@wehmoen @alicekennedy @starrysnow
@pennywisedawise @tarynq @kiimayer @qconsciousness @spirit-Admetos @wokemobile @seeleesea11 @invsecactof1951 @brianburns @ibor @quantum17 @binbash @lasmokanostra @whatonearthq17 @alicekennedy @krishunter @dalec369 @memeteam17 @pauljosiesavill @newparadigmtt @iq187 @txgodmotheriii @hivebuzz @steampunkmedia @steempress @steampeak @delso @lynds @steemityourway @truthstreammedia @steem-plus @fulltimegeek @frankbacon @franksComs @greatgaribaldi @envisible @q42 @littich @qxpat @exodesigns @digitalsoldier17 @ahough1706 @awakeninggreatly @fishface @forthesamuel @helloall2317 @indigosoul58 @isaacawesomov @jameswwg1wga @kristinaavalon @metatronscube @piriglion101 @roejanfootball @thadrake @ciefurhunk @davidnv2000 @drwaffles @ghostshell101 @key2truth @mb123 @mishelle1974 @realitymatrix @shelbie @travis.ebarb @wokemobile @austinsteinbart
THIS is not Social Networking...
Its SECURED Networking!
I love eggs - metaphorically speaking.
even this is considered Engaging
Thanks for the PR!
That omelet wasn't perfect - he used a teflon frying pan which poisons everything that goes in it, and the butter he used was nearly white, so it was poor quality butter...
Perfection is a big claim.
I agree with the critique. Anyone can claim anything on the internet... so it's buyer beware, which is the same disclaimer I use for writing fiction here on HIVE.
I was mostly interested in the saying about what it takes to make an omlette in general... gotta start n by breaking a few things
I must admit I'm watching with my jaw hanging open at what I think is going to happen in America next month - eggs will be flying all over the place I suspect