I used to be well known for my contests. Quick 24 hour challenge.
When walking around the house one day.
I noticed this crazy phenomenon.
I used a cell phone to snap this photo.
I used no filters or editing devices to manipulate the photo. I did crop it to remove things in the background. I will show the uncropped photo when the contest is over.
Some clues are that it has something to do with light, so naming a light source is advisable.
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-Make a comment describing how this occurred.
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Did you ever find something random like this?
Be specific! the closest answer wins!
If someone guesses what it is, I will consider their comment a winner!
The prize is 10 SBD
The contest runs for 24 hours from initial posting.
Your entry should look something like this...
Good Luck
previous contests
Contest from May 15th
and the winner
Contest from May 12th
and the the winner
Thanks for taking the time to play!
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It could be the sunlight coming through a window, when hitting the glass it produces this shape. reflected on a wooden door.
I think its a photography of uncover wooden block which you caught wne some light is falling on it like this.
But i think you are asking about the rings appearing on the wooden surface. These rings are called as ANNULAR rings. These rings are formed due to seasonal variations. In one season the tree stores food materials and resins in abundance with a dark ring and following a starving season with a thin ring.
These are helpful in estimating the age of the tree. This study is known as dendrochronology.
I think it's a glass with water, when the light hits it makes that kind of refraction. Very similar this image.

A mi me parece que es la luz proveniente de una lampara con rendijas que le da esa forma
Entry: I think its sunlight coming through the window and then being reflected of from a body of water giving the wave effect on the wooden floor.
Entry : i think this is light in the church room.
that is the reflection of the flash of your phone when you focus it on a circular base (some type of iron or alunminio) of some table or chair, that reflection goes to the wooden floor and there you have that image of round light, on one side of the photo you can see another base or leg of another piece of furniture, maybe one similar to the one you used for the photo
Ah, you found the iron round thing. Extra points. Honorable mention though.
Looks like wood flooring, maybe oak or some sort of hard maple... the ring like pattern is probably from light that shines out out of the bottom of a lampshade and gets reflected off that wood floor.
Yes, this happen to me once too. When I was taking a picture the light from the source was directly on the camera lens. Because of the dispersion the light breaks and the formation of rings happen. This is due to the splitting of light when it hits the lense which act like prism and the picture becomes surrounded by the ripples of different wave length.
You will be surprised. The answer is coming soon.
I think this is the light of a lamp hitting a coffee table through an empty wine glass
An aquarium
what we see is a wooden floor... you used your cellphones' flashlight through magnifying lenses ...the light go through the lenses gives us this effect!!!
My entry : Well I think it's when light falls on a cylindrical wooden area, most probably the bed side table or the cylindrical block we have in the lobby of the house .
I think this is the reflection of a light bulb on the wooden floor, it is called light refraction and the circular waves are due to the cylindrical shape of the light bulb
I really don't know what it is exactly but all I know is that's it's the reflection of light on a polished surface
I think it was a room light table
I think that painting is exposed to reflected light.
Obviously you took a picture of the floor of your home by placing you phone before a glass surface. i.e cup or before a highly transparent curved material.
My entrance:
My entrance:
I think that it is the light of a lantern reflected in a glass object, close to the wooden floor there is the circular effect.
Really close, but it was the sun.
is when you put your finger to the camera
Ese fenómeno se observa cuando un rayo de luz incide en el agua dentro de un envase de vidrio cilindrico. La luz se difracta hacia el piso, en este caso el piso es de madera.
This phenomenon is observed when a ray of light hits the water inside a cylindrical glass container. The light is diffracted toward the floor, in this case the floor is made of wood.
I think this picture is the refraction of a glass of water placed on a wooden floor. The source of light would be a flashlight which could be the conventional type or from a phone.
My entry:
It seems the reflection of the sun coming through a window crashing into the door of a closet, the sun's rays hitting the paint of the wood form phenomenal shapes
Really close!
a bulb and a curved wooden surface
I think this is a wooden floor, and the light is coming in from a window
You Are Right! But I went with the one who described the other aspects of the photo.
Entry: It is wooden floor
You Are Right! But I went with the one who described the other things in the photo.
se nota que es la luz del sol junto con el flash del celular interrumpido por un objeto circular que se refracta sobre un piso de parquet de madera. que hace que se vea ese tipo de fenómeno
Realize the same effect with a glass of empty glass and the natural light of the sun that enters through the door of my house, use the table of the pc that is of a material that resembles the wood, I think that your surface is the same, it is not wood as such, so it was something similar to what I do, I attach the two photos for the effect
I had to read this one twice. Really close.
Entry: I think it is refraction of light around the wall lamp which might be above this picture
La verdad si parece el reflejo de un bombillo en un piso de madera, grandioso concurso amigo suerte para todos :D
It a refraction light in a wooden place
I take the opportunity to wish you a great day
great slogan dear friend @htooms, that is the reflection of the light on your bedside table in your bedroom.
It has something to do with tempered glass. That part is right and the wood part is right.
Entry: I think this is the reflection of light on something spherical glass on the parquet. A similar thing happens at my grandfather's house:) It's very nice to see and if you pay attention you can see the colors of the rainbow
I think u made a picture of a furniture , the light reflecting is from your bulb connected to the ceilling.
My entry : i think this is a very beautiful picture when viewed with a full (original),
but this is a contest about light shining even at night.
Entry: I guess it is a lantern with a candle and curved glass sides. The lantern sets on wooden tiles. The only source of light in the place is the candle.
I think it's the floor with the lights ..
Entry: i think it is a reflection of light coming from a torch facing down.
I think this is any side of wooden board table with having sun reflection on it.

Your entry is almost the exact picture I had taken (soon to be seen). Missed in distance and table construction.
It was the attic of the house and the light beside her made the light ..
Reflection of a lamp on a wooden floor. \o/
Missed on the light source.
This looks like the inside of a wooden cabinet, with the reflection of light.
It's a glass of water refracting the sunlight over a wooden floor.
Edit: I know most people will say reflection but that is not what reflection is, it is called refraction.
Yes, refraction is the right word. You also got the sunlight and the floor part. I think I passed you by because of the subject "a glass of water"
All in all, great guess.
I think that a lamp fell off a table and on the screen of the lamp is reflected on the floor
This is quite a hard one ,
I’ve been trying to figure this out but it’s kinda hard
Well I’d say , it’s a refracted ray of a torchlight passed through a class of water
Input: I think this is: (product of a painting on the wall and the reflection of light, directly towards it, makes the contrast on the floor.) Providing the beautiful reflection that we appreciate)

You missed on the painting part. I posted the zoomed out pictures. The light actually went through the glas kitchen table top lengthwise and reflected downward.
Great picture though. Thanks for participating.
Entry: I think this is from the sun shining through a glass of water.
It a refraction light in a wooden place