The BBC staged an event in Syria to manufacture consent for war, yet I am forced to pay £147 a year to pay for it !

in #syria7 years ago (edited)

On the 29th of August 2013 the UK House of Commons was preparing to vote on possible military action in Syria. By sheer coincidence, at the very same time as the vote was being conducted, the televisions in parliament were broadcasting the BBC News at Ten which included a report that a Syrian fighter jet (the BBC refers to them as war planes) had dropped a bomb on the playground of a Syrian school.

The report contained distressing and harrowing scenes of children seemingly in pain with their skin peeling off due to the effects of whatever has been allegedly dropped by the Syrian air force.

If not for the outstanding work and tenacity of one man named Robert Stuart, the BBC would have in all likelihood gotten away with what can only be described as a complete and deliberate fabrication, designed to manufacture consent for war.

I suppose you could say that the BBC actually have gotten away with it, because they are still broadcasting disgusting war propaganda about Syria and other nations while at the same time completely failing to report on other events which they would prefer the British public were not aware of, such as the way the British government are helping the Saudi's bomb Yemen by supplying bombs and intelligence.

I cannot recommend highly enough, Robert's website, which is absolutely filled with devastating evidence that has been meticulously gathered and curated, that proves without a shadow of a doubt that the entire event purported to have taken place on the 26th of August in Aleppo, Syria was completely staged using actors, fake blood and makeup.

Not only has Robert documented in great detail how the BBC carried out their staged event but he has spent years writing to the BBC, attempting to speak to the people involved in producing the report and even today continues to push for some acknowledgment by the BBC that they deliberately lied to the people in the UK and the world so that the UK could wage war on Syria.

You could easily spend a good few hours looking at the evidence presented by Robert and still not get through it all. He really has done a real service by getting everything together in one place.

To give you a little taster of how ridiculous the BBC report was, here are a couple of gifs of scenes from the report.

These people appear to be convulsing in agony, on cue. Check out zombie man at the start.

This little boy nods to someone off camera before turning back and resuming his act.

Don't take my word for this. These gifs really are the tip of a very big iceberg. Take a good look at his site or if you want Robert to do the work of bringing everything together for you, watch his 1hr 20 minute presentation below.

The levels that the powers that should not be (PTSNB) will go to, to ensure they get their way seemingly know no bounds.

Thanks to people like Robert Stuart who expose the likes of the BBC, maybe, just maybe, Syria will survive and not face the same fate as countries like Libya before it.

Thanks for reading.
