12 tips to stop depression. You can do it!

12 tips to stop depression. You can do it!

You can prevent these disorders to control your life. Here you will find several suggestions for activities to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Anxiety and depression are manifested by symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, tachycardia, tiredness.

Sunday. Is the day of the week on which the depression is present with strong force. Fortunately, there are many things we can do to avoid a weakening of our state of mind.

Anxiety and depression are the mental and emotional disorders that are manifested by symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, tachycardia, tiredness, among others, endanger our mental health and preventing lead a normal life.

Check these disturbances can be complicated, but worth a try with a series of exercises that help to reduce symptoms, give calmness and relaxation in our body, to eliminate muscle tension and mental that disturbs us daily.

Below I present to you a series of recommendations to avoid the appearance of these disorders

1- Train yourself

When the body begins to make physical activity increases the level of endorphins, hormones that allows you to feel joy, welfare and act against the feeling of pain.

There are different types of exercises for each person, according to their physical characteristics and style of life, although it is always recommended to have a suitable program prescribed by a doctor or a personal trainer.

There are people who get best results practice outdoor exercise, because it produces a certain feeling of freedom, or until contact with nature as part of a therapy for the relaxation and a full life.

2- Alternative ways of stress management

There are many ways of confronting and balance the stress; the most common are the meditation, yoga, exercise, etc.

But there are also alternative ways to handle it. For example, the "health journeys" (internal travel for health); this is a powerful technique of mental control focused imagination. It can be something as simple as a surfer dreaming, before getting in action, the feeling that I could experience the slip on your table through a great wave. Or it may be as complex as imagine the hum that produce thousands of cells of the immune system in a mission of search and destroy cancer cells.

Another of these alternative methods is the "progressive relaxation". The objective of this is that one learns how to completely control to relax all the muscles of the body through the understanding and discrimination resulting from the tension and relaxation. With this you can eliminate muscle contractures and experience a feeling of deep relaxation.

If you practice any of these, you will be able to confront with tranquility the obstacles that puts you life. No matter which of them yo use, since what is crucial is the willingness and commitment.

3- Communicate Emotions

In life is essential to have friends and family who can rely on when you need to count some problem or express a concern.

At the same time, express feelings or thoughts difficult can remove a weight of us and your mood will improve significantly.

4- commit to a group

Keep yourself busy and focus your energy on any activity purposeful is paramount to not be disheartened by the depression and anxiety.
Be in control of a group of persons to perform physical activity, social or administrative, is a good choice as concern for the environment or the health of the people is a motivation to fight for something and have satisfactory results.

5- Write

To raise the spirit there is nothing better than to express the feelings and emotions. If you do not trust people or there is no one near of you that you can resort to tell what you afflicted, take a workbook or journal and start to write, is a good way to release the negative thoughts.

6- Reach spiritual tranquility

A method to combat depression and anxiety is to spend time in contact with nature, meditate, pray or take refuge in a religious environment. These activities will allow you to connect with something concrete and channeling your problems or sorrows to find comfort and tranquility.

7- Discover what makes you happy

What is it that motivates you every day to meet your objectives? This is what you have to ask yourself and especially if you start to feel depressed or you get to feel anxious.

There are different activities which can help to improve mood. You can put into practice activities that give you pleasure, as a hobby.

If you are not quite sure what is what you like best and gives satisfaction in life, try with different activities from sports, table games, dexterity and mental agility. You can also lean by artistic activities as drawing workshops; if you like music, you can make an effort to integrate to the cultural life of your community; plan routes of museums and cultural bazaars.

Perhaps yours is the food, and in this case there is the option of the world gourmet. You can subscribe to wine tasting, cooking courses of cocktail, etc. The Florist and gardening are also recommended as a therapy for relaxation.

8- Help to other people

Sign up to be a volunteer is an appropriate way to channel your feelings toward something positive, and raise the self-esteem. This is because this type of activities helps to understand and learn new values. Helping others leads to a feeling of well-being physical, emotional and intellectual.

9 - Learn to spend the time with yourself

When you feel anxiety or depression, it is essential that you focus on doing something that makes you feel better. Some ideas can be pay for good relaxation massage, watch a movie or give a follow up to a TV series, stroll through the park next to your pet, enjoy a meal, or being interested in reading.

10 - Adopt a pet

At the beginning can be a job more in your life, but to adopt a pet can help you feel accompanied, focusing all the attention toward him. Animals provide unconditional love always, and may be useful in depressive moments.

11 - Take notes of your activities

It is recommendable to carry a record of all the activities you do throughout the day. This will help you to realize that everything that you sing leads to positive and negative values. Realize the difference is important for assessing the good times of the day and make an effort to change the negative.

12 - The sense of humor

It is essential that you always keep the good sense of humor, because this action is therapeutic. Laugh makes your mood increase and you have a perspective on life more easily without having to be overwhelmed by problems or unpleasant situations.

I hope you have liked or to help someone. I hope your feedback in order to improve my contributions. Have a great week ahead.


Laugh at everyone and everything.
As a thumb rule, dont give a fuck about anything!

I learn that during my first year of college. Now i am near to finsh it. To laugh about ugly things happened to me, to laugh about bad things and bad people too.

Nice article and good tips! This should have more upvotes! :/

The post was write for help people. If give me some Steem is a secondary thing. Thank you for your comment.

A pretty good article. I like the majority of the suggestions to help fight depression. I use the creation of music to channel my thoughts and feelings into positive songs and to always improve my mood and environment. The power of music is so impactful as well as the words expressed within them, and yes I agree that sports activity is great for all of us who engage our bodies and motivate ourselves to stay physically active, especially out in the open nature and free environments.
Great article and it gives some sound suggestions like adopting a pet or volunteering to help others.

Thank you for read and vote my article. I think we fight against depression and other illness doing small things all days of our life. I post this today cause it´s the worst day for people who are depressed. And they have to see an exit for this. An exit to continue living and living in a better way.

Try 5-HTP, its a serotonin precursor, its worked way better than any anti-depressant I've been prescribed. You can get it cheap on powdercity.com

Good Article, Thanks for posting