, and even now I feel that way - this minute.

What I don't understand is why only $4?

Great story. She is too big to jail i think

One day she'll get hers.
Thanks for reading dude.

I hope Trump keeps his promise

Which one?

Clintons would be in jail one

Me too.

Really great post! Glad I followed you.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

RESTEEMED. The Clinton's body count has been stacking up since Bill was Governor of AK and the CIA was running drugs through Mena.

They are the worst kind of scum and the public even here in Britain think they're great.
I don't get it dude.
Thanks for the support and the resteem 👍

Great post!! I agree completely and myself I wont/stopped investigating her due to tons of phone calls I got. One day she will be arrested

Cheers dude.
Thanks for commenting.

Great compilation of the Clinton legacy! I remember years ago Larry Nichols trying to tell people how dangerous the clintons were , they apparently have blackmail files on most of DC!!!

Thanks for commenting.
I think it's beyond the public to take them down now because as you say too many people are compromised in DC. However as I mentioned in the post there are powers behind them that may cut their losses and put these two scumbags down.
Let's hope so.

Awesome, you just taught me a lot I'd never heard before about the Clintons. I particularly thought it was funny that one of their friends committed "suicide" with two different guns! Priceless...
I was about 10 when the Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal was underway, and as my name is Clinton, I grew very tired of hearing his name over and over. That was enough reason to dislike them, but then Hillary was actually running for president recently, it blows my mind how obviously fake she is but some people still buy it...
Anyway thanks, good post!

Oh and by the way I'm from Yorkshire mate, how about you?

Hiding in the hills my man, location secret!
Glad to hear from another Brit.
Thanks for commenting dude.
You're followed. I look forward to checking out your stuff.

What the helll!!!!! Lol

Excellent work @tremendospercy shining light into dark corners is so important

Once again, you have delivered a most excellent post, well researched and documented. I believe we are finally nearing the end of their deceit, but they have eluded authorities so many times before that the normalcy bias is to assume they will get away yet again. I pray this time it is different and justice will finally be served.

I agree totally.
Some people still think she's a women of people! Goes to show the power of propaganda.
The crying and whineing shown by some of the Hillary supporters was beyond pathetic. It reminded me of when the last moron running North Korea croaked of few years ago.
Ironically the US would have ended up like that if she's got 8 years in power.
A lot of people may hate a Trump but it could've been much, much worse.
Thanks for your comment.

I think being a psychopath and a sexual predator/pervert is part of the job description for most politician. Cheers

I know, right.
The British Parliment is loaded up with sicko's.
Thanks for commenting dude.

No longer relevant. Bill isn't president anymore, and Hillary never will be. Meanwhile, Trump is ditching our NATO allies and selling our national security secrets to the Russians! He fired the FBI director for investigating his campaigns collusion with Russia. Not a fan of the Clintons, but the incompetence and corruption of this new administration is far worse than anything I have seen in my lifetime.

Anymore who seeks to rule is more than likely corrupt.
Not relevant? Tell that to the families of the list of dead people who crossed their path.
She may not have got into the Whitehouse but their crimes shouldn't go unpunished.
If Trump is corrupt he should be held to account too, however I don't see a huge list of ex friends and associates in the morgue"................. Yet!

I meant not relevant in a relative sense. The families of the 9/11 victims are still trying to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for the role they played, yet Trump just sold them a hundred billion dollars worth of weapons. The families of the dead deserve answers, but we are not going to get any honest answers from this administration. The folks spending their time sniffing the Democrats' dirty laundry need to spend some time cleaning their own house first. A Russian puppet, with the temperament of a toddler, has been entrusted with the nuclear launch codes.

And Clinton sold Russia 20% of the US's uranium. Does that make her a Russian puppet to?
They're all corrupt. The 2 party system is a farce as they are both controlled by the same banksters and corporations.
You're wasting your time and energy being pissed off with Trump as the Hillary haters would be if she'd been elected.
My focus is on the crime not the politics. It's getting so bad that any politician from any party can commit any crime and not be prosecuted
It all political kabuki theatre designed to divide and conquer.
Trump wasn't even endorsed by his own party and the MSM is unified against Trump because he wasn't endorsed by their paymasters.
Don't fall for it. If you're going to be pissed that's ok but don't think removing Trump will improve anything.
The MSM may tell you it will but the reality won't stack up.
Thanks for reading and commenting

Clinton was corrupt. I am not contesting that. I voted for her because if I have to pick between two corrupt politicians, I prefer the one that is competent and has more experience. To say that all of them are corrupt is a blanket statement, and it's not accurate. Bernie Sanders isn't corrupt. Dennis Kucinich isn't corrupt. Ron Paul isn't corrupt. There are good people out there fighting for truth and transparency, and they deserve credit.
Trump is totally a product of the Republican party. They are trying to distance themselves from him, now that his approval rating is down to 34%, but he was elected by overwhelming majority in the Republican primaries. Again, credit where it is due.
The media wants what we all want. They want money. They are aware that this administrations incompetence could wreck our economy, causing their advertisers and shareholders to lose a lot of money. Anyone with investments or a retirement account has interests linked with the mainstream media. Educated elites, journalists, and college professors tend to lean heavily Democratic. They are indeed motivated by money, and they know under what conditions the next economic collapse will occur.
My point is that I am far more concerned about current events than old skeletons in the closets of obscure politicians that aren't even in power anymore.

I was going to let that go with a "fair enough" but I feel I must comment.
The fact that you chose to vote for a politician you know Is corrupt but chose them because of they are more experienced at corrupt politics should make you think twice.
Also I should have said the candidates you eventually are allowed to vote for are corrupt.
You say Bernie isn't corrupt yet you happily vote for the person that fixed it so he wouldn't win.
Ron Paul is a great man and was given no air time by the corrupt MSM when he ran. And besides he's not a politician any more .
And to be honest I neither know nor care who Dennis Kucinich is as like I said the piece is about the suspicious deaths of untold people linked to the woman you voted for because she was a more experienced corrupt politician.
If you don't like the candidates dont vote, there's no shame in that.
However voting for a person you admit it corrupt because they are more experienced make no sense to me.
Just my opinion though .
Thanks for commenting.

There is a shame in not voting. People died for that right. Political campaigns spend billions of dollars to get votes for a reason.
If you don't know who Dennis Kucinich is, you should take some time to google it. He said a lot of things that no other politician had the courage to say.
Bernie supported the Democratic candidate, regardless of her shortcomings, for the same reason the popular majority voted for her. (She won the national popular vote by 3 million btw.) We all have diverse beliefs and opinions about many different issues, so logically, there is no way any of us will find a candidate that we agree with 100% of the time. Political purists are isolating themselves by refusing to find middle ground and compromise. For me it didn't feel like settling for the lesser evil. It felt unifying for the greater good.

Bernie's wife is certainly corrupt and hopefully ends up in jail. I find it hard to believe he is not also corrupt. If nothing else, he is incredibly stupid and hypocritical. His economic ideas are proven entirely wrong and by his own practices - owning 3 or 4 vacation homes - he certainly doesn't hold himself to his stated ideas of communism.

He isn't a communist. He is a Democratic Socialist. If you are ignorant as to the differences, please do yourself a favor and do a little research. While you are at it, please find a link to a credible source that gives me the story on this supposed scandal you say Mrs Sanders is involved in. I'm genuinely curious.

I'm sure you didn't care when Obama sold weapons to Saudi or when he enabled Iran by giving them trillions of dollars AND allowed them to accelerate their nuclear weapons programs. Obama meanwhile WAS CAUGHT ON FILM giving a quid pro quo to Medvedev - GASP! collaboration with the Russians! But, you didn't care did you? As to Trump there hasn't been an ounce of evidence of any collaboration with the Russians, only fabricated news by the left.

I, along with millions of other Americans, watched the hearings last week. Didn't look like fake news to me. Maybe Obama should have faced trial. That's not my judgement to make. The fact stands that he didn't, and he was president for 8 years. George W. Bush should have most definitely faced trial for the many crimes of his administration. Prescott Bush sold raw materials to the Nazis. How far back do you want to go? None of it is relevant to the shit-show we are currently dealing with. The President of the United States fired the director of the FBI in an attempt to halt the investigation of his campaigns collusion with Russia! We know this to be true, because he bragged about it to Russian spies the day after. If you don't see a problem there, you are putting party before country and suffering from cognitive dissonance.

ah yes, the blame it on Bush comes up once again. Obama was clearly treasonous and hates the US but he is worshipped for it.

Just to be clear, I did not vote for Trump as I am an independent libertarian. However, all the charges against him are nothing but vapor produced by an angry leftist press and democrat party. Funny how you loved Comey when he improperly did his job and let Hillary walk for free. Then you screamed how he is the most awful person ever when he had to take another look at her due to his incompetent investigation. Now you love him again. funny.

Obama hates America? Really? Do you have any idea how simple-minded it makes a person appear when they say that? Do you also think he is a Muslim born in Kenya. Do you think he is going to Impose Sharia Law and take all your guns away? You people will believe anything a carnival barking con-artist tells you, so long as it lines up with your cartoonish worldview.
I mentioned George and Prescott Bush as an attempt to illustrate how ridiculous it is to deflect the conversation to obscure politicians that are no longer holding any power.

Oh yeah and it's not just the Clintons, it's the Obama's and all of the high up "elites".

I have a lot of respect for Jefferson, but airplanes didn't exist when Jefferson was alive. (Jefferson Airplane was a really good band though.) In the modern age there are satellites, nuclear armed submarines, and Russian spies. I really don't want a bunch of backward thinking ideologues that refuse to be flexible and adapt in a changing world running the country. I don't think Jefferson would have either.

Jefferson airplane were a great band.
Hey we agree on two things, because I agree with the second point too.
Citizens need to make it clear that whatever their political leanings are they won't accept the kind of dreadful candidates that have been put forward in recent years. And I don't just mean in your country.
We just had an election here in the UK and we were offered a complete control freak and a wannabe commie.
We do have a 3rd party however the party is deluded and the leader is a complete moron.
You'll have to forgive my cynicism but I've been watching these lying scumbags for years promising the earth when electioneering only to go back in every promise while carrying on the agenda of war, debt and death.
Something needs to change before I'll vote for someone I have no respect for who ultimately will make no positive difference.

There are other friends of theirs that ended up in prison to pay for Clinton crimes as well. I guess they can be happy they were allowed to live at least.

Prison is a dangerous place.
They'll be ok if they keep their mouths shut I guess.
Until they have a tragic accident whilst eating a Twinkie :-D

maybe Hillary can get a radioactive Twinkie from her Russian friends. Funny it's ok for her to have them.

I've been on a twenty year journey with those criminals.

Thanks for commenting .
They need to get taken down.
Take a look at the comment above. I can't believe there are people who would still defend Hillary based on the fact she's not Trump!
I don't give a sh*t about the politics regarding this story it's about the murders of scores of people to cover up the crimes of an evil couple.
I've followed you dude. I looked at your thread and your blog is good buddy.

Watch the Clinton Chronicles.

Will do cheers.

Great post! Keep the truth flowing

And thanks for commenting and visiting @tremendospercy

Great post TP .. The mask certainly slips in that final video eh?

She's a f*cking nutter.
I can't believe all those people voted for her!

I know it's crazy .. there were people crying their eyes out on the news when she lost. Some people are beyond help I think!


I just finished reading all the comments & then I say this..ROFL

Good work trem, I couldn't have said it better myself..
Worth an up vote for sure..
I will check your blog & pretty sure I will follow just looking at the work that you done here..
I was following a man on YT called George Webb..
I'm real sure that you will like his work, so here's his link yo his channel;

I also want to post my all time favorite comedy skit by George Carlin(RIP).
It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It!;

Great stuff. Good to hear from awake people.
Keep spreading the message dude.

Awesome, your passion is evident.
Great work amigo.
We are on the same page.
Its interesting that such a good piece earns so little...makes you wonder
Thank you

Takes time and a bit of luck bit if you persevere I'm sure the payoff comes in the end.
Cheers for visiting @tremendospercy

No luck involve amigo....light engulfs dark every time

Excellent article what a horrible couple they really are. No One knows them better that Roger Stone and he has written books about them

Cheers buddy.

Well, this is something!

The Clinton body count is in the thousands if not hundreds of thousands. How many civil wars and tribal conflicts? Too big to jail because her conspirators are many and widespread through all halls of power. Couldn't take her down without the entirety of the US Government.

Great point you make.
That sounded a bit yoda-ish!
Cheers for checking in @tremendospercy

Hope the swamp gets drained. We are up against some vile people. Good people just can't believe these people are real. It makes me want to stop looking. I feel such a dark presence all around me when I am reading on the evil these people are doing. I pray and hope the good men, will not do nothing. SGT keep shinning a light on these people and speaking truth to power.

Yup, I've read up on their exploits from the time Bill was governor of Arkansas. There's plenty to find about these two...curiously I really haven't tried to find out about their thug puppets. Guess that would be dig'n too yer own shallow grave.

Worst story I read was a quick search using these misspelled words (clintin two boys murdred train trcks) really not good at covering their tracks at all and yet still on the loose :-(

I'm willing to bet all my current and future earning that there are many more deaths directly or indirectly involving one or both of these sick psychopaths.

It still amazes me that the "news" remained hush about this aspect of them and chose to cover their foundation fiasco. I still can't believe they...and the cabal...thought there were enough blind, gullible Americans to vote her into being the first female president of the USA. They were ALMOST right. It's a conspiracy I say...wake the hell up AMERICA! You're giving it all away just to be considered a part of the "new normal"? Ummm so what will THAT be come Halloween?

~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~

Agreed, they'll get their comeuppance one day I'm sure.

Would be nice...death by old age is far too good for them! imho

I would rather see them suffer the pain of abject poverty and obscurity in their dying years. May they live to be 100+ alone...with each other for company. ~evil smile~