The next prophetical event for SYRIA in these End Times is for its capital, Damascus, to be destroyed.
Today's Headline News confirm the nearness of this foretold event and its timely readiness to occur with all other Bible prophecies which are lined up now.
It will take place either 'just before' the 7 Year Tribulation begins or 'right after' it begins.
If it were to occur 'after' the Tribulation period begins then Damascus' destruction would occur in close timing, if not at the very same time, with Israel's near-future destroying of Russia's military forces from the north on Israel's own mountains which clearly occurs 'after' the Tribulation period begins.
Either way, Damascus' existence is about to SOON become non-existent. This could occur by either Israel's air force strike, or by the USA or even be bombed by the SYRIAN Rebel-citizens themselves, among other possible ways.