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RE: 2 Problems Plaguing Steemit That Synereo Could Potentially Solve

in #synereo9 years ago

I don't think privacy and security are an issue. I think some people lack the full understanding of block chains and why they work as they do. Transparency is key to the longevity of the platform. Unless steemit starts giving out the info of the Facebook or Google + accounts used to sign up or that information is breached, all we are is a username. I personally would have never given steemit or the steem platform the time of day if things weren't transparent. I want to be able to find out if people are voting up/down posts maliciously. I want to be able to see a clear history of someones stances on topics via their previous posts, comments, and replies. The only thing keeping steemit from becoming the next Facebook or Reddit and manipulating posts and information at will is that it is a public ledger and can be audited by any user at any time. I see plenty of posts with people FUDing the price of steem. It's annoying and not productive, but when they accuse steemit (the account) of manipulating the internal market it gets slanderous. Dan cleared it up quickly, but if people took the time to learn about the platforms and technology they were getting involved in before criticizing things they don't understand, they could have just made the right decision for them and either not gotten involved or educated themselves on these issues before posting. Keep up the good work and don't fret over some users lack of understanding on this topic. I am actually glad I waited to get involved with steem until I took the time to fully understand the dynamics of the vision so that I am not one of the very vocal minority of users that like to spam FUD posts and up vote them to make it look like most of the platform is upset about the price and thinks it's all a big ponzi, which it clearly isn't , no ponzi would ever give people money to start making money. It's pretty sad that you guys are actually trying to help give people options and show them another way of life and they try to shit on you while making money off the platform. Screw that.


Yet we still have gatekeepers known as whales.

The author is not in control of his performance with his readers. This is fundamental error in the design. FUNDAMENTAL! It violates the entire ideological point that authors want to eliminate the gatekeepers.

It is not like the author is getting any other benefit, such as the music author who may be satisfied with the distribution even if not paid.