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RE: 2 Problems Plaguing Steemit That Synereo Could Potentially Solve

in #synereo9 years ago (edited)

Leah I understand your frustration:

However saying that we have disregarded your safety is false

We cannot help what information people can find from other sources and post.

We can build the site to allow for muting. If muting hasn't worked please accept my apology. We are working around the clock to move this website forward.

To give context to this situation, Dan responded to you personally, even offering that we would look into the identity of the offender and disclose that information law permitting, and the entire message thread considered, it appears your quotes are taken out of context. Dan was only trying to help when he asked if you had responded to him.

As far as moving this platform forward, we are actively engaging in creative problem solving to improve the economics of post and curation rewards as well as turn Steemit from a blockchain-site into a thriving and personalized social media site. More on that soon.

As far as comparisons to Synereo and other blockchain-based platforms for social networking, I would like to see more comparisons of the economics at the protocol and rewards levels. This is the third comparison piece I've seen in three days and none have ventured to go so far as to compare the economic incentive models and friction points


I still believe steemit will be top gun. Its a new program of course there is going to be hiccups! Thanks @ned for response. I also think you and @dan should be more involved in finding great content and not voting for the same people over and over again.

I agree with you steemit is amazing I am loving it! But you can't expect something new to not have some issues when it begins and I feel as though most people understand and accept this.

I feel some people may be getting too used to receiving thousands of dollars for every post, and then when it stops happening for every single post they panic and start to think about jumping ship rather than doubling down and trying harder to regain their attention.

Whilst I would love the whales to spread the votes more, can we really ask people to vote up content just to get it viewed? Even if they really aren't interested in it? Just to be fair to people who haven't made it big yet?

My best post earned me $360 and that blew my mind, but I don't expect all my posts to do that well. As an original content maker for steemit I want honest feedback so I know my work was valued for what it was, not just given votes because I've put out a few posts and they seem to be ok and I haven't made thousands like some.

I'm happy to just keep posting away and hope I get some more genuine interest.

It is possible that Steemit may be growing faster than it's market cap can support. As someone mentioned, it's very easy to blog but very hard to buy Steem Power. You can't buy Steem Power with fiat, with a credit card, etc, and this bottle neck is the reason why payouts decrease for everyone, not just top bloggers. Because as more people join, they want to blog, but the amount of money in the pool is decreasing because not enough people are buying Steem Power for the growth rate of Steemit to be sustainable with the current group of bloggers.

More bloggers than there is buyers for Steem Power may be the problem.

The market will work it self out. If more and more growth is happening Crypto investors will come into by Steem. Let's don't worry about the price. Let's focus on getting this platform to reward great quality content and fair curation.

If that is the issue how can they promote people buying steem power?

Would there be a way for some people or companies/organisations to pay to have their posts promoted?

If this were to happen (and I'm not really sure how I feel about tbh) I think it would require a feature to make it stand out as obviously paid for content promotion.

@krystle Yes, right from the beginning of the design, paying to boost your content has been built into the system. It's an intentional design to entice businesses to use Steem as a marketing and press release type platform.

It doesn't mean that the material will necessarily make it to the top-hits page, I mean #trending, but especially when groups are implemented, it can push such posts up to the tops of group trending filter pages.

And furthermore, the benefit for everyone is that, if a business buys and vests steem to promote its marketing, the entire steemosphere gets a boost to available rewards!

Could not have said it better myself. Cant expect a polished product in beta and we need to be patient and understanding off this fact . Steemit i believe will be all i hoped it will be , but Rome wasn't built in a day : ) . Hang in there because a little faith goes a long way.

Exactly something way to polished when its not even done seems a bit sketch.
Trial and error is the best way to go.

I agree as well that Steemit will be the top gun. Problems are being ironed out and the platform is progressing rapidly. That is great others are working on other platforms but it isn't here yet. Steemit is here and the payouts are very real. There is a lot of smart money on this platform and more smart money coming on board. Personally I wasn't impressed by the look of Synereo in the demo video either. While everyone is dreaming of platforms that aren't out yet I will make sure I put up a lot of quality posts and comments on Steemit and actually get paid instead of dreaming of getting paid on something that isn't here yet.

Highest degree of logic and reasoning right here from brianphobos. Yea, obviously keep in eye out for other emerging tech.. but until those platforms are formidable, might as well just Steem it up and claim a piece of the only pie that is hot and ready for dessert. Speculation is unproductive, plain and simple.

Literally just talked about this here and your comment gets 20x more then my post. Lmao gotta love it... all about timing and placement, I'm not bitching I have other plans then "will-zewe". I agree 100% though they need to promote others and not constantly support a few people.

That is why steemit is badass man. you never know when you will get noticed. But yea whales should spread their votes so we can get a better foundation.

Oh yes, steemit is so badass, I agree 100%. This platform blows centralized networks out of the water regardless of hiccups in my opinion. I used minds in the past and it was terrible compared to how steemit is for usability. I think this site is just fine and dandy personally.

The whales just need to promote quality regardless of the topic right now, spread the votes around like you said. Whales are like newspaper editors, they have the ability to put someone on the front page giving them exposure. Later whales can upvote and follow but right now they need to be constantly on the move so the minnows and dolphins don't become complacent constantly voting on the same people trying to make money and that's it.

Steemit needs to be artificially driven until the users can organically take over.

I helped with the mute function, I filed an issue on github, it now works better. It still has some bugs, by the way, occasionally I still see greyed out posts, but amusingly enough, these people are now not trolling like I saw them doing before, and I unmute them. But when I see a troll now, I can hit the mute button and poof gone.

I am willing to bet that some of these ideas you have hinted at that are on the agenda internally for implementation, are at least partly like the solutions I have proposed, the namespace sub-chain with member assignments, and a chat system that does not depend on a central server. The former could indeed be integrated into the main chain, and the latter, integrated into the witness node code, with a separate file storage that keeps unexpired posts until they are expired, then purges them.

I think that Steem is doing well and adapting solutions quite quickly, and has such a jump on the competition, that by the time these platforms come out, Steem will be very close to RC standard or even in full release.

I will continue to work on building a python/piston based gtk3 interface, because I see no reason why this would not be appreciated, and it can be ported very easily to all platforms. This would help reduce dependency on the central server, and also assist users who have computers that are not up to the performance standards the web interface demands.

Wish we can see who muted us so we can redeem our selfies. With them.

let's do a brief intro call if you're up for it

message me on rocket chat?

I am stuck on a low bandwidth, shaped 4G connection currently. I am always logged in at freenode on #steemit. I am by no means thriving at the moment but I have won enough through my own efforts that I can spend my time coding.

If you want to do an interview with IRC, just pop email me at [email protected] to schedule it (give me the timezone so I know when, I am in Eastern European Standard Time zone, in Bulgaria). I should be able to upgrade my internet connection next week but I am very reluctant to spend another 10 euros on another 10Gb for my internet connection, this is expensive compared to what I can get wired into my room here.

Otherwise, you can follow me, check my hashtags at #ascensionteam and #steemportal where I post articles related to these subjects.

Thankyou for your interest :)

edit I am terrible at names and I didn't realise. You are one of the developers?

He is one of the Steemit F O U N D E R S !!!

He is the CEO of steemit

I just looked a bit closer at my prepaid 4G service and discovered I can get a 5Gb block at the same price as the 10Gb so I am back up and running.

I am now puzzling over how to find @xeroc's piston.web code, realising that he has already built most of the glue between piston and an interface, and this would cut out a lot of work for me, letting me focus on a frontend, and @leprechaun wants to build a wxwidgets frontend as well, but now I don't know where to find piston.web. halp!

I am writing a wx widgets editor that will post to the block chain. Maybe we should join forces.

In python, right?

It would make a lot of sense - we could share code. Bundle it into the same project, and separate the parts, build a generalised interface glue (with a global variable set by each independent main script) and the common classes we can both work on. Or something like that. Where is your git repo?

I am building up the base framework for multiple frontends. I won't be building wxwidgets or qt frontends, I am just going to put stubs in there that others can add to the master branch.

The git is here:

I should have the beginnings of the interface glue started pretty soon. Please do, if you want to, make branches, and then as they develop, they can be merged into the master branch and the app will become more frontend-agnostic, what gets implemented on the front end will be up to people coming in and building them. I realise also that a web frontend could be integrated into this structure, but since #xeroc is building piston.web (which I can't find the code for now) I will leave that alone, but you can see in the code structure how it could be linked together.

Mute button will not effectively sever the tie between a sociopath and a user. It's a good feature some instances, but doesn't solve the main design issue actually. Thanks for your work for the mute button, as that is part of the solution. I am actually bringing this up now before we have something more insidious to deal with. This is a preventative post. I think most are unaware of the potential problem that could really make headline news.

I think you are exaggerating a bit with how serious it is, since the stalkers' activity is by the nature of the platform publicly visible to anyone who hasn't muted them. Finding who they are for legal proceedings is no less difficult, depending on the user's posts, than it is for the stalker to find the victim offline.

The transparency of this platform certainly of its own, introduces privacy problems, but leaves this issue to the user to manage. The transparency also hurts the power of malicious parties too, and with a working mute button, makes these people more vulnerable to being noticed and vigilantes empowered to work on defusing the threat. This is a more cooperative model, and has many other benefits but for the issue of cyberbullying and stalking, makes such activities potentially very dangerous.

Thank you for your work. Followed & upvoted.

I was on Slack when Stellabelle gave out her home phone number for all (including Earnest) to see. With that, and her real name which she did nothing to protect, the miscreants she claims she worries about would have had no problem finding her. SHE did not consider the safety of her own self.

So, let's cut the crap.

This post has much of the flavor of a spoiled egotist thwarted in her drive to power by others who have worked longer and harder than she.

Empathy is good, solutions are better. I've heard this same for a while, "working on solutions," Your content providers hesitate to speak for fear of absolute loss of any possible future earnings. Steem Power (SP) holders vote using bots is not curation. They don't read the content. So if you can get on that list, you make bucks, if not sorry. An investment of $10,000 doesn't get me any voting SP to speak of. Excellent content providers come and leave, feeling betrayed by your message. I cannot find a good reason to get a content provider to stay here, and I've tried.

I think there can be solutions for the curation issue.

One is to eliminate curation rewards altogether.

Another is to ratelimit votes, and decrease this rate as the number of votes in a period, that is, if a whale has huge voting power, the more their bots vote, the slower their voting gets, diminishing the ability of their bot to win them the voting rewards. This ratelimiting could also throw captchas in that bots can't solve, and when this happens repeatedly, some kind of report can be filed on the blockchain to indicate the user is abusing the voting system, and steadily decrease the votes per time period the more they continue to violate this.

None of that solves the true problem which is attention scarcity. So now less votes happen or there is no incentive for people to vote? The curation reward should remain and just decentralize curation. Whale power can be distributed to minnows who can vote with whale power for a couple days out of the week.

'attention scarcity'. Unfortunately that sounds like the talk of toddlers, I mean, attention has to be won with meritorious behaviour, you don't win an entitlement to it by being born. I don't mean to be so abrasive in saying this, but when the pool of attention is so big, and right at the moment, the system is completely wide open, unsegregated, unsegmented. A solution that might help with the non-monetary element of attention, is having groups. But as far as the money and vote rewards goes, the pool of available rewards is limited by the size of the sum of all members' SP.

To do things any other way makes no economic sense. This is also why this platform makes such a strong appeal to anarcho-capitalists, who unlike these modern liberals or the anarcho-socialist types, believe that society should be regulated by economics and logic, and not the illogical and economically ignorant idea that anyone acquires a share of a scarce resource without doing the work that gets people to pay. Besides the injustice of it, the rewards spread so thin that the incentive towards meritorious behaviour is lost.

One is to eliminate curation rewards altogether.

That doesn't make any sense. How would rewards be tabulated?

Empathy is good, solutions are better.

I agree, what's yours?

As I already said I think posts need to be broadcasted anonymously to the world with absolutely zero details about them, number of votes, dollar amount and author should be hidden from the public and only visible to the author. Only then people will actually upvote the content. Curators don't need any other info but content, everything else is a distraction and have a negative influence.
Once the voting system is unbiased it allows for a fair distribution which means more diversified. Currently what is happening is basically whales creating a second generation of whales. It's like you have the 300 biggest whales giving all their vote to the other 300 whales that will soon be bigger than themselves, whales needs to stop voting for the same stuff everyday. The solution is encrypt author and post details . ( they can be available a few hours before payout for example but should not influence during voting process)

As soon as reputation went in the votes to low reps disappeared.

As I already said I think posts need to be broadcasted anonymously to the world with absolutely zero details about them, number of votes, dollar amount and author should be hidden from the public and only visible to the author.

How do you do that on a blockchain? What about transparency?

Curators don't need any other info but content, everything else is a distraction and have a negative influence.

That's false. From an economic perspective, curators should upvote if they value the post more than its predicted payout (and should downvote otherwise, assuming we didn't have downvotes/flagging tied together). Everything else is just irrational behavior and human bias noise.

Edit: Just for clarity, I'll add that these would be equivalent if content visibility were the same for all blogs, but it just can't be if its ranked in any way. And it needs to be ranked.

It's like you have the 300 biggest whales giving all their vote to the other 300 whales that will soon be bigger than themselves

I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing... inactive whales get a lower share, wealth gets redistributed.

whales needs to stop voting for the same stuff everyday

It's really just a visibility problem combined with low bot competition. As competition grows, bots will become smarter and there will be more author diversity.

Wealth distribution, visibility and content quality are all major problems that will most likely all get sorted out over time. I think the only issue is that it might be too slow of a process for us to scale effectively and make this less of a gambling site and more content quality based. There are some ways we can make this faster, I don't see "encrypting" information as being helpful (quite the contrary actually) or even implementable.

I hope my answers/comments were clear enough, if not I invite you to come discuss those on I'm quite surprised by the amount of support your comment received so I hope I didn't misinterpret your views.

I can offer a brief point about the economics of Synereo. Synereo lets the user have ultimate control, as there is no company such as Steemit who can control certain aspects. It's an attention economy in the pure sense where users can determine for example via social/smart contract: "In order to reach my attention with your communications, you must pay me in arbitrary number of amps". It means amps will definitely have value if people value the attention of valuable people, and because as we know on Steemit how scarce attention is, the economic for Synereo make a lot of sense.

Advertisers would have to buy amps which immediately creates a market for amps. Steemit wants people to buy Steem Power which function similar to amps but amps are much more flexible in how they can be used while Steem Power is sort of fixed in it's place to be used how it's being used and while you can expand the uses of it, it's not as generalized as amps. There is probably more to be said and I'm not an economist, but I do know Dan Larimer has known about Synereo for a long time and the whole attention economy amp model as well, and for his own reasons he decided on the Steem model.

I think because there are some advantages to the Steem model. It's easier to understand Steem. Synereo is way more radical, where nobody really understands the full potential of it, but at this time people fashion it as a Facebook killer. It has potential to be far bigger than Facebook if it can capture users, but because it's so hard to make sense of, and because the interface so far is not intuitive, it's not a guarantee it will be anything.

Core points

The Synereo attention economy treats the human mind as a sacred resource, where attention is the most scarce resource in the human economy. Everything resolves around attention, which makes perfect sense in an information/knowledge economy, but I would guess each person will have attention which has a different value as determined by reputation or something else, and some parts of it are too complicated for me to explain in a single post.

Synereo has user adjusted privacy, may be geared more toward Facebook style communication, may not be a direct competitor to Steemit unless Steemit is trying to evolve into a Facebook rather than a Reddit/Ebay killer. Integration between the two platforms might be a good idea so you can make it easy for a person to make an account on Steemit and use that to copy their profile to Synereo, or from Synereo copy their profile onto Steemit, all blog posts included.


exactly: " by Steemit and from what I can see didn't take attention scarcity into account which explains the issue with curation."

Agreed that for the moment Steem is a firehose, one-size-fits-all.

It doesn't necessarily follow that Synereo has a better solution for maximizing the relevance of attention. I encourage you to read this and this.

Synereo lets the user have ultimate control, as there is no company such as Steemit who can control certain aspects.

False on ultimate control. We can't publish anything, even encrypted, to a group of followers and be guaranteed to remain in control of the information.

We are free to use different clients on the Steem blockchain, not necessarily the Steemit UI. It is true that the Steem blockchain's license does not allow forking.

"In order to reach my attention with your communications, you must pay me in arbitrary number of amps". It means amps will definitely have value if people value the attention of valuable people, and because as we know on Steemit how scarce attention is, the economic for Synereo make a lot of sense.

The Synereo attention economy treats the human mind as a sacred resource, where attention is the most scarce resource in the human economy.

You assume that attention is valuable, but existing advertising targeting has shown attention is not valuable for advertising. I pointed this out many months ago on Bitcointalk, when I analyzed Synereo and decided it would fail.

Our attention is most valuable to ourselves, but the way to monetize this is apparently not via advertising!

That is a crucial point. What makes social networking valuable to the user, is they are in control over what is important to them that which draws them to that activity.

A deep understanding of marketing and technology is necessary to create the mass market product. I've done mass market software two or three times in my career.

Now I am going to do it again.

False on ultimate control. We can't publish anything, even encrypted, to a group of followers and be guaranteed to remain in control of the information.

Strawman. Synereo is user owned, at the level of attention based ownership. Steem is owned by miners, by Steemit and from what I can see didn't take attention scarcity into account which explains the issue with curation.

Our attention is most valuable to ourselves, but the way to monetize this is apparently not via advertising!

Human attention is the last scarce resource in digital society. We all compete for the attention of other people because we recognize how scarce that attention is. Advertisements steal attention and don't pay people anything in exchange and spam is a perfect example.

I see Synereo as more than just a product. It's a Social Computer and it runs on attention as a resource, just as there are other resources like storage, computation and bandwidth.

Strawman. Synereo is user owned

Obviously I was referring to control over what happens to the content we publish.

The Synereo AMP is also a blockchain that is owned by the token holders and/or miners as is the case for Steem.

You are trying to claim that the user has more control in Synereo, but that is far from certain. We can also create different clients to interact with the Steem blockchain. There is no reason one couldn't build a client model that mimicked Synereo's cascade model of content push/pulling, and only put some of the content on the Steem blockchain.

Since you are promulgating vaporware, we can speculate that anything is possible in the future on either system.

Human attention is the last scarce resource in digital society. We all compete for the attention of other people because we recognize how scarce that attention is. Advertisements steal attention and don't pay people anything in exchange and spam is a perfect example.

I see Synereo as more than just a product. It's a Social Computer and it runs on attention as a resource, just as there are other resources like storage, computation and bandwidth.

You've drunk the Koolaid. You'd be kicked out of the venture capitalist's office if that was your explanation of a business model.

You've yet to tell me how you can monetize this nebulous resource you name 'attention'. Or tell me how attention as a resource will translate into a popular activity.

exactly: " by Steemit and from what I can see didn't take attention scarcity into account which explains the issue with curation."

We are free to use different clients on the Steem blockchain, not necessarily the Steemit UI. It is true that the Steem blockchain's license does not allow forking.

Read the licence. I did because I built a witness node. It trademarks the names only.

I mean we aren't allowed by the license fork the Steem blockchain's code.

When kings rule the land and their subjects are busy kissing their feet, both king and subject lose their night vision. Kings who've never lived inside the dragon's mouth can never truly lead the masses who are limping, feverish and bed-ridden.
Attachment based on personal gain has blinded more people than the sun. Follow the sun for it gives energy without expecting a return on its investment.
I have provided the solutions as far as invitation protocols. It is up to the community to decide which design serves their needs the best. Actually, the free market will decide best, and that will happen in the future regardless of my personal opinions.
I am a very patient person, but I do have my limits when months go by without any sort of forward action.
If we cannot speak our minds without fear of flagged whale downvotes, then the platform will implode.

Right on. I hate to say it, but in this, @dantheman is wrong. Downvotes damage the Steemosphere, not benefit it. Shunning is far more powerful than punishment as a social regulation mechanism. I got smacked down by @berniesanders and since I - yes, little minnow me - got the Mute button to actually work, I don't even see his comments anymore, and my screen is now far more productive.

He may have taken my rep down to 10 with him and his gaggle of followers, but ironically, about 30 of them now follow me. Thank God that this behaviour can't diminish your SP. I didn't have much, but I have in the week and a half since this malicious nonsense, I have returned to above the rep score before his 'justice' was dealt, and my SP is now, on the back of only my effort to post good material, already at nearly 2000% of what it was when this brave whale 'set me straight'.

out of curiosity, what post did berniesanders downvote?

You can find it for yourself if you search the blockchain. I called him out for being petty and vindictive in a comment thread. Turned out he was the whale who had voted up what I considered to be a random, insignificant post in my blog, near the beginning. He withdrew his vote, and I was indignant, and it hurt a lot because he did this 2 hours before payout time.. If he had been any kind of decent human being, and not precisely the sad individual that he is, he would have simply ignored me. But instead he acted as petty as I had just literally stated he was behaving.

This started a futile flag campaign on my part, and he flagged me back some more. My reputation fell to 10, but of course, he coud not steal my SP, as pissingly small as it was, I think maybe 6 or so at the time.

In fact, I am very motivated by the desire to eliminate the pernicious influence of such individuals, who not only buy in big on the platform, but think that qualifies them as some kind of curation expert. This is patently wrong, because curators have to be creative people, and certainly not petty and vindictive, small minded bot-operators, using this platform to stroke their wounded little egos. This is teething problems for the platform, in fact. Steemit is labeled 'beta' for a reason - the developers realise that intricate, and compelling mathematical models, have to be tested before they can be considered effective. Either that, or backtested on historical data, which cannot be done for this platform.

I gradually recovered. I wrote another article that won a lot of votes, about my philosophical consolidation after the experience, and from there, I slowly built my reputation up, and wouldn't you know it, because of my efforts to put forward good ideas, I have now caught the attention of the developers, who have already (but subsequent to my posting the ideas) announced they are working on ways to resolve the issues you discuss in this post, and the solutions to which, I have already extensively and comprehensively resolved in my posts, indeed, I didn't just moan with my big SP to much attention the injustice of my own treatment and the behaviour of the individual I called out, that caused this to all start, I picked myself back up, knowing I was right, and continued to publish. I am even now writing code towards this end, and I have acquired the cooperation of who I consider to be the most talented individual developer who is also working towards improving this platform, independently, without begging to some higher power. @xeroc.

I perhaps should be more concerned about hurting egos, but as far as I am concerned, this is precisely contrary to achieving success when you are taking part in a social experiment. The right model has to be found, in sufficient intricacy, that there is no glaring open holes for abusive behaviour to get through the net created by the mechanics of the system.

As I observed in a recent post, I am now even getting so many little vote rewards that any campaign to stop my progress at advancing this platform, would be patently abusive and very bad for the reputations of anyone who has been 'hurt' by my comments. I am building a strong following and I am following through with my ideas and the more I learn in the process, the better my ideas get, and the more precise and effective become my actions.

To give context to this situation, Dan responded to you personally, even offering that we would look into the identity of the offender and disclose that information law permitting, and the entire message thread considered, it appears your quotes are taken out of context.

That's not the way to do it!
You must find solutions that benefits everyone in the platform and not just individuals that after all will not be grateful in the end as it turns out !

Yep there's no doubt about it. We have some good plans for blockchain-based identity I'm looking forward to sharing.

I don't think privacy and security are an issue. I think some people lack the full understanding of block chains and why they work as they do. Transparency is key to the longevity of the platform. Unless steemit starts giving out the info of the Facebook or Google + accounts used to sign up or that information is breached, all we are is a username. I personally would have never given steemit or the steem platform the time of day if things weren't transparent. I want to be able to find out if people are voting up/down posts maliciously. I want to be able to see a clear history of someones stances on topics via their previous posts, comments, and replies. The only thing keeping steemit from becoming the next Facebook or Reddit and manipulating posts and information at will is that it is a public ledger and can be audited by any user at any time. I see plenty of posts with people FUDing the price of steem. It's annoying and not productive, but when they accuse steemit (the account) of manipulating the internal market it gets slanderous. Dan cleared it up quickly, but if people took the time to learn about the platforms and technology they were getting involved in before criticizing things they don't understand, they could have just made the right decision for them and either not gotten involved or educated themselves on these issues before posting. Keep up the good work and don't fret over some users lack of understanding on this topic. I am actually glad I waited to get involved with steem until I took the time to fully understand the dynamics of the vision so that I am not one of the very vocal minority of users that like to spam FUD posts and up vote them to make it look like most of the platform is upset about the price and thinks it's all a big ponzi, which it clearly isn't , no ponzi would ever give people money to start making money. It's pretty sad that you guys are actually trying to help give people options and show them another way of life and they try to shit on you while making money off the platform. Screw that.

Yet we still have gatekeepers known as whales.

The author is not in control of his performance with his readers. This is fundamental error in the design. FUNDAMENTAL! It violates the entire ideological point that authors want to eliminate the gatekeepers.

It is not like the author is getting any other benefit, such as the music author who may be satisfied with the distribution even if not paid.

After watching the video linked, it looks like Synereo is working on a 'tipping' system of rewards. Synereo will definitely have its own problems to face after the launch. I think Synereo is a great concept though and for that reason it could serve as some healthy competition. I would be interested to see where it goes. Their filtering function looks really user friendly for example. I can't wait to see some filtering features here as personally I think that's what we need most to retain our active userbase.

Tipping systems have already been tried in a number of places, and have not lived up to the hype. Stake-weighted voting systems clearly work, as overall, even given the incentive to run vote bots for curation rewards, the quality of what rises to the top is still very good. I also think that over time the equation changes as quality creators maintain their vesting in order to improve both their own rewards as well as to participate more effectively in curation.

I agree. I can't see how you could incentivise users to continue "amplifying" quality posts if only the first few people who leave a tip will gain rewards. The most it costs steemit users is a vote. And unless you are trying to gain curation rewards there is no reason to be stingy with your vote. Since they've been working on Synerio for some time though, I would be very interested to see how they address this. The attention economy is a fascinating concept.

If attention economy does not also weight on stake then it will spread rewards so thin that the benefit of economisation does not exist. Here on on Steem, it is precisely by linking stake and voting power that anyone can even win a big reward at all. This is a simple economic equation that only someone who does not understand economics would think equal vote power is viable.

Actually, I need to correct myself a little. If the 'attention economy' concept works like it does in a democracy, it will grant power to the most manipulative, lowest-common-denominator addressing tricksters. The way that stakes controlling vote power works is that if you have, say, 10% of the share of stake, and your actions cost 1% of the total pool in net losses, you lose 0.1%, whereas the swarms of minnows with only 0.001%, only lose 0.00001%.

Translate that into $100mln total cap. The big stakeholder loses $100,000 from $10mln, the little stakeholders lose $1 from their $100. In proportion, the loss is equal, but I think it is easy to see that the incentive to be good weighs heavier on the bigger stakeholder. For investors, 1% loss is not trivial. For little players, it doesn't hurt nearly so much, especially in a system like this where you can get that little stake from a few weeks of hard work.

No one was interested but this is a decentralized way to let someone a build a content feed now. I don't know how to do it or I would.

I agree, the biggest weakness steemit currently has is the filtering and following limitations. That being said, this is in no way a finished platform and it's only a single part of the steem platform and network as a whole. The devs are actively reading and responding to feedback and hopefully in the end we get an amazing platform that changes the world. If we don't, I won't be wondering what if I had kept my steem powered up (basically staking for longevity). I am not opposed to profiting off steemit by any means, but I am mainly here for the proof of concept and enjoy most of the content created by the user base. If we all continue to point out where we think steemit could be improved, I believe Ned and Dan intend to develop things in that direction. They have no incentive to not promote platform longevity and if they were going for a quick cash out they could have done so already.

I like this idea.

I beat you by 4 days and my concept is more practical, and lays out a route to develop it. And the devs want to talk to me about what I have been proposing. Ok, pardon my gloating. Really, it is unseemly.

In fact I have been saying since my whale-smackdown, that user-customisable filtering is the critical ingredient that will solve the biggest problems on Steem at the moment.

I really don't think its flawed as I stated above, lets say you get 500 votes and 490 are from minnows those minnows have no weight value so you wont get much in $ but if you get 50 votes and they are all with much higher weight lets say over 5,000 steem power of course your going to get more $. That is the way i see it. the weight of the vote is what matters. not how many votes.

Why should it be that way other than to benefit the founders and whales? It sure means that only the chosen can actually curate.

Hi @ned

Regarding @stellabelle's first issue, I am not 100% sure what she is looking to have fixed. Is it that she doesn't want someone who is harassing her to be able to contact her at all via Steemit? Assuming this is it, would it be possible to implement a "block" feature, which would prevent a user from being able to comment or reply to anything you post? That would go a long ways in preventing the type of harassment I think she is describing. The harassing person could still create a new account, but that gets into an area where there is not much that can be done on an anonymous public form like Steemit. She could at least keep blocking new accounts any time they came up.

Also, you mentioned "turning Steemit from a blockchain-site into a thriving and personalized social media site". I am really excited to see what you all have in the works! :) If you have a minute to check it out, I have been working on a project similar to your FAQ initiative, except on the UI development side. I assembled a list of most of the 'popular' features that the community has been asking for. Would it be of value for me to continue working on this, or do you all already have what you need as far as this goes? (post here)

Block could be a great feature. Nice point.

Thanks 😀

Well you finally got wind of my block suggestion, but hope you realize some features are impossible in a decentralized system.

Instead of being able to block specific users from posting a comment that references a blog post (which I think alternative clients would find a way to subvert anyway, by embedding data, i.e. bottom-up supply & demand will drive features not top-down desires), the correct way to design such a feature is probably to allow the blog author to mark specific comments and/or usernames, which clients can optionally agree to hide. Again all power must remain with the individual users and no blog author should (nor in theory can!) be able to block a user from posting a comment.

mute already does this.

mute already does this.

No it doesn't give the blog author the power to recommend to readers a blocklist for his/her blog posts.

The solution is clearly outlined in the Synereo model with invitation protocols. I speak for many besides myself and I clearly pointed out the Steemit design flaw. As far as redesigning Steemit, I think if Steemit doesn't adopt an invitation protocol of some sort, its user base will decline. A re-thinking of Steemit's structure is what I am suggesting. The free market will point to most desirable direction, though. I am pointing out a superior design that is attractive to users. If users' needs are not met, they will look for alternatives. In time, we will understand better which system is desirable.

So you want it so that instead of being a public forum where any user can read and comment on anything, you only interact with people you have 'let in'? That would be a very different type of platform than what we have today. I don't know if the majority of Steemians would even want that. Personally, I like the way it is setup, where you can interact with whoever you want.

There is no way to prevent users from posting comments about anything to the block chain. Even if we establish a protocol to do that, developers can find ways to embed data and subvert it.

Synereo perhaps attempts to restrict data distribution to coteries by not putting all the data on a globally accessible blockchain. But even then, we can't control what others in our coteries choose to do with the data we've shared with them, i.e. they can distribute it outside our coterie. The only plausible way to prevent people from talking about you on a social network is to create obscure identities. Once you are a public figure, then people will talk about you and there is nothing you can do to stop this. We can have a feature in which a blog author offers a recommended block list, but each reader's client program will be free to ignore it.

For those users who are not widely known, then I guess Synereo's local storage of data has the advantage that not all data can be easily found by anyone on a global blockchain. So individual privacy may be improved (at least if not w.r.t. to the NSA).

However it has the disadvantage that new readers can't just discover and browse. I've read that Medium has 20,000 weekly active bloggers serving 25 million readers.

We can simulate Synereo's private coteries on a public global blockchain by employing broadcast encryption.

*to some users. I love that Steemit offers complete transparency. If this was just another social media platform where you could block everyone you disagreed with or anyone who offended and hurt your feelings, well... then I'd go back to Facebook.

But you can mute anyone you don't like. It even actually hides there posts, most of the time now. These features will be refined. I am building a python based native app, currently, and it will have block features, I have some ideas about toting up upvotes to determine a secondary ranking for other users that will work as a 'most trusted' filter/sort order, and I will build a simple blockchain for making groups.

I have also proposed a groups name blockchain system, though, since I have already shared this with the Devs, they may add it to the system core, yet. I also have a design for decentralising a chat system, that works like a lower latency version of Bitmessage, so there is no central server, and nodes pass messages around, and delete them after they expire, some reasonable amount of time like a day or so.

Social features are coming. The rocketchat here, it was put in because it is a feature that is needed, but getting it properly integrating, first the core has to be perfected.

This is also, why I say, and will continue to say, Steem is a DAO. We are its shareholders, according to our SP, we have every opportunity to add whatever we want, in fact, we can even contribute changes to the Blockchain and Website code as well, and if the Devs and most senior witnesses agree, it gets integrated. The Devs aren't at all in the position of dictators, their decisions have to be ratified by the biggest shareholders as well, the Witnesses, and can to some extent be shot down by Whales. This exact decision-making process might change but it will only get better, I'm sure. Ultimately if it goes very wrong, the platform will be forked, rebranded, and the people who go there, will determine whether it succeeds or not, if the other way of running it turns out to be more effective.

But I think @ned and @dantheman are smart guys, and will keep this thing moving until it becomes fully stable and autonomous, and once it is in full release, refinements like this may still emerge later on. The simple fact is that this is like a corporate shareholder board, and this works in regular companies very well. The difference is that anyone can get a tiny share and join the discussion, and how the funds disbursed within the system are spent, or invested, is entirely the choice of the shareholders as they are allocated these resources. The real success of Steem, will be all about people realising that it's a perfect place to invest money, a great system for accounting, a marketing and communication platform, and any profitable activity can be integrated into it, to gain the benefits of a very big pool of resources, and allocated more or less depending on the opinion of the other shareholders.

I haven't had to use Mute but I have read that it doesn't actually block the offender.. the offender can still make their presence felt to the person being harassed. Can a proper block not be implemented?

Your team have good work. I know, that's hard to make system like steemit and need a lot of energy and time to realize it. I understand about stellabellae opinion, mostly I think steemit depend on existence of whale. This is one of minus valued in steemit (I think). But anyway Ned, you have great idea with making steemit. Sorry if there are many bad grammar and vocabulary, I am not native speaker. Nice :)

I think with my tiny first impression; if one major aim of steemit is to reduce abuse, a tangible step was already taken with the Facebook sign up form of authentication. Plus the optional method of signing up with a Reddit account that has good standing

@ned can you please add an option to hide or reveal wallet, what in the world i want to show how much i invested in this project? u putting peoples life in to risk, no long ago a person was forced to give 15k worth of btc selling them in local bitcoins, big sp holders are targets already, please consider to add reveal or hide wallet option.