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RE: Never Let Mediocrity Enter Your Success Dictionary Ever Again!

in #success7 years ago

Greetings, Tanata

It's as the saying goes, in pain, not gain.

It is much easier for us to stay in our comfort zone, because it brings SECURITY than we leave it to seek something better. The point of this is that when we get out of it, we are taking risks, both to achieve better things and to lose everything. This involves maturity, self-esteem, risk management, etc ...

I think that not all people are willing and not prone, because, for the great majority, getting out of the comfort zone would be like removing the ground that the person treads. This would cause anxiety / depression in her. Anxiety for seeing the problem as being too big being impossible to solve it and depression after that, by frustrating their expectations of ability to solve a new question that arises.

Very cool your text.
I'm good with sp now and how you helped me when I had practically 0 sp, I want to help you and contribute. I will give my vote with 100% for you in this post. Thank you very much for your help and good morning !!!

ps: The pictures with dolphins are beautiful !!!