Meditating is one of the most important ways to promote mindfulness, calm and self-control.
If we look at the habits and routines of the world’s most successful people. Will find that they have a lot of things in common and one of those habits is meditation!
People such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, to Tony Robbins, and Elon Musk describe meditation as being a key tool that helped them achieve everything they did.
When you meditate, you learn a method to forget your worries and to simply let your mind ‘be’. More importantly though, you develop greater concentration and greater focus which prevents your mind from getting into an anxious mess to begin with!
So how do you begin meditation?
One useful strategy is to start with the body scan technique. To get started, sit somewhere comfortable with your legs crossed and your hands on your knees. Keep your back straight, your chin up and forward and your eyes closed but make sure you aren’t in a position where you can fall asleep!
Now you’re going to simply ‘scan’ your body by focusing on each part one at a time and then making a note of how it feels and relaxing it. Before that though, you begin with your senses. Listen carefully to the world around you. You’ll find that there are sounds that you have completely blocked out until now and you’ll notice birds tweeting, cars honking, children playing and wind howling.

Feel the temperature of your skin, notice if you’re on a slight gradient and even look at the light as it dances through your eyelids. Now focus on the top of your head and start to take your attention downward to your cheeks, jaw and then neck and shoulders. Stop at each point and make a note of how it feels: are you carrying any tension? Are you feeling any pain? Release tension in the muscle and then keep moving.
Eventually, you’ll reach the very bottom of your body. At which point you can begin to concentrate on your breathing for a while. Breathing should be ‘belly breathing’, which begins with the gut expanding and then fills the lungs all the way up. Breathing steadily and rhythmically will slow the heart rate and put you in an even calmer state. Finally, bring your attention to just below the navel and hold it there. This is your center of gravity and concentrating here will ground you.
What you'll notice
You might notice your thoughts start to drift from time to time. If this happens, don’t let it concern you. It is normal and not the end of the world, just quietly dismiss those thoughts and then return to the focus. Finally, repeat the steps in reverse order and bring yourself back around. That was a body scan meditation!
This is a powerful tool because it is forcing your to direct your attention and to ignore the outside thoughts. More importantly, it is engaging you with your own body, physicality and surroundings. And when you do this, your sensations become richer and more vivid.

Eventually, if you keep practicing this skill, you should get to the point where you can begin to become more mindful and more present at will... even while moving and engaging in other tasks. That means just taking a moment to actually look at the world around you. Pausing to see what you can hear. And fixing your posture. It means not getting so caught up in your own thoughts that you let life pass you by, or that you live in a constant state of stress and anxiety.
Once you can do this, then you will find that nothing can stir you in quiet the same way unless you want it to. You can always just enjoy being in the moment and forget the past and the future. You can enjoy living and taste the amazing taste of that chocolate biscuit while that email sits there in your outbox completely unsent.
This is the key to happiness: you can choose to react positively instead of negatively. You can choose to view things as a challenge or an amusing hiccup instead of a serious threat. But it is also the key to unlocking your full potential so you perform better and achieve more!
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My recent trip to Mexico
Oh my friend, what a great post. Meditation is by far my best friend to ground myself to my higher self and allow energy to flow into my body. Thank you sharing.
Yes 2 great points here! To connect with that higher self and intellect and that energy, which is so amazing to have fill us!
Thank you @javybar!!
I practice a different type of meditation and in it, we focus on a mantra and repeat it. They say it's perfectly fine to find yourself completely off track during the meditation period. Also, in TM, it's ok if you fall asleep too. ;) They say that is your body wanting sleep that you probably didn't get enough of the night before or something.
Meditation is so powerful and I wish everyone was taught some meditation technique early on in life!
Yea I do a mantra meditation sometimes to. One I learned from a guru I follow...Sadhguru.
Good to remember that we can fall off track and even sleep if we have to. Appreciate that insight. I wish I started earlier too but happy I got into anyways. Thanks @cabernet! :)
What kind of mantra is? 😃
I do TM meditation and you have to learn it from a licensed teacher who gives you the mantra at the end of your lessons. And you can't tell anyone else your mantra ;)
Whats meaning TM? :/
Hum... Very interesting.
Yes, can be, can be. OR I can always kidnap someone that already knows and make it talk ahahah
Great post. Again I have never heard of a body scan meditation which I know I would love and will practice as I am always looking for new mediation to help me to reach deeper levels of tranquility. One of my favorite mediations that I use is "Inner Workout" by Shirley McLaine an old Guru. It is an open eye meditation but she walks you through it and her voice just soothes me so. Thanks for sharing.
We can meditate in so many ways. I will look into Inner work. I do enjoy the body scan as it makes you become more aware of how your system is working. Thanks @donnab!
I have wanted to really start meditating for ages now. I am pretty much fascinated for the practice. You've reminded me that. :) I'll see i start asap with it.
Thank your for sharing!
Yea try it out. Just do 30 seconds or a minute a day. It will start to build up.
Wow great post, we people of India greatly believe that power of meditation and prayer, thanks for the great post, nice to meet you here in the great community, friends..
Thanks so much @maya7 and great to meet you also! I love the power of meditation! :)
I don't do a lot of meditation (in the traditional sense of the word), but when i do it very much resembles what you discussed here in your post. I have found this to be a useful endeavour, and scanning the body acts as an anchor to quiet the mind. For me it creates a point of focus, whilst allowing for a stillness to arise.
Thanks for another enlightening post.
That is great. The body scan also helps with us learning and becoming aware of how our system works. Appreciate you stopping by, sharing and showing support @naquoya!
I wish you good mood!Great post @bitdollar ! Nice work, i upvoted. I am interested in the esoteric. If you are interested in this topic, I have similar material about meditation -
Hope more people can read this and step on board!Thanks for sharing @bitdollar! Meditation has been definitely a saving experience for me.
Yea it really is wonderful
Meditation is something that I don't do enough. There was a time in my life where I meditated and it helps to calm my mind and reduce my anxieties. Time for me to get back on track. Thanks for sharing
Ya we can fall out of it when lift gets busy. Start up again, even if its just for a minute a day. It helps a ton. Have a great day!
Yes, i will @bitdollar. You have a great week too!
Another great post @bitdollar!
This reminds me I need to start meditate again...
How long you meditate? 😃
Thanks @ddua. Just 5-15 every morning.
Humm. The best time to meditate is in thrle morging? 😃
Good ideas. please i will also start practicing it because it really helps